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.The Doctor blinked at it, made his way to the porch.--Doom?The monstrous animal barked again.Doctor Stuckhowsen perched next to it on the concrete, stretched out a hand and tentatively patted its head.--Then I really am in trouble.* * *Being responsible for a belly other than his own had The Doctor shopping less sporadically, doing everything with more intention.As the hills crisped from green to brown and temperatures crept from double to triple digits, The Doctor’s life began to assume that of a person who in fact cares for something.Doom loved canned fish as much as he did.He also enjoyed the cheese and sausages at the Romanian restaurant, where, until an incident, the dog would lie on his feet, while The Doctor played chess against the Hungarian.Watching the dark animal’s overt contentment one evening made The Doctor consider something.That night, he was up until the day broke new, back working on his contention serum.He’d been at a standstill with the project, but this time he felt confident he’d done it, found a way to make people feel satisfied.Without giving them cancer.Or rickets.After he woke the next afternoon, as he fixed himself some coffee, a commotion sounded from outside; the grating of tires on his gravel lot, the rumble of a car engine, a loud curse, and, finally, “Jesus Christmas! Look at the size of that thing! Encludsmo! You’ve got a demon on your porch!”Encludsmo checked his pocket watch; it was two in the afternoon.A peer through the boards out the front window revealed Tyson at the bottom of his concrete blocks.Encludsmo undid his three locks and opened his door.--What is wrong?Ty gestured, slowly, at Doom, who stood sentry, with his head cocked, making no sound.--No, he is fine.Doom! This is my friend.The dog relaxed, and Encludsmo coaxed his friend past the animal and into the house.Tyson took off his jacket, plopped onto the couch and stretched his long legs across it.--That’s quite a watchdog you got yourself!--Not much of a watchdog.He never makes any noise.--Protection trained, Tyson said.--They don’t bother to bark, they just eat your head.“More than the dog is wrong with you.What are you doing here at such an hour as this? A working hour.”“Working hours are for working people.As of one this afternoon, I no longer belong in that category.”Encludsmo raised an eyebrow.--They fired me, Ty explained--Why?--You won’t believe why! Doesn’t matter anyway.I came mostly to double check that you didn’t mention my name, you know, at your interview.Encludsmo dropped into his recliner, tossed his hands in the air.--I will not take their money! I will keep my machine.“No! No, you take all that they give.You ask for twice what they offer! I mean it.And get royalties, too, don’t get screwed, like at the University.Have you heard anything from the Baroness yet?”Encludsmo suddenly found the floor very interesting.“You forgot? How could you?”--I did not forget.At first I checked each week.But the phone mail confuses me.When American numbers are spoken, what numeral the name corresponds to is lost on me.I seem to always push the wrong ones.And there was an incident at the restaurant with some strangers and the dog some weeks ago that cost the proprietors some money, so that I felt bad asking to use their phone.Tyson sat upright.--Let’s go check now.My cell phone is in the car.--You’re avoiding your wife.Ty slumped again.--No.I’m avoiding an empty house.Annie’s out of town until Friday.--Have you been drinking?--No.--Maybe you should start.--Got any vodka?Encludsmo shook his head, smiling.--We could get some, if you’d like.Tyson sighed.--I guess not.He eased from the couch.--Thanks for the invite, though.I should go.I don’t mean to encroach.Bring me some paper and I’ll write down how to check your voicemail.Encludsmo happily obliged.--Tonight is when I usually go, you know, on Tuesdays.I’ll check tonight.--I’ll come tomorrow.Tyson gave his friend a hug, and Encludsmo patted Doom on the head while Ty slipped past the beast.He headed back to the lab, where he kept himself busy until nightfall.Then he put on his tweed jacket and claimed his umbrella from its hook on the wall by the door.He closed the door and locked its locks.Doom stood and stretched and waited for The Doctor to lead the way.But Dr.Stuckhowsen waved a finger.--I can’t take you along and then ask to use the phone.Not after what you did.Doom stared at him, made a whiney sound.--I’ll bring something back for you.When he stepped off the makeshift porch, the dog followed him.Twice more he led the animal back inside the yard, reasoned with him, and tried to leave.Finally, he unlocked all the locks again, and went inside.“C’mon.Come!”Doom didn’t come; instead he fell back on his haunches and whined again, like he knew he was being duped.But The Doctor called him again and he obeyed.As The Doctor closed the door, he saw the dog settling down behind it, looking as sad and lonely as Tyson had.The Doctor had the restaurant to himself for nearly half an hour, and only the English speaking girl was present.He ate hurriedly, still feeling anxious about asking to use the phone.He felt a wash of relief when Emil the Hungarian arrived, just before The Doctor’s dessert.“Where is your monster?”“Guarding the house.”“Good.Then the only bloodshed tonight shall be on the chessboard.”Emil ordered a plate of sausages for himself and a bottle of wine for them to split.Three bottles later they stale-mated their second match, while the proprietor’s daughter fell asleep on a stool behind the counter.“I think we must both find other partners, learn new strategies,” Emil said, pulling on his llama wool sweater [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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