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.Don't mind if I do.Even from behind, the view of his broad shoulders was enticing.Dawn beat me to the bar, though.She squeezed her way between Gunner and Theo and was trying to flirt with both of them.Gunner looked amused."New girl here says she's working for Nella?" Gunner asked.I stood near Theo's side."Yeah," I said, shifting slightly with the music, "You like her?"Gunner looked at her and shrugged."She's all right.""Are you two boys having a good time?" I laid a hand on Theo's thick shoulder."Can I get you anything?"Finally he turned and I got a good look at his face.My breath caught.He was the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen in person.The only place a face like that belongs is on film.His dark hair was shaggy and tousled, probably from wearing a helmet, but looked so soft I just wanted to bury my hands on it.His strong jaw was covered in dark stubble.It looked like it has been a few days since he'd last shaved, but the look wasn't sloppy on him - it just made him look rugged.He regarded me with deep brown eyes that seemed to see everything, making me feel unbearably exposed.I crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for his answer.Wait, what did I just ask? "I'm good." His voice was a deep rumble.I could nearly feel it in my toes."Yeah, good-looking," I blurted.Something like amusement crossed his face, but it quickly slid away.Gunner snorted."Seriously! Doesn't his face belong in the movies or something?""Aww, don't tease him," Dawn said.She placed her hand on his knee.Theo gently pushed it away."Really, girls, I don't need anything.""You'll make them cry, they can't resist a pretty face," Gunner said.He reached an arm around Dawn's waist and said, "Can you, darlin'? I ain't pretty enough for you?"Dawn tilted her head back and giggled as she studied him."You're plenty pretty."Theo shrugged my hand from his shoulder with a sigh."I'm turning in," he said.He moved me out of the way as he got up, his hand hot and firm against my lower back.I could still feel the echo of his touch as he walked away."Long trip," Gunner said with a shrug.Then he turned his attention back to the giggling Dawn.I wished I'd been able to push her at someone else, first.Jester, or maybe even Irish if he didn't drink too much.But she had been determined to jump on Gunner since the moment she saw him, and who was I to stop her?I left them, intending to go back to the jukebox, but Bill clapped a hand on my shoulder."What happened?""I think he's tired.""Go give it one more try.He's in the first guest room."I sighed.It was sort of my job to make sure everyone was having a good time, but I suspected the newcomer wasn't interested."And if he kicks me out? ""Then you're off the hook.""Okay." I slipped through the back door into a quiet hallway.The clubroom was to the left - I wasn't allowed in there, though.I walked straight down the hall to the first door on the right and knocked, bouncing on my toes and humming a tune.The door swung open, revealing Theo's shirtless, tattooed chest."Hi!" I said.A big grin spread across my face.God, is he hot.Even if he slammed the door in my face, the view was worth it.I must look like the biggest fool right now.I tried to compose myself, but the corners of my lips kept twitching upwards."Bill wanted me to check on you.""Yeah?" Finally peeling my eyes from his magnificent torso, I could tell he was definitely weary after his trip."Yeah.Anything I can do to make you more comfortable? Something to help you sleep?" I bit my lip, hoping it looked sexy.I suspected it didn't; I was trying too hard not to laugh.What is wrong with me? He’d completely destroyed my composure without actually doing anything.I was never going to get to run my hands all over those hard muscles if I kept giggling in the doorway, so I stepped closer and traced his belt with a fingertip."Anything I can help you with at all?""What were you humming?"The unexpected question threw me off."Oh.Um.I think it was Common People."He cracked a small grin.I felt like I melted right there.His body was an incredible turn-on, but that grin turned me into a mindless puddle.I suddenly didn't want to just climb him like a tree - I wanted to kiss him."You have good taste in music.""Thanks." I tried to turn the charm back on."Want to talk about our favorite songs?"He looked like he was considering it, but the moment passed, and with it the humor in his face faded."Not tonight." And he shut the door.I stood there a moment.Too good for a club bitch?Whatever.I'd steal Gunner back from Dawn.That would soothe my pride, and it would pretty much be doing her a favor.I shrugged at Bill as I re-entered the bar.He shrugged back Oh well.I glanced around for another likely victim.Bars and Anchor were both with their wives (not that either of them were especially unfaithful, anyway).Bill was with Veronica for the evening.I sidled up to his son, Jester, but he shrugged me away.I’d heard he was having trouble with some lady, so I didn’t push him.Mort was in loud drunk mode already, which meant if I took him to a room, he’d fall asleep on drool on me before I could get his belt buckle undone.More importantly, he’d be incoherent and forget to tip Nella for me.Cheapskate is what he is.That left Irish and Gunner.Both were still flirting with Dawn, though Irish was too busy working the bar to talk much.He’d be working late - so that solidified my plan to steal Gunner away.Besides, she’s the new girl - if anyone should entertain the Prospect later, it should be her.I chose a few more songs on the jukebox before heading over to the two of them and standing at Gunner’s shoulder.Dawn was leaning back against the bar, arching her back, putting her ample chest on display.I touched his arm.“You guys seem to be getting on.”"He was telling me about some of the club rules," Dawn said."Like what?"Dawn bit her bottom lip, looking every bit the bimbo blond who couldn't form a thought herself.I knew the act, though [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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