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.“Not everyone dies.Most people live.”“My father died here.It was long.Painful.Horrible.I’ll never forget it.”She met his gaze head on.“I’m sorry.”“I bet you say that a lot.”“I still mean it.” She knew what it was like to lose a parent.And it didn’t matter how old you were.“I was with my father when he passed.He fought for months to recover, but he couldn't beat the cancer.Even though I knew the end was coming, and I was relieved that there would be an end to his pain and suffering, it was still shocking when it happened.One minute he was there, then he was gone…” He cleared his throat.“Hell of a birthday conversation.I apologize again.”“That’s all right.Now I understand why you needed some air.”“The hospital smell sticks to my clothes.How do you take it?”“You get used to it.”“Are you off duty?”“Yes.”“Why don’t I buy you a drink to toast your birthday?”“Uh…” She didn’t know what to say.It wasn’t as if she had other plans, but he was a stranger.“I promise, no more depressing conversation.We’ll have a drink in honor of your new decade.I might even buy you another cake.”“I don’t know you.”“That makes it better, doesn’t it?” he said with a challenging smile.“You can let your hair down.Be whoever you want to be.”She had no idea who that person would be, but the idea was definitely appealing.Still, old habits died hard.“I should say no.”“Why?”“Because it’s not smart to go out with a perfect stranger.You could be an axe murderer or a serial killer or a life insurance salesman.”His deep, infectious laugh lit up the night, and his sparkling eyes made her feel like she’d been kicked in the stomach – or swept off her feet.“I’m not any of those things.”“And you’d tell me if you were?”“Good point, but isn’t thirty about facing your fears? It’s just a drink in a public place.Unless you’re scared of a pina colada?”“Why would you ever think I would order a pina colada?”“Because you’re too funny and honest to be the martini type.”“Which is what?”“Sophisticated, brittle, phony laugh, dyed blonde hair, icy blue eyes, doesn’t really give a damn about anyone but herself.”“That certainly rolled right off your tongue,” she said, giving him a thoughtful look.“Why do I get the feeling you’re describing someone in particular?”“Guilty.” He paused.“Get a drink with me and prove me wrong.”She hesitated.“I don’t have anything to prove.”His gaze met hers and for some reason she had the feeling he could read her mind.“Don’t you?”His challenge hung in the air for a long minute.Of course she had something to prove.She was going to change her life.And what better way to start than to do something she wouldn’t normally do?Besides that, she was intrigued by and attracted to this man, this stranger, who’d appeared out of nowhere.The idea crossed her mind that maybe he’d been sent to fulfill her birthday wish, but that was a foolish thought.He’d just lost his dad after a terrible illness.He’d come up to the roof to catch his breath.He hadn’t come for her.It was purely coincidence.“What’s your name?” he asked.She drew in a deep breath, feeling like she was about to cross over a line she couldn’t cross back.But if she was ever going to take a chance, it might as well be now.“Liz,” she said.“My name is Liz.And I’d like that drink.”* * *“Surprise! Happy birthday!”Angela Payne stopped just inside the front door of her three-bedroom apartment in San Francisco’s Sunset District.Smiling faces appeared from behind every piece of furniture, each one looking more sheepish than the next.She inwardly sighed.They should feel guilty.She’d told everyone that she didn’t want a party to celebrate thirty-five.Time was not her friend, but her large Italian family turned every holiday or occasion into a party.The dining room table was laden with food, and music played loudly over the speakers.Judging by her Uncle Rico’s red face, the wine was already flowing.“I’m sorry.I tried to stop them,” her husband Colin whispered as he kissed her on the cheek.“But your mother is a force of nature [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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