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.I've realized since I met him that I was fighting a long time for the wrong thing, for someone else's dream and not mine.I'm going to work.I'll have my own career, and I will be damn good at it, but it's going to have to work with what Michael wants and needs, too.I really feel like we're partners now.We make compromises for each other.""Do you think he'd make the same compromise for you?" she couldn't help asking."I'm sure he would," Liz said, giving her a speculative look."Are we still talking about Michael?"Liz had always been incredibly perceptive."Maybe not," she admitted."I don't have the best view of love, marriage and compromise, so just ignore me.""You'll change your mind when you meet the right man," Kate interjected."You're such a romantic, Kate.""Romance is my business."Liz frowned, her gaze still on Julie."What's going on with you? You've been a little moody since you got here?""I'm just tired.""I don't think that's it, Jules.Come on, talk to us.We're your friends," Liz said.She hesitated, then shrugged."Fine, I've just been thinking a lot about my father today.""Why? Did you hear from him?" Liz asked."No, but I had to go to the baseball park earlier today to try to sign Matt Kingsley up for the Celebrity Cook-Off, and the trip brought back a lot of memories.""Is Matt going to participate?" Kate asked, an excited light in her eyes."Because I'm definitely getting a ticket if he is.The guy is super hot and single.""He is going to help us out.He wasn't going to at first, but somehow I convinced him.""How did you do that?" Liz asked curiously.She found herself giving them a helpless smile."I kissed him.""What?" Liz demanded, her question echoed immediately by Kate."We've been together for an hour," Kate said."And you're just mentioning this now?""Well, he actually kissed me.He thought I was a groupie." She waved a hand in the air."It was all a big misunderstanding.In the end, I got an apology and an agreement for him to participate in the fundraiser.So I guess it was worth it.""How was the kiss?" Kate asked with interest.She thought about the question for probably longer than she should have."It was really good.Obviously, the man has had a lot of practice."Liz grinned."You like him.""Not even a little bit," she denied."He's a baseball player.""Just because he has the same job as your father doesn't mean he's the same man," Liz pointed out."I know that.But why would I choose to get involved with a baseball player? They're on the road half the year.They're idolized by hundreds of thousands of people, so what does one woman matter? Not that I would even have that choice," she hastily added."Matt Kingsley is just a celebrity participating in one of my fundraisers.He's like every other famous person I deal with.""Is he really?" Kate prodded.Judging by the looks on her friends' faces, she wasn't doing a very good job of convincing them that she felt nothing for the man.But she did feel nothing, didn't she? So what if her lips still tingled from his kiss? One good kiss wasn't going to change anything."Let's talk about something else.""Fine," Liz agreed."But I have to say just one thing first.""What's that?" she asked warily."Nobody is just one thing.Matt Kingsley may be a baseball player, but he's more than that.Before you count him out, maybe you should find out who he is as a man and not just what he does for his job.""He's not interested in me," she protested."This whole conversation is pointless.I told you it was a misunderstanding.That's all.""We'll see," Kate said."What does that mean?" she asked in frustration."I'm just thinking if that one kiss has gotten you all worked up, Julie, maybe it did something to him, too."* * *Matt sat on his couch late Thursday night with a bag of ice strapped to his right shoulder and a laptop resting on his thighs as he waited for his brother to call.At twenty-five, Connor was a lieutenant in the Marine Corps and was currently stationed somewhere in the Middle East.While they didn't talk often, they did try to catch up every few months.Connor had emailed earlier that he wanted to talk tonight.Hopefully, he'd be able to make that happen, but he couldn't always get to the computer when he wanted to.A moment later, the connection came through and Connor's face with his familiar grin filled the screen.Matt couldn't help but smile back.No matter what Connor was doing, he always seemed able to find a reason to be happy, and considering the state of his life, Matt found that an even more amazing trait now than he ever had before.Connor had joined the Marines when he was nineteen, and he was six years into his eight-year contract.He'd been all over the world and while he'd had some minor injuries, he'd managed to make it this far without getting badly hurt or worse."What's with your arm?" Connor asked immediately."Nothing.Just icing.""The season hasn't even started yet, and you're already hurting?""I'm fine.It was just the first day I've thrown in a while.I'm taking precautions.""Well, you're not getting any younger," Connor reminded him."Next year is the big 3-0.""Thanks for the reminder.What's going on with you?""A lot actually.That's why I wanted to talk.I'm engaged, Matt."His gut tightened at Connor's shocking news."What? Who? I didn't even know you were seeing anyone.""Her name is Ellen.She's a medic stationed over here.We've been going out about three months.She is beautiful and funny and brave, and has a body that is smoking hot.She's everything—""That's great, but three months?" he interrupted, his mind grabbing onto the piece of information that made the least sense."Why so fast?""It feels right, Matt.""Yeah, because it's only been three months.Tell me you're having a long engagement at least.""Sorry to disappoint you.We're planning to get married as soon as we can get leave together.Hopefully that will be within the next two months.""What's the rush, Connor?""I'm in love.""You fall in love all the time," he couldn't help pointing out.His brother had been breaking hearts since he was fifteen."This time is different." Connor's expression sobered."I want you to be my best man, Matt.I know your schedule gets crazy during the season, but I need you to stand by my side.It will probably happen sometime in May.I'm going to do everything I can to plan it on an off-day for you or do it at night or something, because you have to there."He wasn't as concerned about taking a day off during the season as he was about Connor's intention to get married so fast to a woman he barely knew.He didn't want to squelch his brother's enthusiasm but damn, how could he stand by and say nothing, do nothing, when Connor was making a huge mistake? "I really think you should take more time to get to know her.""I know her, Matt.It may seem fast to you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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