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.Culver didn’t see the wry smile on Jaime’s face at her use of the term “civilization.”February 23, 2006, 11:38 p.m.U.S.Air Force C-17 Globemaster, airspace above Iraq* * *Jaime unlatched her seat belt and removed her Kevlar and body armor.The crew chief, clad in a gray-green jumpsuit, had just indicated it was safe to move around the Air Force C-17.Taking off from Balad Airfield was an adventure, because the threat of surface-to-air missiles from insurgents made combat landings and takeoffs necessary.This meant the airplane would initially maintain a steep rate of climb and make quick turns and the passengers and crew would be required to wear full protective gear until a safe altitude was reached.Except for the flight deck itself, the bulk of this plane’s airframe was dedicated to a massive cargo hold that had been converted into a flying hospital.Tonight’s destination was Ramstein Air Base in Germany.The plane was currently filled with wounded and ill service members bound for Landstuhl Regional Medical Center for further evaluation and stabilization and then follow-on flight to the United States.During the wild ride that was takeoff, even the ambulatory injured soldiers and Marines had been strapped down on cots, which were linked together and secured to the floor of the cargo bay.Along the wall opposite the chaplain was an assembly of metal scaffolding that had been erected for insertion of litters, giving it a bunk-bed effect.Some of the more seriously wounded patients were strapped in there.One of those patients seemed to be the main focus of attention of a flight nurse and medical technician who were busy trying to make him comfortable.Jaime wrapped her body armor around her helmet and put it on the floor next to her seat, which was fixed to the outer wall of the cargo hold.The woman next to her also removed her protective gear, which had been layered over a crisply starched linen shirt and highly creased Dockers.She had introduced herself as Ms.Kay Clarke from the State Department earlier that evening when she swooped into the Air Force Theater Hospital to collect the chaplain.State Department.Jaime hadn’t expected that.She knew she faced a physical examination before she left Balad, as well as inquiries by an intelligence officer.Even less pleasant, Jaime was sure, would have been her chat with CID, the criminal investigation division, who would need to make sure she hadn’t done anything illegal, like go AWOL or join the insurgency.But none of those people had made it to her because she’d been co-opted by the woman beside her.Not that it had been an easy feat to accomplish.Kay Clarke was about five and a half feet tall, medium build, athletic, with short brown hair.She had shown up at the patient administration department of the Air Force Theater Hospital wielding State Department credentials and high-level orders to escort Jaime immediately to Germany.The doctor in charge of Jaime’s case had no intention of letting her go.There were many tests to be run, and protocol demanded the S2 and CID interviews before she be moved anywhere.Ms.Clarke had replied that all would be handled at Landstuhl.The doctor assigned to Jaime, an Air Force major, flatly refused to comply with the request.He finally called on the Hospital Commander to back him up.When the commander, Colonel Resnick, showed up, Kay Clarke went toe-to-toe with him, not backing down for a moment.Observing the exchange and the woman’s unflappable manner in handling these officers, Jaime couldn’t help but think, This woman is like a pit bull with lip gloss!Ms.Clarke and the commander disappeared down the hall.While waiting for their return, Jaime had marveled that after more than three years of operations at this location the hospital complex had not been upgraded from an interconnected series of tents pitched over concrete pads.But it was obvious from the constant flow of patients, translators, unit liaisons, hospital staff, and even Iraqi families that this complex of tents was a vital nerve center for medical treatment in Iraq.A short while later Ms.Clarke and the commander reappeared.Colonel Resnick pulled Jaime’s doctor aside and said a few things the major obviously did not want to hear.At the same time, the woman had walked to Jaime and said, “Come on; let’s go.” And they had left to board the C-17 in which they were now flying to Ramstein.Jaime was ready to handle whatever was thrown at her during her repatriation.But someone from the State Department with orders high level enough to snatch her from the Army—this was a curveball.It was possible this was a new trajectory, one she wasn’t supposed to be on.But obviously, she couldn’t bolt.In fact, she couldn’t do anything to call attention to herself.Kay Clarke must have read her thoughts.She was looking straight ahead when she said in a voice loud enough to be heard only by the chaplain, “Jaime, relax.I’m your third and final guide for this reentry.”Jaime laughed, relieved, and shook her head.She should have guessed.The flurry of activity around the critically wounded soldier across from Jaime had ceased.Falling into her old pattern, Jaime stood to go talk with him.Recognizing her purpose, Ms.Clarke put a restraining hand to Jaime’s arm.“I don’t think it’s a good idea to mingle.We don’t want to draw attention to you.”“I’m incognito in this PT uniform.Besides, I am a chaplain.It’s why I’m here.” And she continued across the cargo bay to visit with the patient.A couple of IV bags were attached to the metal bar above his litter.One arm, lying on top of the blue-flowered flannel blanket covering him, was heavily bandaged.She looked in his eyes, could see he was in a lot of pain, but he smiled.“Who you with?” she asked.“101st.FOB Speicher.” “FOB,” or “Forward Operating Base,” was the term given the numerous camps spread all over the country.Speicher was located in northern Iraq, vicinity of Tikrit, and home base for the 101st Airborne Division.“Oh, a Screaming Eagle?” She smiled.“Air Assault!” he responded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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