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.Silva entered just a second too late, he raised his rifle to target the attacker but there was little he could do.From the other side of the entrance another Brit was pointing a handgun at the captured Major’s head.“Hard luck, old boy, this day belongs to us,” said the officer.“Nuts,” replied Taylor.He lifted his offhand and dangled a pin, which had clearly just been drawn from a grenade on his chest rig.“Oh, shit!” shouted the officer.The room erupted into a blinding flash of light.The two British soldiers dropped to the ground stunned and disorientated, the two marines stood as if nothing had happened.Taylor stepped over the officer who was rubbing his eyes in a desperate attempt to regain his vision.He was just beginning to get some sight back as Mitch offered out his hand, which the man gladly took.“Your boys don’t have flash protectors yet, Charlie? It’s an amazing piece of kit really, a liquified contact lens which increases vision abilities by ten percent while providing a barrier shield against extreme bursts of light.”Taylor hauled him to his feet, a man who had quickly become a friend of over the last three years.Captain Charlie Jones of the British Parachute Regiment, EUA army.Jones shook his head, trying to stabilise his body and regain balance.“That’s a hell of a way to regain control of a situation.It isn’t too sporting but if it gets the job done, well!”“You didn’t exactly play it straight yourself, Captain, I lost a lot of men getting up here.”He was glad of the challenge Jones had presented, but aware that had it been for real, they would have experienced far heavier casualties that he’d consider acceptable.The four men went from the bedroom and into the open plan vastness of the penthouse.The mission was over and both sides were hauling fallen comrades to their feet and patting each other on the back.“What are the total losses, Lieutenant Suarez?”“Twenty-one casualties, Sir.”Taylor turned to Jones and reached out his hand, which Jones took gladly.“Good job, Captain, a pleasure training with you once again.All I can say is that I hope we never come out on opposing sides, as it’d be a real meat grinder.”“Agreed.”One of the British soldiers stepped forward to Jones.“Sir, I am getting an urgent request from Commander Phillips to speak with you personally.”“Patch it through to my comm.”“Sir, this is Jones.”The Captain strolled off to the corner of the room, away from the troops.The British and American equipment was largely the same, but what few differences were now masked by the dust that had settled on their gear, making them blend into the demolished room.The men mingled and the ambience grew as they broke out into conversation.Taylor and Suarez stood off to the side of the room watching the men switch from hard-line enemies to the best of friends.“I am sorry I had to speak to you the way I did, but you must know that it was of the utmost importance.In the field these men rely on our strength and leadership, it is no time to act like a civilian.”“I know, I don’t know what came over me.”“I do, you saw the loss of your friends.I know this was a simulation, but I know that you took it hard when you saw it, just as I did.The realisation that had it been for real that we would have just lost many of the men under our command is never an easy one, but it is one that we must accept.You can’t win a war without taking casualties, fretting over those already gone will only get more killed, got it?”“Yes, Sir.”“Good.I know you’re a good officer.You have a lot of potential.As long as you can learn to keep a cool head you’ll do fine.”Jones strolled back across the room to where the two marine officers were stood.“All okay, Captain?”“Not sure.We are being called back to our EU bases immediately.Seems there has been some cause for major concern but nobody is discussing across the airwaves.Our bird has to be in the air within the hour.Sorry to have to leave so soon, Major, but orders are what they are.”“Of course, thank you, Captain.It’s a shame we couldn’t catch a beer together to finish the day off, but next time.”Jones quickly saluted, waited for Taylor to respond and then turned quickly back to the crowd of soldiers.“Platoon! Outside, now!” he shouted.The British paras quickly assembled and were running for the steps, their Captain at the front [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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