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." She didn't say that she herself was still struggling after seven years.Ellen didn't need to hear that right now.What Ellen needed was a safe place to put her next step."Tell you what, why don't you crash with us for a couple of days? I've got a couch that folds out into a bed.It's not much, but you won't have to share it.""You are too good.""You need me to pick you up?""No, that won't be necessary.I have your address.I still believe I know how to use my thumb.""Everything is going to work out," Munch said."You'll see.Sobriety is easy.You just don't drink or use, and change everything about yourself.""Is that supposed to be some kind of a joke?" Ellen asked."Yeah.The thing that makes it funny is how true it is.""Any other words of wisdom?""We'll have lots of time to talk later.If we're not here, the key is under the mat.""Thank you.""Don't worry about it.We've got plenty of ways for you to earn your keep."After she hung up, Munch pulled on a pair of jeans and a hot pink T-shirt she'd bought at a flea market.She'd paid extra for the black lettering across the front that read, LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO DANCE WITH UGLY MEN.She walked out to the kitchen, poured herself a bowl of cereal, and joined Asia in the living room.The two of them watched cartoons until it was time to leave for the little girl's ballet lesson.Derek was still asleep on the couch, making little popping noises as he exhaled.Munch didn't bother to wake him.If there was one thing Derek knew, it was his own way out.She did write him a short note saying that she was expecting a friend named Ellen, and to make her welcome if she arrived before he left.She propped the note against the coffeepot and ushered Asia out the door."An old friend came by my work yesterday," she said as she loaded Asia into the car and waited while the girl fastened her seat belt."Man or lady?""Lady.Her name's Ellen.""How old?""My age.She's going to drive the limo for us.""You should have had her drive last night.""She's not on the policy yet.I invited her to come stay with us for a while."Asia was quiet as she processed this bit of information."Does this mean I'll have two mommies?"Munch felt her throat go dry."What makes you say that?""Some kids have two mommies.One that grows them in their tummy, and one that takes care of them."Munch wasn't ready for this conversation yet."Ellen's neither, okay? She's just a friend.If anybody asks you, you tell them you have one mommy, okay?""And we're always going to live together.""You say that now, but later on you'll change your mind.""No, never.""What if you want to get married and have your own kids? Won't you want your own home?""I'm not getting married.""You're sure about that?""Me? Live with a boy?" Asia rolled her eyes theatrically."I don't think so.""Never say never.Things change.""Not that much," Asia said with the certainty of the old soul Munch was convinced she was.Miss Kim's Dance Studio was located in the corner of a single-level minimall on Sepulveda Boulevard.Munch had to park in front of a florist two stores down.As they were getting out of the car, she noticed that Asia's leotard was on inside out.In remedying that situation, Munch discovered a run in Asia's tights."Great," she said, twisting the tights around so that the run was along the bottom of Asia's foot."Let's go.I hear the music starting." They trotted to the entrance of the studio.Asia skipped onto the wooden floor while Munch waited with the other mothers by the door.Not all the mothers stayed for the class.Munch liked to watch the little girls prance around and was always amazed at the depth of Miss Kim's patience.This morning all the girls were instructed to take a colored scarf from a large cardboard box.That alone took forever, with the little girls arguing over what color they wanted and telling stories about their dogs or their grandpa's car or some other damn thing.Miss Kim took it all in stride.She had to be on something—Munch had decided long ago.Nobody was that mellow, were they? Asia scratched her knee, and her stocking twisted to reveal the run creeping up her ankle.She appeared not to notice, thank God.Munch sneaked a look at the mothers crowded with her in the small anteroom.She always felt like such an impostor in their company, with her short, black-lined finger-nails, lack of stretch marks, and no wedding ring.Look for the similarities, not the differences, she told herself.She was standing next to a tall woman with short hair who she'd noticed drove a diesel Mercedes.They saw each other every week, had a nodding acquaintance, but had never exchanged names."Those ballet shoes sure wear out fast, don't they?" Munch said."Yes," the woman said."And last week the stupid maid put them in the washing machine.""Imagine," Munch said.She couldn't think of anything else to say The woman checked her diamond-studded watch and left.Munch kept her hands in her pockets.It wasn't that she was ashamed to be a mechanic.She just didn't want anyone to see her hands, not make the connection, and think she was dirty.There was a difference between stained and dirty.The dance class finished the final exercise.Before the last strains of music had died away, Asia was at her side, pulling her arm, cheeks flushed."Remember, you promised," she said."I didn't forget," Munch said.She smiled down at Asia.The little girl's clear brown eyes brought a swell of warmth to her chest.What perfect skin she had."There's nothing I'd rather do in the whole wide world than spend the day with you."They walked hand in hand back to the car.The day was warm, gently breezy."How about the park?" Munch asked."Yeah! " Asia yelled, leaping high and swiping at something imaginary in the air.They went to the little park on Alla Road near Marina Del Rey.The little girl played on the swing set and made new friends, quickly establishing herself as their tribal leader.How does she do that? Munch wondered, wishing she'd remembered to bring a set of overalls and a sturdier pair of shoes for Asia.Miss Diesel Mercedes probably had the maid pack a suitcase whenever she went out.After the park, they went to Uncle John's Pancake House for lunch and had the usual argument over the value of french fries as a vegetable.They compromised on scrambled eggs and hash browns.Munch ordered coffee and finished what Asia left.They got home at noon.The first thing Asia asked when they turned up the street was also the burning question on Munch's mind.U."Where's the limo?" the girl said.Munch's first theory was that it had been stolen.The idea following that initial supposition made much more sense.Ellen.Fucking Ellen.Munch pulled into the driveway and got out.She walked over to the spot where the limo had been parked and noticed puddles ringed with soap suds on the asphalt.Asia let herself out of the car, walked up to Munch, and grabbed her hand."Let's go inside and see if anyone left us a note," Munch said, unlocking the front door.Once across the threshold, Munch pointed Asia toward her room, and told her, "Change your clothes."Seconds later a scream erupted from Asia's room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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