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.Straight from the HeartA Novel by Breigh ForstnerStraight from the Heart (Book 1)By Breigh ForstnerSmashwords EditionCopyright 2014 Breigh ForstnerSmashwords Edition, License NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy.Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.Table of Contents:Dedication:Chapter 1: Second ChanceChapter 2: DemonsChapter 3: Don’t Stop BelievingChapter 4: Nothing but a Good TimeChapter 5: King for a DayChapter 6: One ThingChapter 7: Lips of an AngelChapter 8: Seize the DayChapter 9: Face DownChapter 10: I Hate Everything about YouChapter 11: CongratulationsChapter 12: AddictedChapter 13: She will be lovedChapter 14: Love like WarChapter 15: Tears Don’t FallChapter 16: Run FreeChapter 17: No Ordinary LoveChapter 18: The Final EpisodeChapter 19: OutsideAuthor's Note:About the Author:Other books by Breigh Forstner:Books coming soon:Dedication:I’ll make this quick, I promise!I would like to first thank my daughters for putting up with me whenever I was jotting ideas for this story in my notebook.You would than want to color.I love you so much girls!Also, I would like to thank my family and friends.I didn’t tell them for a while I had a published novel, so this is new to them, and I appreciate everything you have done for me.Another dedication goes out to the designer of this amazing cover: Madelene Martin.I cannot tell you how much I love this cover, you are amazing! For anyone in need of an eBook cover, check her site out: http://madelenemartin.tumblr.com/One other thank you to my brother Dayne for editing and formatting the book.You did a great job and loved hearing your feedback.Nancy (my first Beta Reader) I can’t thank you enough for reading an early copy and I’m glad you liked it!Lastly, who could forget the readers? Without you, I wouldn’t be writing! Obviously, but it’s your constructive and positive feedback that helps me improve as a writer.I can’t thank everyone enough, and there will be many more books to come!Chapter 1: Second ChanceI could feel the leather of the guitar case glued to my palm.Hot and sweaty against my skin, I held onto it for dear life.My guitar was my gateway to a new universe.I could get lost, and no one would care to find me.That universe was about to be taken from me.“Bryn Schaefler, did you not hear anything your father told you?” My mother yelled as she tried to wrestle the guitar away from me with a sharp tug.“Yeah I heard every word.” I mumbled.“You want me to throw this guitar away.”Mother let her freshly manicured fingers slip slightly, a devious smile forming from her dark red coated lips.“You are throwing your life away with this piece of garbage young lady.Breaking up with Ethan, buying this ‘instrument,’ getting a job? That is not what Schaefler’s do.Do you understand me?” She said "instrument" like it was a piece of scum in the road.Little did she know I had saved up a whole couple of months’ worth of money working at the fast food restaurant in town to afford a nice acoustic.An Alvarez Dreadnought.It took over five paychecks until I finally took the wad of cash into the local Guitar Center.I remember that day as the best day ever.“Bryn, give your mother an answer.” My dad scolded me, standing in the front door, arms crossed like a security guard.He knew I would leave.Brayden, my older brother, left before me.I’m sure he anticipated it all of these months leading up to my high school graduation.I frowned at him in confusion.Were they really trying to take the one thing that meant everything to me away?“No.You’ll never take my guitar from me.” I clung to my guitar as if my life depended on that instrument without slipping and leaving a dent in my parent’s wood floor.I’d be paying hell for something so stupid.“Don’t you fight me on this! Do I need to call the cops like we threatened with Bray…?”“Brayden is gone for a damn good reason," I spat back "He can’t stand to see you anymore.” Tucking strands of black hair behind my ear, I anticipated the worst.The belt, a hand to the face, or the butter knife in the kitchen only the live-in chef used for our dinners.I watched their faces go from furious to betrayal.No one ever mentioned Brayden, and how he left at Christmas time because he wanted to go overseas and explore the music scene.I guess it runs in the family.My mother brought a thin hand up to my face and slapped me with every fiber of energy she had.I felt the sharp sting on my cheek, stepping back in shock.She never used to slap us.Not until she took up drinking every night when my dad worked longer hours.It became obvious.She only kept us around because it made her who she thought she was: A trophy wife, an amazing stay at home mom who loves her kids.She never loved us.It was never about what we wanted to pursue, but what made the Schaefler name more credible in the land of the rich and powerful.As my fingers grazed the hot flesh on my face, I felt my blood boiling inside my body.This is it, I told myself, I have to go.Running around my mother, I grabbed the suitcase that held at least a week’s worth of clothes.I needed to do this.If my parents were going to continue to run my life, degrading me, hand picking my boyfriends, telling me where to go to school, I couldn’t stay in this cage.Deep breath Bryn…you can do this.“And where do you think you’re going with that?” My dad rested a hand on my shoulder, trying to stop me from walking any further out the door.“Since when did you ever care?” I asked in return, staring my dad dead in the eye, and then repaying my mother’s glare.Her eyes narrowed and I thought for a minute she was closing them so she didn’t see me leave.Taking a deep breath, I said my final words to them.“Every day of my life, you have told me what I can and cannot do, who I can be friends with, who I can date.Hell, you signed me up for the most prestigious colleges in the United States without me knowing! I am DONE being a puppet and a little show girl you can parade around saying ‘look at my sophisticated daughter,’ that is a bunch of bull-shit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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