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.This solution would have to do for now.“Yeah, I guess,” Trevor said.He wasn’t quite sure his selfish uncle had the ability to parent anyone.Given his choices now, he’d take what he could get over being fostered by strangers again, and possibly having to move far away from Orlando which had essentially become his home,“Then it’s settled,” Philip said with a smile that Trevor didn’t quite believe was genuine.Chapter FiveWhen Philip stepped up, it seemed like the answer to all their prayers, especially Trevor’s.The day he moved in with Philip paled in comparison to when he’d moved in with David and Elena.At least materially, it did.Philip escorted Trevor to his room, swung the door open and waved an arm like he was a spokesmodel.“And this is where you’ll be crashing.” Philip said.“Go on in and make yourself at home.”Trevor tried not to show how excited he was, but he couldn’t help but return Philip’s grin when he saw the state-of-the-art computer equipment in his room, together with the desktops and monitors he already owned courtesy of the Kyles.“Go on,” Philip said.“Take her for a spin, then after you unpack, we’ll order some takeout.”While the computers were booting up, Trevor checked out the video game systems, both a PlayStation 3 and an XBox 360 with a video game library that would make the average kid’s mouth water.Even the furniture smelled new.After test driving his new computer equipment, he wheeled his luggage over to the closet and opened the door.Surprisingly, there were a few new clothes already hanging inside in his size.“Wow!” Trevor said, as he riffled through the cool jeans, t-shirts, and light jackets bearing names that he knew were more expensive than the Old Navy gear the Kyles had been fond of.Maybe staying with his Uncle Phil wouldn’t be all bad.Trevor missed David and Elena so much he felt guilty being sucked in by all the cool stuff he was getting now that they were gone.He logged off the computers and put away his things.Being on the computer reminded him so much of David he didn’t want to do any serious programming at the moment.After he put all his belongings away, he went in search of his uncle.The possibility of food usually made him excited enough to put away some serious grub, but not with the memories of David and Elena bombarding him even as he performed mundane tasks like folding his shirts and socks the way Elena had shown him, and hiding his browsing trail on the computer like David had shown him.When he entered the kitchen, Phil wasn’t alone as he’d expected.A buxom blonde was wound around his torso.“Excuse me,” Trevor said and ducked back out the door.He was halfway back down the hall when after hurried fumbling his uncle called out to him.“Hey, Trev, man come back.I want you to meet somebody.”Trevor didn’t want to make nice with his uncle’s flavor-of-the-month, as David and Elena called Philip’s friends on more than one occasion when they thought Trevor wasn’t paying attention.His uncle’s womanizing was one of the things he and his brother had not seen eye-to-eye on.Trevor shuffled back toward the kitchen and re-entered.This time the woman was sitting on one of the barstools, and Phil was standing next to her, his arm draped around her shoulders.“Trevor, this is Stacee, with a double-e.Stacee, my nephew, and now foster son, Trevor Kyle.”Trevor didn’t particularly like how Philip cavalierly assumed their situation was permanent.He and, especially Shanice were still hoping the Bailey’s foster child would get adopted so he could move in with them.Trevor kept his face impassive as Stacee spoke to him.“Hi, Trevor,” she said in an inordinately high-pitched voice.“Nice to meet you.”“Hello, Ms.Stacee,” Trevor said, remembering how the Kyles had taught him to address his elders.“You can drop the Ms.” she said.“I’m just plain old Stacee.”“Yeah, Trevor, we don’t have those kinds of rules around here.Dave and Elena were fantastic parents, but hey, I’m just barely over thirty.A little more than twice your age, but young enough you don’t have to be so formal.”“Okay,” Trevor said.Phil leaned in and tongue-kissed Stacee so thoroughly, it made Trevor uncomfortable.Finally, he peeled himself away from Stacee and grabbed the phone.“You like Chinese, Trevor?” Philip asked as he dialed.Trevor wondered if Phil would’ve changed if he’d said no, but he didn’t bother.Chinese was great when he had an appetite.He wasn’t sure whether he’d be hungry once the food arrived, so he answered in the affirmative.Stacee jutted her ample chest out and smiled at Trevor.She had a childlike quality about her, despite her very mature-looking body and state of dress.Trevor’s hormones responded in the manner in which they were designed.Thankfully he was wearing baggy shorts over tightey-whiteys or he might’ve had an embarrassing situation to explain.Even so, Trevor turned away and headed back to his room when Phil got off the phone and glued himself to Stacee again.He would get dinner later.Or not.In the beginning, Philip appeared to be just as nice and caring as his brother.Well, at least his generosity trumped everything David and Elena had done for Trevor, and early on that was the only barometer by which he was able to measure the difference.It was easy for a kid coming from poverty such as his to have his head turned by expensive things.Plus Uncle Philip was cool in the beginning.Trevor was in hog heaven for all of two weeks before the other shoe dropped.“Hey little buddy,” Uncle Philip said one evening after he’d gotten home from school [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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