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.”“And the other fool?' she inquired politely.“Why, Harold of course,” he pointed out.“While he looks toNormandy, it is Norway that attacks!”After searching his mind for something polite to say to Lil ythin the presence of her parents, Wulfric began, “So nextSaturday the chains of wedlock are to bind us together, mylady.”“Oh no, my lord, not next week.That is not possible.” She wastotal y taken off guard, although she hid her turmoil, wel.Always in complete control, the cool little bitch, he thought.“Why not?” he demanded.“The arrangements have been planned for after the harvest isin.There are so many preparations.” She tried to smileapologetical y.“I wil al ow you two weeks from this night,” and his brows drewtogether as he awaited her rebuff and further delaying tacticsthat he knew would come.Lil yth turned quickly to her father and deftly drew him into theconversation.“Father, you know we always have a hunt afterthe harvest is in, and then you give a big feast for al , includingthe peasants?”He nodded his agreement.“Mother and I thought that would be a perfect time for thewedding.It would certainly prove less costly for you, my lord.”Her father looked at her affectionately.“Whatever you wish,child.”Wulfric looked at her and said baldly, “When?”Her mind raced ahead to the calendar, and she quicklyassessed that the most time she could bargain for was threeweeks.“On the thirtieth day of September, my lord, and it pleasethee?” she said sweetly.A slow grin crossed his face, now that he had at last pinnedher down.“It pleases me,” he whispered low, and his handwent down to her thigh under the table.She edged closer toher father, but he arose from the table and joined his men atthe far end of the hal to make plans for the gathering of thecrops.Her eyes searched desperately, and spotting Wulfric'ssquire, she bade him refil his lord's drinking horn.Surely thisploy would occupy his hands.As his squire poured the frothyale, Wulfric's other hand came up and lightly patted the boy onthe cheek.Lil yth thought in her innocence, He is kind tochildren, perhaps I blind myself to his good points deliberately.He removed his hand from her thigh, and as he did so theyboth saw at the same time that he left a dirty, greasy handprinton the delicate blue silk.She glanced at the mark withunconcealed distaste, and he was embarrassed that he hadnot wiped the grease of the meat from his hands beforetouching her.Untouchable—she acts as if I've defiled her, he thought wildly,and by Christ I wil defile her, if it's the last thing I do.As soon as opportunity permitted, Lil yth made her excusesand retired for the night.Wulfric's men al wanted to toast him,and the entire company became rowdy and drunk before thehour was too advanced.Wulfric slyly watched for hisopportunity.Lady Alison retired final y, and he relaxed slightlyat the thought that the fierce watchdog wasn't marking hisevery move.He slipped up the stairs and entered Lil yth's chamber withoutknocking.She was seated on a low stool in her thinunderdress, and Edyth was brushing out her beautiful hair,which hung to the floor.He lowered a cruel glance at Edythand jerked his head toward the chamber door.She droppedthe brush immediately and flew, leaving Lil yth to face himalone.“My lord, it is not seemly that you visit me thus!” she breathed.“Are we al owed no time alone together? Am I not to woo theeas a lover is wont to do with his bride?” he demanded.“My lord, forgive me, I have no experience of marriage as youhave.” She was contrite immediately, “Oh, forgive me, Wulfric,I did not mean to remind you of the pain you must havesuffered at the loss of your wife in child-bed.”He waved his arm as he came closer.“Put them out of yourmind, girl, I never think of them.”Poor lady, thought Lil yth sadly.“Perhaps God wil bless us with a son for the one snatchedaway so cruel y,” she ventured nervously.She wascontemplating whether she should retreat or attack if hisadvances became suggestive.He took a handful of her hair and removed it from where it layacross her breast, and his eyes fastened greedily on hernipples protruding through the thin silk.His breath gratedhoarsely with desire.“I can get brats aplenty, Lil yth.I want youfor fancy.”The chamber door opened without ceremony, and Lady Alisonsimulated shocked modesty at the sight of him.Edyth had lostno time informing her mistress where Wulfric had ventured.“My Lord Wulfric, I cannot believe my eyes that you would sodishonor my daughter's reputation,” she gasped.“Nay, madam.Lil yth, tel your mother that we desire only tospeak together.It is your desire as wel as mine that weshould know each other better.”“Speak not to me of desire, sir, for I know where it leads.Nay,not another word.You wil leave this chamber immediately andI wil forget what I have seen.” Lady Alison glared at him untilhe had no choice but to retreat or make a terrible scene, butsilently he added to the score that Lil yth would be made tosettle on the last day of September.The men, women and children of the fief of Godstone were alin the fields next morning in a majestical y interwoven patternto gather the harvest.It was a strong system, close-knit, basedon the land.Each peasant was entitled to eight pounds ofcorn, a sester of beans and one sheep, so the harvest was aconsiderable size.The crab apples had been picked from theorchard, and Lady Alison was supervising the making of jel y,which was placed in casks and sealed with beeswax.Menscythed the cornfields and the hayfields and the women andchildren gathered the crops into bundles and bound andstacked them against one another, until the men col ected thebundles on great wagons pul ed by oxen.There were manydifferent crops.Rye and wheat for the bread.Oats and barleyfor the animal fodder and beer making.The washhouse was abusy spot this morning also.The knights had brought back altheir chainses, or shirts, and their chausses, or woolen tights.Strings of wash were strung out past the kitchen gardens andinto the orchards.Linen kirtles and head scarves and finelinen sheets were al washed while the weather stayed warmand sunny.Saxon England at this harvesttime was fil ed with earthlyriches and delights.It was a kingdom whose generous earthproduced bountiful harvests of grains and fruits [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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