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.“You brought him here,” she said aloud, clearly not concerned that those around her would wonder who she was talking to.He wants to help his father.“He better hurry, then,” she said.“They plan to execute him.”What do you mean, execute him?Joanna gestured around herself.“This is Luc’s prison, Dylan.This is the place where he brings the humans who somehow managed to survive arrest by the Redcoats.This is where they are put on trial and executed for crimes against the angels.” She looked up to where she thought Dylan was, but her eyes were off just a little.“This is the end of the road for humanity.”Then what are you doing here?Joanna laughed.That’s all.She just laughed for a long time, the sound worse than the squeal of a butchered pig, the pain of a dying child.It was worse than anything Dylan had ever heard before.It was the sound of an angel who has lost hope.Chapter 3Dylan opened her eyes back in the green grass where her physical body sat.She pulled her hand away from Wyatt, and he almost instantly opened his eyes, too.“Why didn’t he talk to me? Why didn’t he respond when I called to him?”“I don’t know,” Dylan said.She had no answers for him.She could see the questions before they even formed on his lips, could read the pain in his eyes.There was nothing she could say to him.She climbed to her feet and walked to a little stream that worked its way through the trees that edged the field where they sat.Not a stream, really, but more like the runoff from a heavy rain some distance from where they were.It was water running through a crack in the earth that was overflowing with mud and sediment from the field and the trees.Dylan bent low and cupped her hands, taking some of the water and splashing her face with it.You have to tell him.Dylan groaned.She looked up, but there was nothing to see even if her view hadn’t been obscured by the trees.And she knew there wouldn’t be.“Go away,” she called.“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”Why not?She ignored the voice, leaning over the water once more.It wasn’t drinkable: there was too much dirt and junk in it, but it still felt good against her skin.Which brought her thoughts to the immediate future.They needed supplies.All of their things were left behind when Ellie, their friend and companion, had turned on them and forced them to walk into Davida’s camp.Dear, sweet, frightened Ellie.The same Ellie who had pulled a weapon on them, a weapon she used to paralyze Stiles.Guilt settled heavily on her shoulders as she remembered how quickly, and painfully, he fell to the ground.“Where are you?” she asked.He immediately materialized beside her, leaning against a tree in that cocky way he had.His red hair was so bright it was almost unnatural, and it set off his pale skin in such a way that it had been easy to believe he was a gargoyle.No else could possibly have pale skin like that and be normal.But even that had been a lie.She looked him up and down, telling herself she was searching for wounds or some other side effect of the weapon Ellie had used.But, in truth, she was really just happy to see him.Happier than she should have been.“Are you okay?” she asked as she wet her face one last time before standing, drying her hands on the front of her pants.“Fine,” he said with a soft smile.“Have you been hovering over us all this time?”“When I wasn’t watching over Sam and trying to figure out what Davida has planned.”“Did you know?” Dylan asked.“Did you know that Davida worked for Luc and Lily?”He tilted his head slightly, as though trying to decide how best to answer her.“I knew she had a special interest in you.That’s why I was there, in Genero, all that time.Watching over you.”“But did you know she worked with Lily?”Stiles studied her face.“Dylan, it doesn’t really matter—”“It matters to me.” She moved toward him, angry with herself as tears began to form in her eyes.She pushed at his shoulder, knocked him out of his cocky stance.“She was my guardian.If you knew—”“I knew,” he said, gripping her arms just below her shoulders so that she couldn’t move away.Or, maybe, so that she couldn’t hit him.“And I made sure she couldn’t hurt you.”“What do you call what just happened?” she demanded, trying to jerk free but aware that there was little point.Stiles was much stronger than she would ever be.“What do you call her luring us to her so that Lily could come and take me away?”“I didn’t know that was going to happen.”“You’re an angel.Don’t you know everything?”He laughed, a soft sound that made her want to join him.If she wasn’t still so angry.She felt…betrayed.She jerked her arms again.This time he let her go.She stumbled backwards and nearly fell into the little stream of water.“I trusted you,” she said quietly.“Hey, Dylan,” he said, reaching for her again, but she was already halfway up the small incline that separated them from the grassy field where she had left Wyatt.He was there, leaning against a tree on the far side with his arms crossed, looking so much like a darker version of Stiles that it was almost unnerving.He was annoyed, she could tell by the slight narrowing of his eyes as he watched her walk toward him.But annoyance turned into surprise when she marched up to him and then continued on, marching out the other side of the field.“Where are you going?” he demanded.“Away from the two of you,” she answered.Wyatt came after her.Joined Stiles as he continued to rush after her, too.She ignored them, walking faster so that they would have to rush to catch up with her.She’d had enough.She really didn’t want to talk to either of them.Wyatt wanted to know things she couldn’t explain to him.And Stiles knew things he felt he didn’t need to share with her.And these were the two who were supposed to help her stop the total destruction of the human race?God help them all.“Dylan, what’s going on?”It was Wyatt.He caught up with her and grabbed her arm just above the elbow.She jerked away, nearly freeing herself, but then she began to fall forward and Wyatt had to grab her shoulder to keep her from falling completely.She spun toward him the moment she was back on her feet and pushed him away.“I don’t want you touching me,” she said.Wyatt stepped back, holding his hands out in front of him.“No problem,” he said.Dylan took several steps backward, putting a little more distance between them.“I don’t know what the two of you expect from me,” she said.“I don’t know how any of this works any more than you,” she said, gesturing toward Wyatt.Then she turned to Stiles before adding, “And I can’t do anything about this damn war if you don’t tell me everything I need to know.”“Dylan,” Stiles began to say, but stopped when she turned toward him.“No more lies,” she said.Her eyes slipped over him, over his familiar gray eyes, on the sadness that always seemed to be there.Always.Except for the split second before he kissed her.It was gone then.Or maybe she just hadn’t seen it.Or she hadn’t wanted to see it.He spread his hands out in front of him too, imitating Wyatt in a smaller, less angry way.“No more lies,” he agreed.“What lies?” Wyatt asked.“What are you talking about?”“He knew about Davida,” Dylan said, waving her hand at Stiles.“He knew what and who she was all this time, and he didn’t tell us.”Wyatt turned on Stiles.“You knew she was working for Luc and Lily?”“Yes,” Stiles said.“But—”Wyatt didn’t wait to hear Stiles’ excuse.He swung low and fast, punching Stiles in the gut and followed it up immediately with a fist under Stiles’ jaw as his head came down in response to the first hit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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