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."Durkovich jumped away from the sprawled corpse of his guard.His hood fell away, revealing a jowly, panic-stricken face.Once again the Shadowed One turned to him."You are careless, Durkovich-san," it said in its neutered voice."That makes you an unacceptable liability."A black-clothed figure dropped to the floor behind Durkovich.Before the magnate could move, it had encircled his throat with the curved blade of a kyotetsu-shogi, the traditional ninja weapon resembling a knife crossed with a sickle and attached to a rope.The figure in black stepped back.Two more descended from above, holding the ring on the end of the rope attached to the kyotetsu-shogi, which had been looped over a rafter.Their combined body weights jerked Durkovich's body into the air.His blood showered his comrades as the blade bit into his thick throat.The Shadowed One gazed up until the blood-spray and kicking had subsided.The figure nodded to its operatives who released the rope.The corpse fell across the table with a sodden thump.The operatives retrieved the weapon and stepped back against the wall."Now that we have winnowed weakness from our midst," the Shadowed One said, "permit me to tell you a tale— rather, a truth.The story was put about that the old Coordinator, Takashi Kurita, Theodore's father, died in his sleep of heart failure.This was a lie."There is a conspiracy, coiled like a serpent around the Dragon's heart.Its members presume to call themselves the Sons of the Dragon.In truth, they are no more than servants to the will of the demonic spymaster Subhash Indrahar."Among their sworn number is Theodore Kurita, Coordinator of the Draconis Combine."The Black Dragons stirred uneasily, their cloaks rustling like autumn leaves."I have heard rumors to this effect," the DCMS officer said in half-grudging tones."Those rumors are true.Look at what has befallen the Combine during the rise of Theodore Kurita, and you will see the hand of the conspirator on every side.A conspiracy to gnaw the Dragon's heart out from within!"Takashi Kurita was a bushi.More than a mere warrior, he was also a samurai who devoted his whole being to selfless service of the Dragon, and the Dragon is greater than any individual—greater, indeed, than the Coordinator.Takashi-sama stood for the traditional virtues of the Dragon.He grew sickened by the way his son was drawing the spine out of the Draconis Combine with his so-called reforms.He intended to put a stop to them once and for all.But before he could act, the Smiling One, Subhash Indrahar, and his devil-pup Ninyu murdered him—with the connivance of Theodore Kurita."Deadly silence filled the Moons Viewing Pavilion."How can we know you're telling the truth?" the hooded DCMS officer asked in a subdued voice."You answer your own question," the Shadowed One said."If you truly doubted my words, you would leap to slay me, despite knowing that my operatives wait all around and in the rafters above your heads.For you are true sons of the Dragon, who would not hesitate to sacrifice your lives to bring down one who dared falsely accuse the Coordinator."But you do nothing.And that is because in your hara, in the center of you, you know the truth of what I say.You've known it for a long time, though you would not face it."Hiraoke Toyama dropped to his knees."He's right," the oyabun of Dieron said."For too long we've hidden behind the myth that Th—that the Coordinator was being misled by evil advisors.We can hide no longer.The evil lies at the very core."Toyama looked at the Shadowed One, tear tracks gleaming down his grief-ravaged cheeks."What can we do?""Theodore and his reforms are a cancer, eating away at the Combine from within," the figure said."You must act quickly and decisively to expunge that cancer before it is too late.Opportunity awaits us in the forthcoming Celebration of the Coordinator's Birth."And I will help."PART 1OrigamiThe world is a vast temple dedicated to Discord.—Voltaire1DropShip Uyeshiba, Approach VectorLuthien SystemPesht Military District, Draconis Combine18 June 3058With a stuttering crash like God's own jackhammer the short-range missile volley slammed into the T-IT-N1M Grand Titan.The mammoth 'Mech had left a trail of shattered and blazing enemy machines behind it.Yet already it was Hearing the end of its savage run.Its awesome Durallex Heavy armor had been penetrated in a dozen places, burned through by energy weapons or peeled back from explosive hits.Its left arm was gone, its shoulder actuator a gaping wound bleeding smoke and sparks.The Titan's expendables were long since expended, but somehow it had kept driving single-mindedly toward its destination, as if held upright solely by its pilot's determination.The SRM salvo was just too much.Three missiles struck its right hip and blew off its leg.Like a felled forest giant, the Titan toppled forward in slow-motion.But its pilot was not to be turned aside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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