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.The next thingJoam knew, his cock was enveloped in the hot wetness of Blake's mouth, his lips andtongue working his cock into a frenzy.Joam leaned back against the tile under the showerhead and watched the waterstream over Blake's head and down his back.He remembered leaning against the coldmetal of the little shower stall in the back of Higgs's garage, the tepid water tricklingover his body as he jerked off to a fantasy in his mind.So much had changed in such ashort time.Joam reached down and ran his fingers through Blake's hair as he thrust his hips,driving forward into the heat and the suction.Blake was his fantasy boy come to life.Joam was a varnal; there was no changing that.Somehow, he'd find a way to stay withBlake and keep him safe at the same time.Blake swallowed Joam to the root, and Joam's fingers dug into his hair as instincttook over and he fucked Blake's mouth.His whole world became heat and wet, and hewas thrusting, pumping, driving toward that ultimate destination.Blake cradled his balls with one hand and then slid one soapy finger betweenJoam's ass cheeks.Joam gasped and spread his legs wider.The finger slipped into hishole with no resistance.Joam loved the feel of it there.He was going to come anysecond now.As soon as Blake crooked his finger and hit that magic spot inside.Blake must have known it, because he pulled off Joam's cock as he turned hisfinger and stroked it up the wall of Joam's channel.When he made contact with thatspot, white fire raced up Joam's spine and outward.His cock, so certain of itsdestination a moment before, now bobbed helplessly, its oversensitized flesh throbbingwith arousal.All Joam could do was hang on and pant, trusting that Blake knew what he wasdoing.A second finger joined the first, turning, twisting, and scissoring, gently12Jessica Freelystretching and relaxing tight muscles, preparing him.Now Joam was glad Blake hadstopped sucking him.He wanted to come with Blake inside him.Before long, Blake stood and turned Joam so that he faced the showerhead.“You're too tall for me standing.Here.” He reached outside the shower and grabbedsome towels and laid them down on the bottom of the tub.“Kneel on your hands andknees on those.”Joam's whole body thrummed with the need to be taken.He did as Blake said.Thehot spray of the shower pelting his back was like a thousand kisses on his skin.Anempty condom packet floated past him on the currents moving around the towels, anda moment later, Joam felt lube-coated fingers stroking his entrance, followed by theblunt head of Blake's cock.This was only the second time Joam had been penetrated by a man.A little threadof fear snaked through him, but his desire was stronger.He pushed back and felt the tipof Blake's penis enter him, opening him up.Blake rested one hand on Joam's hip; the other stroked his back.“Easy.It's okay.”Joam nodded.“Please,” he managed to choke out past the desire filling his throat.“I want you to.”Slowly, Blake pushed forward, sliding into Joam by increments.He was so big, hestretched Joam wide open, wider than Joam would have thought possible.The feelingwas scary, exciting, painful, and unbearably erotic, and it just kept going on and on,seemingly without end.But finally Blake's balls brushed Joam's, and he paused.Joam relished the feelingof fullness.He was stuffed to the brim with Blake's cock, filled so completely he felt likehe couldn't move, like he could barely breathe.His own cock was so hard, it bumpedagainst his belly.Already they were both panting, a sound barely audible over thespray of the shower.“Joam,” Blake breathed, running a soothing hand up and down his back.“I wantto fuck you now.”Awakenings 2: Instinct13“Yes! Do it!”Blake grabbed Joam's hips and pulled out in one long, smooth stroke.Then hereversed direction and plunged back in, sliding right over that special spot.Joam curledhis toes, opened his mouth, and let out a high-pitched, keening sound that would havehumiliated him at any other time.But right now, he didn't care about anything but thehot cock marauding in his ass.Blake pulled out again and pounded in again, faster this time, and again, harder.Joam pushed back to meet him.Their pace accelerated.Soon Blake was making noisestoo, a low, guttural “huh,” every time he buried himself in Joam's body.The fear, the discomfort were things of the past for Joam.He felt like this waswhat he was born to do—take Blake's cock and ride it.He never wanted it to end, but atthe same time, he could feel his orgasm building like a storm amassing on the horizon,and every stroke brought him closer to it.His belly quivered, and his balls drew uptight to his body.His cock throbbed, begging for attention.“Bl-blake!”“Huh, uh, uh!” Blake himself was beyond all reason now, his thrusts frantic anduncontrolled.He lay across Joam's back, hips pistoning.“Joam!”Just as Joam thought he couldn't hold out any longer, that he'd have to try to reachdown and bring himself off and hope that the move didn't bring them both crashingdown onto the floor of the tub, he felt Blake's hand close around his needy shaft andsqueeze.With a flash of ecstasy like a lightning bolt, Joam's orgasm cracked him wide openand poured out of him in a torrent of cum.He humped into Blake's hand, gasping andspurting.Meanwhile, Blake thrust deep into him and stayed there, shouting his release.“Joam!”In the wake of the storm, they both slid to the bottom of the tub and lay there,curled around one another, the water pelting them.14Jessica FreelyWhen they finally got out and turned off the shower, the bathroom was drippingwith steam.It fogged the mirror and the little window beside the sink and rolled indroplets down the tile.“I guess we forgot to turn on the fan,” said Blake.“And we used up all the towels,” noted Joam, nodding from the sodden mass oftowels in the bottom of the tub to the towel bar, bare except for a couple of washclothsand hand towels.“We'll have to use these.”Blake opened the door to let the steam out, and they dried themselves off as bestthey could with the hand towels.Joam laughed.“We look pretty silly,” he said.Blake paused, the washcloth he was using to dry his pubes already soakedthrough.He chuckled.“Yeah, I guess so.”They abandoned their drying effort and dashed back into the room, divingbeneath the bedcovers, shivering from the cool air on their damp bodies.“Here,” said Joam, holding up the covers between them.“Snuggle in and getwarm.”Blake scooted forward until their bodies pressed against one another.Joamwrapped his arms around Blake's shoulders.Blake snaked his arms around Joam'swaist.For a while they just lay together, soaking up the warmth and the closeness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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