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.”“Authorized,” a voice with a Russian accent replied.“I am mobilizing more support for containment and concealment.”Eagle hit the throttle and they raced over the dark Mississippi to the Illinois side, beating the Prius across the river.Eagle spun the Snake to face west and descended until they were less than twenty feet above the roadway, the thirty-millimeter pointing directly ahead.“Pretty desolate here for about two klicks,” Eagle said.“If we want to fire, this is the place.”There were several sets of headlights on the bridge, but containment took priority.The Nightstalkers and their support had binders full of cover stories for civilians who might get caught up in the action.“Acquiring target,” Eagle said as he centered the chain gun’s sights right between the headlights of the oncoming car.Moms was just about to order him to fire when there was a flash of gold.It leapt from the car and hit the Snake at light speed, faster than they could dream to react.Everything electric on the aircraft shut down.Eagle jerked the controls with all his strength, using what little altitude he had to manually force the hydraulics to move the Snake to the side of the freeway where it crashed, then rolled.Nada and Mac hit hard, their bodies instinctively doing what had been drilled into them years ago at Fort Benning in jump school, using the five points of contact: balls of feet, calf, thigh, buttocks, and the pull-up muscle along the side.Then they were on their feet, cutting away their chutes, readying their weapons.Nada was the longest serving member of the Nightstalkers, which meant he was both good and lucky.His parents were Colombian and his face was pockmarked and scarred.During the Battlestar Galactica marathon, Mac had started calling him Adama, but he’d only done it twice before Nada cut that crap off at the mouth.He had short gray hair, racing Moms to see who could go totally gray first.“Status, Roland,” Nada demanded over the net.“One KIA, one wounded,” Roland reported.They could see Roland standing near a body, his machine gun tight to his shoulder, scanning the area through the scope on top.They could also hear sirens approaching.Sometimes the locals were almost as dangerous as the threats the Nightstalkers had to contain.Almost.“Fireflies?” Nada asked, leading Mac over to Roland.“I didn’t see any,” Roland said.“But someone shot this woman.Double-tap.”Nada stared down at the body.One round on the side of the head (some blood, so the first shot), one in the forehead (no blood, so she’d already been dead from the first bullet).His skin went cold, because that meant a well-trained professional.The first bullet had done the job, but the second was insurance.Nada shook the premonition off.“If she’s the scientist who opened the Rift, where’s her computer?”“Shooter must have taken it,” Roland said.He pointed.“Got a wire running to the Arch.”“Moms will get ’em,” Nada said with more confidence than he felt.“Let’s—” he began, but an urgent transmission cut him off.“Snake down, Snake down.” Eagle’s voice was faint, but the words were clear.“Moms?” Nada asked.“I’m trapped in the cockpit,” Eagle said.“I can’t see the cargo bay.Transponder is on.We’re on the other side of the river.We’ve lost containment.”The first police car roared up, cops leaping out, screaming for the three Nightstalkers to drop their weapons.“Fuck me to tears,” Nada muttered as he lowered his automatic rifle.“I’d like some French toast,” Scout said, and her mother shot her a look as if she’d asked for a shot of pure heroin.Scout’s mother was terrified of calories.She was making an egg-white omelet and some asparagus.And not much of either.Mother also didn’t like that her daughter insisted that her name was now Scout.This change had occurred the previous summer when all sorts of strange things had happened in the gated community in North Carolina they’d lived in while Scout’s dad worked in the Research Triangle.Gas explosions, mysterious fires, strange people out and about; it had all been quite unnerving for Mother and she’d been happy to see North Carolina in the rearview mirror.Unfortunately, Tennessee in the windshield didn’t seem much different, with just the Smoky Mountains in front or behind.At first she’d ignored Scout’s name request, an irresistible force against an immovable object.The object won, because Scout simply refused to acknowledge her given name, Greer.It only took her twenty-six days and forcing her mother to watch To Kill a Mockingbird and then leaving it on, playing off the DVR on a constant loop [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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