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.” What department would need an access key? Jade, you already know.He’s taking you to the secret laboratory.“Sure,” I mumbled, looking down at the floor.I’d been here before—I was reaching the end of my mission, and it was already starting to burn deep in the pit of my stomach.Oliver darted off down the hallway, coming back a few minutes later with a key card in his hands.“Where are we going now, then?” I asked, following him as Oliver opened door after door with his card.Talk about security.I was trying to pay attention to all the access codes, but it was impossible.“You’ll see.This area is highly secured.Only one other person has the code to gain entry.I’ve shown you the testing area where Dylan and Macy work, this Macy’s secret laboratory at the moment.”“You’re showing me the power core, aren’t you?”“Macy has made a breakthrough, Jade.She’s stabilized it.”“What does that mean?”“The power core is ready.I need to make a decision, and fast,” he sighed, reaching the last door and punching in his security code.Holding my breath, I followed him into the room.It was like any other research laboratory, but the glass window in the far corner drew my attention instantly.“The power core is over there,” he sighed, motioning toward the window.“You’re safe.It needs a reaction to be set off.Plus, the containment chamber is made of steel.” I walked toward the glass and took in the power core.It was smaller than I’d imagined, and was stored in a thin, silver rectangular shaped box.“It doesn’t look like much, does it?” Oliver mused, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.“I don’t even know what it should look like.”“This is just a smaller scale of the power core.The elements are all there.Macy has been doing the routine checks.All that’s left is for me to make the decision on whether or not to test the core with the machine.”“How would you do that?”“I have a testing facility in Arizona.My company has developed a machine that only loads this power core.The reaction created by it would burn out my standard machines.”“Would you test before making a final decision on the project?”“It would be difficult.It takes a lot of people to run a routine test.If I decided to pull the plug, it would be difficult to keep it under wraps.”“You have loyal staff.Sylvia told me about Imogen Windom trying to bribe her a few years ago.” He spun me around, and I noticed that a playful smirk had crossed his face.“And I heard about your conversation with Imogen while I was in Brussels.” Crap, I’d forgotten about that.“You gave her quite a tongue lashing, I understand.”“I can’t stand her.She’s vile.How dare she demand you call her! I was livid.”“I’m not sure I’ll ever want to replace you as my PA, Jade.I’m hoping Alicia doesn’t come back.”“What happened to not wanting to mix business with pleasure?”“You changed that.I want you with me always.”“I want that, too, but this job was only temporary.My love is art, Oliver.I’ll want to go back to that at some point.”“I know, Beautiful.I just love having you with me, but I’d never get in the way of what you want to do.”“Have you heard from Alicia lately?”“A few weeks ago.Her immune system is still low.I can’t see her coming back for at least a month or so.”“And all this started from a fever.I know I don’t like her, but I do feel sorry for her.”“Your compassion is one of the many things I love about you.” He leaned down, brushing his lips against mine before kissing me deeply.“What would you do if you were in my shoes?” he whispered when our lips broke apart.Why did he have to ask me that!? It was hard enough being in this room with him, mere feet away from the one thing that could destroy us.“I don’t know enough about your work.You can’t ask me that!”“Jade, you know me better than anyone else.I trust your judgment more than my highest paid advisors.”“I don’t know what I’d do in your position, Oliver, but if you’re really having to think about it, you need to question why.Maybe you’re right—is the world ready for a weapon like this?”“I don’t know what to do.Some positive things could happen because of it, like the amount of energy it can produce.It’s not something I can just throw away, but…I…” He was losing it.I placed my hands on the side of his face, making him look directly into my eyes.“Relax.You have time to really think about this, Oliver.You are the CEO of Kirkham Industries because it’s in your blood.You were born to make this decision, and whatever you choose, it will be the right one.You need to have more faith in yourself.” He nodded with sad eyes.“I’ll help you through this as much as I can, too, even if it takes weeks.We can talk about the pros and cons.”“What did I ever do to deserve you?”“I feel that way about you daily,” I beamed as he pecked my lips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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