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.He was an independent contractor, but he promised to prioritize her projects above anyone else's to help get her new firm off the ground.In Lara's Dark Horse Renovation folder on her computer there were now ten residential projects in various stages of transformation.She was much busier than she anticipated, but happy that her business had such a successful launch.No doubt Eliot Stone's assistance was responsible for her immediate success.She had been invited to every soiree at his mansion and he introduced her to many potential clients, always showering her with compliments making her blush.She would be stopping by his estate today to view the renovation she was heading up there.It was her number one project at the moment, very large in scope and challenging for two reasons.First, the house was built in 1925, so it had issues to address because of its age.But secondly, the project was challenging because Eliot Stone was her former employer and a trusted friend.One who Ben detested, but she needed to keep a professional relationship with him for business reasons.After Ralph gave her a tour of the Farrington place, Lara pulled him aside."Have you heard a lot of noise from the house next door?" Ralph leaned toward Lara, "Funny you should ask…the crew and I watched a very loud argument take place on the back porch today…it was the father and daughter.They're a well-to-do family from Pakistan, I think.Strict theology, if you know what I mean." Lara was immediately concerned, "What exactly happened?" Ralph shook his head, "We didn't want to get involved…but I think the father was upset because his daughter has a boyfriend.We saw him hit her several times.It looked like she was getting slapped around pretty badly." Lara's face took on an expression of alarm, "Ralph, we've got to report this…it’s a physically abusive situation…" Ralph shook his head, "I've been in Iraq, Lara.This is how these folks live.The father runs the show.The women are beaten into submission.And, if the women go against anything the father wants, they will pay for it.It's a different culture." Lara countered, "I know it's a different culture, but these people chose to live in America and we have laws against that sort of cruelty."Lara couldn't stop thinking about a young woman being abused and no one doing anything about it.She immediately called Randall Bettencourt when she got back into her vehicle.Lara simply said, "We need to talk…" His voice was soft but serious on the other end of the phone, "Stop by the station, I'm here right now finishing up some paperwork." Lara drove to the police station to talk with Bettencourt.She planned to go to Eliot Stone's to check on the renovation progress after reporting the incident to the police.~ Ben ~On the phone with Claire, his realtor, Ben was adamant about seeing two properties as soon as possible.One was a twelve acre farm about twenty minutes outside of Portland.And, he found a small bungalow for sale or lease in Portland that would be perfect for Lara's renovation business.The bungalow was in a good location and he knew it would sell quickly."Okay, Claire, when can I get in to see the place?" Ben's tone was insistent.There was a brief silence on the other end of the line as the realtor viewed her schedule."Let me make a phone call and get right back to you, okay Ben?" He agreed and ended the call.Five minutes later he picked up the ringing phone, "Hey Ben, I can meet you at the farm today at 1:00 and you can see the bungalow for Lara at 2:00…how's that for efficiency?" Ben thanked her and hung up.He sent a text to Lara letting her know he was off on an errand, but didn't say exactly what it was.It was a warm sunny day and he opted for a short sleeve T-shirt and light cotton pants.Revving the Indian motorcycle, he slipped his helmet and goggles on and coasted down the main road heading in the general direction of the farm.As he enjoyed the breeze whipping around him, he suddenly felt a twinge of regret for not bringing Lara along on the excursion.Chastising himself, he knew being married involved decision making with his new wife.Respect.He didn't just want it to be a word he used when taking an inventory of his feelings for Lara, it was something he truly felt for her.He stopped on the edge of the road and sent another text to his new wife, "Can you go with me on this errand?" She messaged back, "I'm with Bettencourt at the station…and I have an appointment after this." He sent a final text, "OK see you for dinner," then, continued on his journey to the farm on the outskirts of Yarmouth Maine.Claire, the realtor, met Ben in the gravel driveway and he slowly walked through the farmhouse with her.Claire was an older woman with substantial knowledge and experience.As he did with any project, Ben asked questions to gain as much information as possible."What year was this built?" Ben asked Claire.She read from her iPad, "1940…and it does need work, but there are four bedrooms, Ben, that's what you wanted." Ben examined the exposed beams throughout and immediately liked the simple feel of the place.It was utilitarian in design.The kitchen was almost completely original with an antique wood-burning cook stove, which Ben found charming, but he surmised Lara would want to renovate.The large attached barn and screened side porch were of interest.He imagined Lara lingering on the screened porch on a warm summer night reading in a porch glider.He took great care going through every room and examined the barn with particular interest.It would be the perfect place to stash his equipment and lock it down."How much would they be willing to take for this place, bottom line?" he asked Claire with a serious tone."Not a penny less than $750,000." Ben hesitated as he performed a mental calculus factoring in Lara's potential renovation."It's a possibility…" he exhaled and smiled at Claire, "Let me talk with Lara about it.I'm pressed for time.Let's see the other property."Ben followed Claire to the bungalow located in town near the university where he taught.As Ben walked through the two-bedroom bungalow he immediately realized it would be perfect for Lara's renovation business.The 1918 Craftsman with stained glass and oak woodwork and built-ins retained its original features.He knew Lara would love it.It had formerly been utilized by a nutrition counselor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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