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.‘This is my husband, Huw,’ she said with a tinge of disappointment.‘Huw, put the poster in the front window and perhaps Mrs Ryder will make us a cup of tea while we do they survey?’Leah was a bit shocked by the imposition but the husband was filling the hallway and she was feeling an almost claustrophobic requirement to move into more space.She was also unsure if even in her own house she possessed the strength to refuse the woman, so she found herself leading the way to the kitchen while the husband veered off into the front room, unrolling the poster.He really was a big man, stooping habitually as he passed through the frame of the door, although there would have been a couple of inches clearance.He struck Leah as being somewhat rustic with his attire and rugged features, but maybe it was just his accent that formed her impression.He was of indeterminate age, perhaps mid-forties if the few grey hairs were anything to go by, and probably a little older than his wife.Clearly though, she ruled the roost.She seemed to exude strength and confidence like it was bursting from her pores, and that was why she was so reminiscent of Miss Pierce, and almost certainly why she was involved in the world of politics.The woman chatted away amiably while the tea was made, steadfastly ignoring her questionnaire and instead airing her views on the shortfalls of government policy and the downturn in the standard of living.Leah was finding it all rather stimulating, not however because of the words being said but because of her inability to push the images of this woman as Miss Pierce from her mind.It was the round bottom and large breasts that did it, and the way they stretched her smart clothes as if wanting to burst through.Leah knew that as soon as the woman left, if time permitted, she would definitely head straight upstairs to the bedroom and her vibrator.It was an odd feeling having a local politician in your kitchen and being desperate for them to leave, not out of boredom, but out of an overwhelming urge to fantasise about them.Leah dragged her eyes off the woman’s bosom as Huw came into the kitchen, took his tea and stood quietly in the corner to drink it.He offered no comment but the woman continued anyway, as if he wasn’t there.‘It’s the thin end of the wedge, isn’t it?’ she was saying, although Leah hadn’t been listening so she wasn’t sure which thin wedges she was being asked to comment on.She instead offered an all-encompassing answer that seemed to fit in with the general tone:‘Well, none of us know what’s round the corner do we?’‘That’s very true,’ the woman nodded sagely, ‘except our Huw, here.He reads palms, don’t you Huw? He can tell the future.’The man mumbled into his tea but didn’t get to see his wife’s sarcastic expression.‘Go on - give Mrs Ryder an insight into your powers.’The man stood slowly shaking his head, trying to ignore her, but she kept up her badgering, rather excessively considering she was obviously sceptical of his abilities.In the end, out of sheer exasperation the man relented, put down his mug and crossed over to Leah.He absolutely dwarfed her, being at least a foot taller and twice as wide.He softly asked her to hold out her hands, palm up, and he held her fingertips lightly as he bent forward to study the lines.Mrs Davies walked over too, throwing out another disparaging comment as Huw’s brow furrowed in concentration.Leah didn’t really know what to say but felt oddly at ease now that the big man had a hold on her, however light his touch.She waited patiently for his words, bowing to the authority of his size and apparent wisdom.Mrs Davies moved in closer from the right and Leah suddenly caught the flash of silver in her periphery and then the cold slap of metal at her wrists.Her instinct to pull away was beaten by the sudden strengthening of the grip on her fingers, and she stood in shock looking at the handcuffs now securing her.As the adrenalin started to unload through Leah’s belly and limbs, Mrs Davies stepped in, her finger coming up vertically to the captive’s lips as a sign for silence.‘Your future is looking very bleak unless you do exactly as I say,’ she hissed, the sternness etched into every feature of her face, making Leah quake.‘We are kidnapping you, so all you have to do is stay quiet, do as we say and pray your husband does his part.Can you do that? Can you stay quiet for us?’Leah was shaking too much to speak.Mrs Davies came closer and leant in until their bodies touched.The bosom that had been so much on Leah’s mind was now squashing into her own, and she could feel the soft push of the woman’s soft crotch against the back of her hand.The stern expression softened and the hands came up to rest on Leah’s arms.It was almost tender.If it wasn’t for the fact the woman had just cuffed her, Leah might have thought she was about to be seduced.‘Are you going to stay quiet for us? I’ll have to gag you otherwise.’Mrs Davies was speaking softly now in her sing-song accent but Leah was still rendered speechless, the sobs in her throat blocking every attempt to answer.The woman shrugged and Leah felt the hands slide down her arms onto her waist and then rest at her hips.The woman then dropped to her knees, so that her face was level with Leah’s crotch, while her hands ever so gently continued their descent over the hips and outer thighs, sensitive even with the covering of her skirt.The hands stopped at Leah’s knees, just below her hemline, and traced tickling circles over the skin there.Then the hands were slowly ascending again, on the outside of the thighs, but this time inside the skirt so that the fingertips touched bare flesh.The woman continued her slow upward progress until she reached the top of the hips, with her fingers resting over the thin strands of fabric at the sides of Leah’s underwear.Leah felt the woman’s thumbs go inside the strands and she knew instantly that her knickers were coming off.The woman maintained her eye contact, smiling all the while as she peeled the knickers slowly down.Leah could do nothing except feel her own chest heave uncontrollably and almost comically with her panicked sobs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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