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.“She hasn’t worked since college.If marrying millionaires was an art-form, she’d be a master.”“And you’re sure she’d welcome this responsibility full-time? I mean, doesn’t she have to do fund-raisers or something?”“Fundraisers are usually night-time affairs.She took care of my sister’s son until they moved to Nashua—and she misses it.In an emergency I can take the child to work with me.Our director has two kids and they come with her occasionally.”“Don’t you work in an animal shelter?”“Yes.Can you imagine any kid not loving to spend a few hours there?”Ethan chuckled.“How do I know you won’t just put the kid in a cage?”She slapped his arm.“Ethan Cox! How dare you think that of me?”He chuckled.“I was kidding.I know you’d make a great mother, but you really should think of other options.”“What other options are there?”“How about adoption or hiring a surrogate?”“Did you not hear the part about pregnancy helping my endometriosis? Besides, I want a pregnancy story.I want to go through the months of anticipation and preparation.I want to relate to every female that’s had children when it comes up in conversation—and it comes up a lot with women.More importantly, I want to love and raise my own child from conception to college.”“You mean you want to keep him in line with the ‘I spent fifteen long hours in labor with you’ story.”She laughed.“That’s not bad as a last resort either.”“I’m really not interested in marriage and kids, Brigit.”“I know.” She smiled slyly.“We could never get married.I’d want to hyphenate names and my last name is Love.”Ethan took a second, then burst out laughing.“Love-Cox.”“See?” She said, grinning.He shook his head, still chuckling.“Well, there you go.We can’t possibly get married.”“Which is why you’re perfect,” she reiterated.He snorted.“I’m so far from perfect I can’t even see it from here.”“Hey, I’m not perfect either.You know where I spent the ten years right after high school don’t you? Follywood.”“Don’t you mean Hollyweird?”“LA is plenty weird, but I call it Follywood because so many young hopefuls spend their best years waiting tables and hoping for the big break that never comes.”“I can’t believe you didn’t make it.You’re incredibly beautiful.Sorry, if I’m stating the obvious.Were you a terrible actress?”She laughed.“I took acting lessons.Plenty of them.I even landed a couple of coveted tampon commercials.”“Coveted?”She grinned.“You’d be surprised at the jobs you’ll take when you’re poor.Besides, you never know who might be seeing that commercial, maybe a casting director who wants a specific type.Unfortunately, they all said I looked too much like Elizabeth Taylor.”“How could that possibly be a bad thing?”“They said they already had a Liz Taylor and didn’t want another one.Just like you don’t see hundreds of Marilyn Monroes on TV.An icon is too hard to live up to.And by the way, the only acting I was terrible at was acting like I’d do anything for a movie part—because I wouldn’t.”“Have you thought of taking an acting job at the Seacoast Repertory Theater? I hear they’re paid professionals.”“I have, but I’m trying to get away from that world.I want a simple life, Ethan.Working with animals and raising a child.”“I admire your honesty.You’re upfront and I appreciate that.It must not have been easy.”She smiled.“I knew I could trust you.Thank you for hearing me out.”He shook his head.“I just don’t think I’m the right man for the job, Brigit.”Then a nasty possibility occurred to her and she slapped a hand over her mouth.“You don’t have any serious diseases do you?”“No! Not that I know of.Physically, I’m healthy.”“Whew.That’s all I care about.If you think you’re screwed up because of a few bad decisions in the past, welcome to the human race.I don’t need to know about any of that stuff.I think you’re a good man and a dear friend.I’ve always liked you, Ethan.I wouldn’t ask anyone else.”“So, you’re saying it’s up to me to say ‘yes,’ or your dream won’t happen at all.”“Correct.”“No pressure,” he mumbled.* * * *He sat in his kitchen with his hands wrapped around his coffee mug, and ruminated for about the fiftieth time.She had left him with, ‘Just think about it.Please.’ Being in the same coven, they’d see each other every full moon anyway.She’d said he could take his time deciding and let her know whenever he was ready.He had asked her if she could look at the father of her child once a month and see just another witch.She’d said, ‘I’ll see you as a friend, fellow witch and coven member, who did me a solid favor.If I ever have to name the father, I can use your witch name—Aubrey.But I’ll never ever give anyone your real name.I just ask you to let the idea percolate a bit.’That was little comfort.Everyone in the coven knew his witch name, but he supposed it would be hard to track him down if the person looking wasn’t in the Coven.Ethan had spent days thinking about this crazy idea.He’d been called in to work a few times, but not as much as he would have liked.It seemed as if work was the only place he could escape the picture of Brigit’s beautiful body next to his—skin to skin.His took a sip of his lukewarm coffe.He seemed to forget to drink it when his mind took over and played out all possible scenarios.Brigit would make a wonderful mother.He’d always respected the way she held herself.She had self confidence that was completely devoid of any arrogance.And she was intelligent.Her spells seemed competent and effective, and yet she could laugh at herself too.Follywood.A lot of witches were way too serious.But would she be laughing if she couldn’t achieve her goal of motherhood? Would they remain friends if he performed and she didn’t get pregnant? He didn’t even know if his swimmers would get the job done.He’d always used a condom and often the women he dated used birth control too.He’d tried so hard not to get a woman pregnant, he didn’t even know if he could.After spinning his mental wheels for a few days, Ethan decided he needed to talk to a trusted friend.Someone who could see the situation from his angle and would tell him the truth.There were only two men he could think of who understood their Wiccan values.Dru and Keith [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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