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.She stared at the camera panning the room and then at the other one that didn’t move and seemed to be poised right at her.She was naked, but the cameras made her feel even more exposed.What if they put her on the monitor at work and someone walked in? Would they be discreet enough to keep this secret?She finally sat on her butt, squeezed her thighs together and picked up the pages on the floor.Five sheets.Holy hell.The list was long.She read the first paragraph.We want to establish a comprehensive list of what your boundaries are.Below are many things submissives participate in.Not all of these things happen at once, but over time.However, we will respect your hard limits.Please read each item carefully and comment in the space provided.Number, from 1-10, your desire to experience each suggestion, 1 being a firm yes, 10 being an absolute no for you.Explain your answers.Some of the items are things we’ve already experimented with.That doesn’t mean you liked them.We still want a response from you.Be specific in your answers.If we have to question your opinion about anything, you haven’t done the assignment correctly.Each incomplete answer will be considered an infraction of today’s rules.Shit.She glanced down the list.She rubbed her legs together, trying to pinch off her sex and keep herself from leaking on the mat.Even the things she would never consider doing made her hot.Handcuffs.Stephanie rubbed her wrists before writing.1, As long as they aren’t too tight or rough enough to hurt.Nipple clamps.Her nipples beaded remembering the pinch and release of the clamps the men had used during her punishment last week.She squeezed her breasts with her forearms and groaned.She hoped they couldn’t see her too clearly in the camera.3, They were okay the other night, but I wouldn’t want them to be on very long or be too tight.Spreader bars.2.What else could she say about that? She knew they were going to use the spreader bar on her every day.They had already.They enjoyed holding her thighs wide and were sticklers about having her pussy open to them all the time.Ball gags.Each item affected the associated body part as she read them.Now her jaw stiffened.Dane had used one of these on Aiden the other night.It didn’t look comfortable, but it sure kept Aiden quiet and gave him something to bite down on.Hmmm.4, I’m worried about the complete inability to communicate and a sore jaw.Plus drooling is icky.Blind folds.10.She literally shook considering the idea.Never did she want to lose the ability to see what was happening around her.I’m claustrophobic.That was all she bothered to say.Restraints.3, I haven’t minded anything you’ve used so far, but I’m not sure I want to be hogtied or anything more restrictive like that.She’d read everything she could find on the Internet over the weekend.She knew there were a variety of possibilities under the heading “restraints”.Vibrators.1, I love when you use them on me.I’m not fond of you removing them before I come.Swings.What? She dug into her mind and remembered seeing women hanging from the ceiling at the fetish club.Had they been on swings? Perhaps.Did Aiden and Dane have one of those in the apartment? She glanced at the ceiling.No hooks hung from the smooth paint.If not here… 6, Where do you intend to use a swing? I might be curious at home, but if you think I’m going to let you hang me and spread me at a club, forget it.Piercing.10, Never.She had pierced ears.That was enough.She quickly moved on before her nipples started to protest the thought.And God forbid they expected any genital piercings.Collars.Like an animal collar? People had them at the club.Hell, she’d worn one herself.It was okay.It showed ownership.It kept others from approaching her.Well, actually, it did not.It should have.Jack Cane and Harold Reeves hadn’t given two fucks about her collar.They’d broken club rules by touching someone else’s sub and offering money for her.Stephanie closed her eyes for a moment and tried to block out the memory.Thank God she’d made the decision to quit that job.No way could she have faced those men today.2, As long as I don’t have to wear it in vanilla public.Leashes.2, Same as above.If a leash kept some asshole from getting between her and her men, so be it.Spanking.She sat up straight.She’d thought a lot about spanking, primarily because she’d pondered the idea that she would have preferred to have been spanked in some instances last week than the punishment she’d received instead.There were worse things than corporal punishment.Like orgasm denial.3, But not too hard.No blood.No permanent damage.No welts that keep me from sitting.Flogging.Was that with whips? 8, Can’t I just receive a spanking if I’m naughty?Public nudity.Hell to the no.But both men had mentioned it this morning.In fact, they’d purposefully made her sit naked in front of the windows to enforce their desire to expose her slowly.She wasn’t up for being exposed yet.8, I’m not ready to be on display.Maybe we could revisit this later.Like when hell froze over.But she didn’t need to expound on that.Fellatio.She smiled.She’d given both men a blowjob, and she’d enjoyed it.It was a heady experience knowing she’d brought them to their knees while she’d knelt before them on her knees.1, As long as it’s not forced or public.Saint Andrew’s Cross.She lifted her eyes up toward the ceiling, trying to remember what this was.An X that a submissive stood at with their legs and arms spread? Yep, that was it.5, Do you have one of these? I wouldn’t do it in public.Anal plugs.She thought about the plug they’d used on her before.It hadn’t been too bad.They’d said it was very small though.How big did they get? She remembered the sensation of having her ass filled while she walked around the fetish club.It had heightened her awareness.Maybe.4, The one you used was okay.I’m worried about a larger one.Anal sex.No, really? There were two of them though.How would they all three have sex if one wasn’t in her ass? She hadn’t thought about that before.She squirmed on the mat, adjusting her butt on both sides and imagining having one of their cocks inside her.Wouldn’t it hurt? 6, I’m scared.At least that was honest.The phone pinged next to her as she finished writing the last word.Coincidence? She glanced at the camera in front of her before she grabbed the cell.Aiden: Hey, Steph.Hope your homework is coming along well.You may eat lunch now.There is a bag lunch for you in the fridge.Everything you need is inside.Take it to the table, sit with your legs spread and eat.When you have finished, return to your mat.Was she supposed to answer? She typed: Yes, Sir.Setting the pages of notes aside, Stephanie stood.Her legs were cramped from sitting so long.What time was it? She looked at the bedside table on the way out.1:30.She couldn’t believe she’d been sitting in the corner that long.The bag was in the refrigerator as Aiden had said.She opened it at the table, ensuring her legs were spread wide enough under the top to make it clear to the camera she had obeyed the command.She pulled out the contents: an apple, a turkey sandwich, a bottle of water.Simple, but complete.She was starving and hadn’t even realized it.In ten minutes everything was gone.She stuffed the empty bottle and the core in the bag, wiped off the crumbs from her spot and stood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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