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.“Will she be okay?”David put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me to face him.“You saved her life.What you did tonight… I can’t explain to you how much it means to Vanessa and me.Thank you, son.”I nodded before leaving him on the beach.I made it to the car, but just barely.My stubborn pride wouldn’t let me admit my shoulder hurt like a bitch from that fall.I struggled to pull the sweatshirt over my aching arm.Halfway home, I pulled over and called my friend Ty to pick me up.Even with the heat at full blast, my body was convulsing from the cold and my arm felt like it wasn’t attached to my body.I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, knowing I’d totally fucked up my chance at the championship fight that was less than a week away.I arrived at David’s house, thinking the championship was the biggest thing that ever happened to me, but that night, on that beach, a dark-haired angel pulled me into her sea of grief, and I would have died before I let her drown in it.Chapter ThreeAlexisI’d been in the hospital for two days, and the constant check-ins were wearing on me.Each time I tried to get some sleep, the door would open.When the door opened for the tenth time that day, I kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep.Maybe the nurse would take the hint and fuck off.Let me wallow in my sorrow for once.I didn’t want to talk about my feelings.I didn’t want to eat.I didn’t want anything but Alec.A shadow fell over me, silently watching.A strange sensation crept under my skin.I opened my eyes, and Ryder was standing over me.His dark hair had loose waves and reached his shoulders.His eyes were startling blue.I remembered looking into those eyes when I woke up spitting saltwater.He was dressed in all black and his right arm was in a sling.Not good.“Did I cause that?” I asked, nodding toward the sling.“It got dislocated when I jumped over the railing, and they think I aggravated the injury when I pulled you out.”“Sorry.”He shrugged like a dislocated shoulder wasn’t a big deal for a fighter.“Will you be able to fight?” David had told me about the championship.I knew that fight meant everything to Ryder.“Doesn’t look like it, but there’s always next year.”“Great.I’m fucking up everyone’s life.”“It wasn’t your fault.I didn’t run into that ice-cold water so you could find something else to regret in life.” He pulled something out of his pocket, opened my palm against the bed, and placed my chain into it.“That’s yours.It got stuck in my hair when I pulled you out.I had it fixed.”Alec gave me that necklace.I thought I’d lost it in the sea.“Thank you,” I said, not just for the necklace, but for what he did.As much as I’d wanted everything to end in that ocean, I knew how much he risked pulling me out.“What the fuck were you thinking, Lexi?” He gave me a look of disappointment.“I wasn’t.” It was the only answer I had.I hadn’t been thinking.I’d been so consumed with the pain it had clouded my judgment.He nodded and stepped back.“Just do me one favor.”“Anything.” He’d risked the one thing that meant the world to him to save me.I’d do whatever he asked.“Can you promise me when it gets too hard that you’ll fight it? Don’t let the pain swallow you, fight back.Don’t do it for your mom or because I asked you to.Do it because you’re worth the fight.”“You sound like David.” I laughed.He didn’t.“David taught me to fight for me.” He turned and walked out of the room.I missed him.He was so closed off and distant.Nothing like the Ryder I’d known years before.In the past two days, I’d clung to memories of Ryder like a lifeline.But after that visit, I knew he wasn’t as anxious as I was to catch up.I was thirteen when I first set eyes Ryder Hayes, and I knew, even then, I had to have him.My schoolgirl crush was intense and apparently had not simmered down over the years.After my dad died, David held us together.This caused a huge rift between him and his family.Ryder had been there the first two years.At the time, we thought David was just an old friend of Mom’s.Looking back, it was strange we hadn’t met him before Dad died.Alec, Ryder, and I never suspected Mom and David were more than friends.They had actually been engaged way before my parents met.When we walked in on them being a little more than friendly, Ryder hadn’t taken it well.Especially since David was still married to his mom.Our family imploded.Alec and I were so angry with Mom we barely spoke to her for months.There was an even bigger blowout the day David left his wife and moved into our house.Turns out the reason they never got married was because Mom’s parents forbade it.They were high society snobs and had it already lined up who was good enough for their daughter, and David wasn’t it.Mom was twenty and in her third year of her college when David decided it would be better for her if they broke up.She later confided in me that she’d been devastated.She tried everything she could to get him to see she didn’t care if her parents stopped paying for school, but he wouldn’t budge.A year later, he married Ryder’s mom, and a year after that, they had a baby.So when her parents expected her to marry Dad, she stopped fighting for David and moved on.I was angry at David for a while.I hated that Mom had replaced Dad a couple of years after his fatal heart attack.David divorced his wife and married Mom shortly after.This only fueled Ryder’s hate for his father and resentment toward me and Alec.We tried to reach out to him countless times, but he shut us out.A year after they got married, I pushed my bitterness aside and got to know him.My parents always seemed happy, and I was sure they were, but what I came to realize later was Mom was much different with David.They weren’t two people living in the same house with their kids.They were two people who lived as one.Anyone who watched them couldn’t help but see the love they shared.Alec, of course, was more forgiving than I was.He had long since become friends with David.They were constantly chatting, playing video games, and going to the gym together.I knew David missed Ryder; it showed when he was with Alec.I wasn’t sure what any of us were going to do without him.Three years later…Chapter FourAlexis“Mom! Calm down,” I shouted as my mom scurried around the room, straightening pillows and wiping away any traces of dust.I’d never seen my mom so anxious about someone visiting.“You should go get changed, Alexis.” She glanced at my gray shorts and small black top like I hadn't changed in days.“Mom, the man hasn't been here to see David in three years.Why are you treating his visit like the second coming?”Loving us had cost David everything.After Alec died, David was withdrawn and quiet.He had come to love him as a son in the seven years they had together.Alec had helped fill that hole left by Ryder.With Alec gone, I could almost see the emptiness in David’s eyes.In time, I resented that Ryder had cut us out of his life and had taken so long to at least give David a chance.And David had tried countless times.Maybe I was a little biased.I’d hoped for years Ryder would show his face again, but he hadn’t.I missed him the first time he disappeared from our life.The night he pulled me from the ocean was the first time I’d seen him in five years.After that night, he texted me every couple weeks.He’d ask how I was doing, and then I wouldn’t hear from him again for a while [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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