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.It wasn’t the party that had gone bad that Friday night, but the morning after.Cecelia happened upon a stash of Lucian’s usual things.Weed, condoms, and the like.She hadn’t been impressed, to say the least.But hell, he was eighteen, and at that point, readying to move into his apartment in Manhattan.He was terribly careful about keeping his things out of his mother’s sight, but that night had been wild and the morning after left him in something of a stupor.Cecelia was more concerned over the condoms than anything else.He still remembered her questioning, too.All the while Antony sat off to the side, smirking in his usual smug way.It wasn’t like his father didn’t know the kinds of things his sons were doing behind closed doors.His two brothers, on the other hand, laughed their still drunk asses off outside the office door.“Is this the first time you’ve … well, you know, or has it been happening for a while?” his mother had asked.“Do you love this girl? Are you always safe?”Lucian had tried, really, really tried, not to laugh, but his muddled up mind didn’t cooperate.His answers had been pretty damned simple.“No, it’s been happening since I was fourteen.Girls, and absolutely not,” he’d corrected for the second answer.“But, yes, I’m always safe.”Those were not the answers his mother wanted to hear, except for maybe the last one.Cecelia then proceeded to take him to confession that very morning.It was a great way to spend the morning after his birthday while still dealing with a massive hangover.Not.Lucian was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even realize he was standing ten feet away from the confessional box.The confessional in their Catholic church reminded him of every old black and white movie he’d ever seen that involved confession with dark curtains to hide the people within, two sides, and an almost daunting quality.Quickly, he glanced around for Father Peter, as the priest usually stood outside his side of the box to let the members of the congregation know he was there and accepting confession.The man wasn’t there in his usual robed attire.The curtains of the confessional were closed on both sides, though.Lucian assumed, because his mother said herself the priest was making a special exception for him that Sunday afternoon, Father Peter must have already been inside waiting for him.Oddly, he usually would have left the right curtain open for Lucian to enter.It didn’t matter, really.Lucian wanted to get it done and over with to satisfy his mother and that was it.Crossing the short distance to the confessional, he grabbed the curtain and tugged to open it.And promptly froze right where he stood.Chapter ThreeShe was beautiful.Not in the usual, pretty face, clear skin, and bright eyes kind of way.She had all of that going for her, too, but that wasn’t it.No, the woman behind the confessional curtain was beautiful in a heart stopping, stunning, and make-your-lungs-ache kind of way.Lucian knew instantly she wasn’t a fulltime member of their congregation.After years of attending, he would have noticed someone like her at least once, if not a dozen times before.It would have certainly given him something better to stare at other than the goddamned ceiling and walls.Waves of hair the color of ebony, with a thick streak of deep maroon red behind her right ear trailed in curls down below her shoulders.The knee-length, pale colored curve hugging dress with sleeves that stopped at her elbows and pumps nearly matched the cream tone of her skin.Kneeling like she was didn’t hide the curve in her waist or the swell of her breasts beneath the fabric of her dress for a minute.As his gaze flicked over her, taking every inch of her in that he could in what felt like only seconds, he was sure there was ink below her dress.Damn, that mouth … Lips that were plump, and pink, forming an O of shock.A mouth meant for kissing.One he thought might taste like hot candy.Probably as soft as silk.He bet she’d kiss like she owned him.Those lips of hers would take him straight to hell and back.Those thoughts, all of them, were what Lucian’s mind ran through almost immediately.He didn’t kiss, ever.Not once with all the dalliances of women he’d had in his twenty-seven years.Sure, he fucked hard.Loved to use his teeth and hands to get a female shaking, sweating, and begging for more.Liked it even better when she used hers, too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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