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.”“Really?” Gunny crossed his arms over his chest and looked over at Zack.“Something you forgot to tell me, boy?”“I’m not sure if I believe they’re after me.” Zack shrugged.“I think they were just looking for Eljin.”No, of course not.If Zack believed they were after him he might have to give some credence to Eljin’s entire story and he couldn’t do that.Eljin rubbed his eyes, exhaustion and emotional turmoil making them ache.He just wanted to lie down and sleep, maybe have a shower.“Is there somewhere I can lie down? I’m not feeling so good.”Gunny frowned and looked Eljin up and down as if he could tell what was wrong just by looking.“Yeah, there’s a spare bedroom down the hallway, second door on the right.”“Thank you.” Eljin refused to look at Zack as he walked past him and made his way to the spare room, but when he opened the door and started to go in he gave into his desire for one quick peek.He paused and looked back down the hallway to find Zack watching him with a funny expression on his face, as if he couldn’t quite figure out what was going on.Eljin turned away and walked into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.He leaned back against the door for a few minutes then walked across the room to sit down on the bed.Within a matter of moments, Eljin had his shoes and hat pulled off and lay stretched out on the bed.He didn’t climb under the covers—he doubted he’d be here that long—just lay across the top of the blankets.Once Zack had the chance to tell Eljin’s outlandish story to his friend, the man would probably boot him out.Eljin closed his eyes, more tired than he could ever remember being.He knew he was at the end of his emotional limit.He just didn’t think he could take any more, not right now.He’d been through too much.Tears sprang to his eyes again as he rubbed his hand over the small mound in his stomach.That was probably one of the things he disliked about carrying more than any other, except maybe the morning sickness.His emotions were all over the place.He couldn’t seem to stop crying at the littlest thing.It made him feel weak and as unmanly as he could possibly be.Not that being a man seemed to help matters, anyway.He’d probably be in a much better position if he were a woman.At least then people would believe he was pregnant.Another wave of homesickness washed over him.If he were home, he’d be coddled right now, loved and cared for.His people would hold a great celebration at the news of the coming birth.It would be a welcome event.Instead he was alone and lost.He never should have left home.But it wasn’t like he’d done so voluntarily.Someone had betrayed him, someone had sold him out and turned him over to the human military to be used as a guinea pig.He’d been on a diplomatic mission with his cousin when they were attacked by men with guns, men dressed like those who’d attacked him tonight.His cousin had gotten away.Eljin had not.That had been six months ago.His life had been hell ever since.The only bright spot was the few hours he’d spent in Zack’s arms.And that meant the joke was on him.Eljin shoved his hand into his mouth when deep, racking sobs billowed up from inside.There was no way in hell he wanted Zack to hear him.He’d start asking questions and Eljin didn’t have the answers he wanted to hear.Eljin cried silently until he had no tears left, just a hollow ache deep in his chest.He wrapped his arms around himself because no one else was going to do it, and then snuggled down into the blankets and pillow beneath him, hoping sleep would take him fast.As he faded off, Eljin could hear the soft murmur of Zack and Gunny talking in the other room.He couldn’t make out what they were saying but he had a pretty good idea.He also knew his time here was now limited.Soon, he’d have to move on.He just didn’t know where he would go.Who would want him?Chapter Three“What’s his story, Zack?” Gunny asked as he settled into one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, Zack sitting down across from him.“That boy has a lot going on in his head and I don’t believe all of it is rosy.”“To tell you the truth, I’m not real sure,” Zack replied.“I can’t quite figure out if he’s crazy and in need of serious medication, or if he’s telling the truth, in which case my entire concept of reality just went to hell.”“What makes you say that?”“Do you remember when I was injured by that bomb? Do you remember anything strange happening during that time?”Gunny rubbed his chin then shook his head.“No, not really.I mean, you were pretty sick there for a while.They weren’t sure you were going to make it.Docs had you in the intensive care unit for a while and we couldn’t see you, but they kept us informed of your progress.”“I was in ICU?”“Hell yeah.You had a head injury, Zack.Where do you think they’d put you?”“How long was I in the ICU?”“Couple of weeks, why?”“And you’re sure that’s where I was?”Gunny frowned.“Where else would you have been?”Zack rolled his head.“Oh, I don’t know, a secret government research facility?”“A what?” Gunny exclaimed.“Boy, have you been dipping into the whiskey?”Zack chuckled.“You might think I have after I get done telling you what Eljin told me.As he put it, it’s a very outlandish tale.”“Does it have to do with why you’re hiding out here?”Zack nodded.“And then some.According to Eljin, the men who are after him, the same ones who want to kill me, kidnapped me from the hospital and took me to some secret research facility to be part of some sick genetic experiment.” Zack chuckled and shook his head at the absurdity of his story.“Apparently, they needed my sperm to help them create some sort of super soldier.I have this dormant gene that I inherited from one of my parents and—”“Stop right there,” Gunny said, holding up his hand.“Don’t say another word.”Zack blinked rapidly.“Wha—”“Not another word, soldier!” Gunny barked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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