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.Jerry leaned into him, taking strength from the approval and comfort his master offered him.Each breath his master took made the muscles in his shoulder shift under Jerry’s forehead.The easy rhythm soothed him just a fraction.“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Denton said.“I’m not ashamed, master,” Jerry whispered back.“Good boy,” Denton praised, speeding up his strokes along the length of his shaft as reward.“I’m not ashamed of liking women either, master,” some foolishly honest part of Jerry forced him to add.His master stepped back, taking away the supporting shoulder and the caressing hand.“How often do you think about having sex with a woman?” he asked, his tone cooling with each word.Jerry swayed in his restraints, pulling at them as he instinctively tried to regain his master’s touch and follow him across the room.Denton didn’t seem to notice that as he retreated to lean against the wall opposite him.“I don’t think about that,” Jerry said.“I think about my master.”BI NOW, GAY LATERKim Dare23“Don’t you think a genuinely bi-sexual man, if such a person should ever exist, would think about women more often?”Jerry frowned.He knew it was the height of stupidity to mention a previous owner to a current one, but there seemed to be no way to avoid it.“When I belonged to Miss Stephens, I…”Denton pushed himself away from the wall and strode around him.Jerry tried to turn his head to follow his master’s progress, his words trailing off as he felt the anger pouring off the older man.“I don’t think about anyone other than you, master,” he said again.“You’re gay,” Denton stated.Jerry said nothing.As Denton paced around behind him, he stared across the room at the empty white wall opposite him.“There is no such thing as bisexuality.”Jerry picked a random point on the painted surface and fixed his gaze on it, as he tried his best not to listen—just as he always did when his master spoke on that particular subject.Denton saying it didn’t make it true.Denton saying it didn’t really mean anything at all.His master loved him.Jerry knew that.Denton told him that, out loud and far more often than came easily to a man of his temperament.His master loved him.Just because Denton didn’t understand one part of him, that didn’t mean he didn’t love the rest of him.Jerry bit his lip and focused on that knowledge, doing his best to ignore his lover’s words as they turned harsher and more dismissive of his sexuality by the moment.Denton stopped in front of him.Jerry imagined that he could still see the same spot he’d been staring at on the wall.He did everything in his power to look through his master, to focus on a point in time and space that existed beyond this conversation.The older man seemed to know what he was trying to do.He made him look up and look him in the eye instead.The hand in his hair failed to offer any comfort right then.While Denton demanded he hold his gaze, he had no choice but to focus on his master and take in every word he said.“I’ve been very patient with you, Jerry.But the time has come for you to get out of the closet and make a real commitment to who you really are.”BI NOW, GAY LATERKim Dare24Jerry shook his head, not so much in answer as trying to deny this was happening, that his master could say all the words that echoed around inside his head.“There is no such thing as bisexuality.It’s time you faced up to that and stopped pretending otherwise.I’m sure it was easier when you first came out, but you don’t need the crutch any more.You’re gay.”Jerry closed his eyes.“Please, stop saying that,” he whispered.“It’s the truth,” Denton snapped.His hand ran down Jerry’s body.For the first time, Jerry hesitated before he finally leaned into the touch, accepting it and welcoming it the way he knew a good submissive should.Coming face to face with this side of his master’s personality had softened him, but not so much that it took Denton more than a dozen strokes with a firm grip to have him aching to come all over again.His body found it far easier to ignore his master’s words than his mind did.“You like a man’s touch,” Denton whispered in his ear.He kept Jerry’s cock in his fist, he kept up the strokes, as he moved around behind him.“You like the feel of a man’s body against yours.”Jerry nodded when Denton pressed his body against his back, letting him feel his renewed erection through the material that separated them.His master still wanted him.Whatever he said, Denton wanted him.That was the important thing.“Yes, master.”“You like the feel of a man inside you too, don’t you Jerry?”Jerry pushed back against his master’s fingers as they trailed down the cleft between his buttocks, teasing him with possibilities.“You like the feel of your master’s cock in your arse.”Jerry nodded.His master’s fingers disappeared for a second and came back coated in lube.Jerry murmured his pleasure as his master stroked his fingers around his hole.His whimpers quickly turned frustrated when they failed to enter him.“Please, master?” Jerry whispered.Denton slipped two fingers inside and immediately sought out his prostate.As one hand worked his cock and the fingers of the other hand thrust deeper inside him, all Jerry BI NOW, GAY LATERKim Dare25could do was hang from the chains and accept it all, enjoying every burst of pleasure that fired through him.Each touch, each kiss his master applied to his neck wiped away some of the words his master had said.He just didn’t understand, that was all.And dominants often had a tendency to be harsh when they dismissed those things that confused them.His master was a good man who loved him.A good submissive should be able to look past a few hurtful comments made by someone who couldn’t possibly know how heartbreaking they could be for a man in his position.Jerry caught up every ounce of submission inside him and held it tight, clinging to anything that might help him forgive his lover.It was practically impossible to think properly while Denton was still teasing him, but he somehow felt a little of his disappointment in his master drain away.Groaning his approval of his touch if not his earlier words, Jerry tried to move between his master’s hands, but no longer able to decide if he wanted to push back against one hand or thrust forward into the other.“Do you like that, pet?” Denton asked him.“Yes, master,” Jerry murmured.“Louder.” Both his master’s hands worked him faster, his right hand tightened around his shaft.“Yes!” Jerry said.The half shout echoed around the room as Denton pushed him to the edge but refused that little bit of stimulation that would let him topple over into real pleasure.“Do you want to come?”“Yes!” It came out as another yell.Whimpering, trying to get himself back under control, Jerry tried again.“Yes, master,” he rasped.“If it pleases you to let me come, I…”Denton pressed another kiss to his neck.“It pleases me a great deal.You just have to do one thing for me.”Jerry nodded quickly, as ready as he ever was to do anything his master wanted, especially eager right then, to do anything that could bridge the gap Denton’s words risked causing between them.“All you have to do is say you’re gay,” Denton said.BI NOW, GAY LATERKim Dare26Jerry blinked and tried to make his mind process the order.“Master?”“Three little words and you can have whatever you want,” Denton whispered in his ear.“All you have to say is, I…am…gay…” With each word, the fingers inside him rubbed against his prostate, tempting him to give in and just answer automatically.Jerry shook his head.“Jerry,” Denton prompted.“Can’t.”“Yes, you can, Jerry.You’re stronger than you think you are.”Jerry shook his head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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