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.“Not yet, but his warrant has only been out for a week.As the police and bounty hunters start closing in, he’ll send some of his lowlifes to do his dirty work.Whatever.In both my purse and my apartment, I’m packing.So I’m ready.”Though Hunter didn’t like the idea of Kata having to defend herself, the fact she was hell on wheels and didn’t show fear turned him on even more.He hadn’t expected this tough attitude from such a soft, curvy woman, but it made him even more eager to cement something with her.And confirmed his suspicion that there was more to this woman beneath her very pretty surface.“Someone teach you to shoot?” He curled his hand around her hip, enjoying the hell out of touching her curves.She rubbed against him, settling closer.“My older brother.He used to be a New Orleans cop before Katrina.He lives in Houston now, doing undercover work.We haven’t heard from him in nearly a year, but last time he blew through town, he made me brush up.”“What about hand-to-hand?”She grimaced.“I need to work on that.So far, I’ve relied on knees to the groin and a few pressure points that will take a man down.”“Remind me never to piss you off.” He palmed his way down her ass and copped a quick feel.Lush.Perfect.Taking her from behind was going to be a sweet visual treat.Getting deep inside her there would be even sweeter.“Why would I do that to you?”Kata circled her hips against him.A rush of tingles spiked down his cock and spread all through his body.Her stare singed him with sexual challenge.And damn if he wasn’t going to take her up on that ASAP.Christ, he wanted to eat her up.Hunger clawed at him, relentless, so much deeper than anything he’d ever known.This mattered because, already, she mattered.“Well, I suspect you’re a vixen, and I’m not always the easiest guy to get along with.”“But if I kneed all that great equipment.” She trailed her fingernails right down the line of his spine, and goose bumps broke out over his skin.“Wouldn’t I be cutting off my nose to spite my face?”He grinned.“I like the way you think.”“Tell me more about you.”Hunter wasn’t convinced her mind was on the small talk.He was certainly making a concerted effort to concentrate.Getting to know her was important.She was no meaningless fuck, and he wanted her to know it from the start.As hard as he was for her right now, he liked her.Respected her moxie.“My father, whom we affectionately call the Colonel, retired from the army, so he was pissed when my younger brother and I both joined the navy and became SEALs.Logan will be on leave soon, too.I’ve also got a younger sister who lives with her husband in Lafayette and is expecting her first baby soon.You?”“Lafayette? I live there.My mother and stepfather still live in the same house I grew up in.My older sister—the one glaring at us—that’s Marisol.She lives a few blocks from my folks with her husband and boys.I already told you about my older brother.I’m the baby.” Her head cocked to the side, and her sinful façade aside, intelligence gleamed in her hazel eyes.“What about your mom?”The one subject he didn’t discuss with anyone.Ever.Her question had merely been an attempt to be polite, so he didn’t feel obligated to answer.He swayed against her, palming her nape, brushing his lips over her cheek—all the way to her ear.“Is that what you really want to talk about?”Kata sighed and slipped her hand under his T-shirt, and she scratched her nails lightly down his back, lighting him up like a Fourth of July fireworks show.Impatience to touch her, to spread her out and please her, flayed him.He whispered his lips across her neck, a slow tease.Almost a kiss.but not quite.She gasped and tilted her head back, exposing the graceful arch of her throat to him.A sign of surrender that had his dick tightening, weeping for more.With a growl, he rocked his erection directly against her pussy.She went utterly boneless against him.Her lips parted on a moan.“Or do you want to talk about how I’m going to fuck you, Kata?”“Y-you and Ben?”He hesitated.“I can’t speak for him.But I know what I’m going to do to you.”She met his stare again, now growing bolder.“Nice that you have plans.But you should be wondering what mine are.”Boldly, Kata pressed her mouth over his, kissing him.Her pouty lips molded to his, incredibly soft yet demanding, a hard brush.Then she eased back, a tease—there and gone—leaving behind a hint of her flavor, hot and intoxicating and impossible to pin down.Instantly, fire raged through his body, and he grabbed her tighter.She ended the kiss with a husky laugh that scraped down his spine.“Kata,” he breathed in warning.A brazen smile flitted across her mouth.She knew she was stringing him out, grabbing him by the dick and not letting go.He liked this playful side of her, so he let her lead—for now.She rose on her tiptoes, closer, as she feathered her mouth over his again.Grabbing his arms, she deepened the kiss, her tongue like a butterfly, fleeting, flitting, elusive.She tasted like cherries, a hint of tequila, and pure sin.She made him so fucking hard.When she broke away, Hunter looked up.Kata’s sister frowned, but her girlfriends were smiling from ear to ear.Ben, still surrounded by buddies and nursing another beer, looked at them with an uncertain scowl.Hunter danced her farther away from them all, closer to the windows with the stunning views of the Strip just lighting up for the night.Shoving all the bystanders out of his mind, Hunter thrust both hands into that dark, silky hair twisting down Kata’s back and tugged gently until her neck arched for him.“You’re playing dangerous games with me.”A smug, sexy smile curled her fuckable lips.“I can handle you.” “You should find out what games I like before you get too confident.”“Tell me.”He stared right into her dilated eyes, took in the pulse beating at her neck.And he smiled.“I’d rather show you.”Hunter took control and unleashed the force of his kiss on her, past her lips, into that cherry-tequila mouth, to tangle his tongue with hers in a sensuous dance.He demanded.Took.Followed the clues she gave him, those little gasps and shivers that told him what she wanted.Then he delivered.Still eating at her mouth, Hunter grabbed her wrists and clasped them together with one unyielding hand at the small of her back.He bracketed her thighs with his own and pressed against her—chest, belly, hips.He urged her back to the wall, holding her completely immobile.She gasped, and he swallowed the sound with another kiss.Fuck, yeah.His body shook with the need to strip her bare, fuck her mindless, master her utterly.As brutally sexy images flooded his mind and her flavor intoxicated him, she wiggled one hand free and slipped it between them, wrapping her fingers around his cock.And then she gripped.Need tore through Hunter.He gritted his teeth, swallowing back a hiss—and shoved her hand behind her back once more.Kata was accustomed to taking charge.She wouldn’t cede control to him easily, but he was determined and patient.He relished a good challenge.And he wasn’t going to quit until she surrendered completely.AFTER blowing out her candles, Kata set in to celebrate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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