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."So, what brings you to Greenwich Village? Do you live close by?" he asked.He had been walking down the street checking out paintings by various artists when he'd happened to spot her in the window seat of the cafe.At first he hadn't been certain it was she, but then, from the way his body had responded, he'd known for sure.Whether he liked it or not, he was definitely attracted to this woman, and seeing her today wasn't helping matters.In her office there had been this professional demeanor surrounding her, but here on a Saturday morning, sitting at a window-seat table at a small cafe and wearing a wool skirt and a blue sweater, she made him even more aware of just how beautiful she was.Even her ponytail didn't detract from that beauty.The temperature was in the upper fifties, one of those inexplicable, rare heat waves that warmed New York in February."No, I live in Morningside Heights.I was supposed to meet someone here this morning, but they called at the last minute to cancel.I decided to come here, anyway.""Oh, I see." Tag couldn't help wondering if the person she'd planned on meeting was a man, then wanted to kick himself for even caring.He quickly decided the blame wasn't all his.He was someone who appreciated beauty and Renee Williams was one of those women whose sultry good looks rang out loud and clear."Well, I'll let you get back to your reading.I didn't mean to interrupt you."She tilted her head to the side, her eyes holding his captive.And when she took her tongue to moisten her lips, he found his gaze glued to her mouth."You didn't interrupt me.In fact, I'm glad I ran into you," she said, giving him a throaty chuckle that did something to his insides.He gave her a crooked smile."In that case, do you mind if I join you?"He could tell she was surprised by his question, but without missing a beat, she said, "No, I don't mind."As soon as he pulled out a chair, a waiter came to take his order."Can I get you anything, Mr.Elliott?""The usual, Maurice." The man nodded and quickly walked off.Tag looked across the table to find Renee watching him with open curiosity."Is there anything wrong, Ms.Williams?"She shook her head, grinning."No, but I take it that you're a regular here."His mouth curved into a smile."Yes, I have a condo in Tribeca and come here often, usually every Saturday morning.I love art and there's nothing like seeing an artist at work." He watched her smile again and wondered if she had any idea how seductive it looked."I like art, too.I even dabble in it every now and then.""Really?"She laughed."Yes, really, and when I say dabble I mean dabble.I've never taken any art classes or anything.I think I just have a knack for it.I believe it was something I inherited from my mother.She was an art major and taught the class at a high school in Ohio.""Ohio? Is that where you're from?""Yes.I even went to college there.Ohio State."Tag leaned back in his chair."What brought you to New York?"Renee sighed deeply.She didn't want to think about Dionne Moore, the man who had broken her heart.After graduating from college she had taken a job at a hospital in Atlanta where she had met Dionne, a cardiologist.She'd thought their relationship was special, solid, until she'd found out that Dionne was having an affair with a nurse behind her back.What was sad was that while she hadn't known about the other woman, several of the other doctors--friends of Dionne--had known and had been taking bets as to when she would find out.Once she did, it had caused quite a scandal that had had everyone talking for days.Embarrassed, she had promised to never allow herself to be the hot topic over anyone's breakfast, lunch or dinner table.To repair her heart and put distance between her and Dionne, she had jumped at the chance to relocate to New York when Debbie Massey, her best friend from college, had told her about an opening at Manhattan University Hospital.That had been almost two years ago, and since then she had pretty much kept to herself and had refrained from dating altogether."It was a job offer I couldn't refuse and don't regret taking," she finally said."I love New York.""So do I."At that moment they were interrupted when the waiter returned with a tall bottle of beer for Tag.Tag tipped the bottle to his lips, then setting it down on the table looked over at Renee."So, Ms.Williams, how do you--""It would make me feel better if you called me Renee.""Okay," he said slowly."And I'd like it if you called me Tag, which is what everyone calls me.""All right, then, Tag it is."He glanced at her glass.It was almost empty."Would you like another drink?""No, thank you.The fruit punch here is delicious, but too rich.I'm going to have to do a lot of walking to burn off the calories.""I'm sorry your date didn't show up."Renee laughed."Don't be.It's not the first time Debbie has gotten called away at the last minute.When duty calls, you have to go.She's a friend of mine who works at Time magazine.""Ouch, they're Pulse's strongest competitor."Renee chuckled."Yes, that's what I hear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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