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.Physics was Eaton’s only love besides Marty and he doubted either returned his affection.The past few months, his dissertation work had slowed to a trickle.Between the wolf shifters attacking Carey’s mate and the saltwater crocs attacking Denton, moments of peace lately had been few and far between.“Good luck with that.I’m going to rally the garden crew.” Carey paused halfway out the door.“You don’t have to forgive the hawks, but if Marty wakes up and takes them back, it’ll put you in an awkward position.If you can’t accept them, maybe you should let Marty go.”“Maybe,” Eaton agreed.He wouldn’t promise to forgive the bastards who let a psycho harm Marty.He hadn’t killed them yet, they should be grateful, not whining to Carey.“Think about it,” Carey advised.He watched Carey leave, then turned back to his work.He needed to focus on his research, but his mind kept drifting back to the man unconscious in the other room.“He’s unusual for a human,” Gallen commented in a thoughtful tone.“Yes.Carey’s a strong alpha.He’s mated to a jaguar shifter.” Eaton was almost certain Carey was the alpha in that relationship, too.Broden might be big bad kitty cat, but Carey didn’t have a submissive bone in his body.Gallen laughed.“A human alpha? Why do the hawks even listen to him? Aren’t you their leader?”“I won’t claim them.I keep hoping they’ll fly off and become someone else’s problem.Marty told them he wanted to leave life on the road.I don’t know why they’re hanging around, except maybe they hope he’ll change his mind.He won’t.” Eaton had hoped Marty planned to stay in one spot for him, but he didn’t know the real reason.Before Marty’s attack, the two of them never really got a chance to talk.For all Eaton knew, Marty just became tired of all the traveling and wanted to hang around and work at his bar.His decision might have nothing to do with Eaton at all.“Can I see him?” Gallen said.“Why?” Eaton’s attention snapped fully to Gallen.His protective instincts flared as he evaluated Gallen’s expression for danger.“Because I might be able to help.I have some healing ability from my mother’s side of the family.She comes from Fae blood.”“Oh,” Eaton perked up at hearing that news.Fae were known for their healing abilities and were also very hard to find.The Fae were dwindling in numbers and few were willing to step into the paranormal limelight due to the high incident of kidnapping.Both other paranormals and humans were easily enchanted by the Fae and often became obsessed, leading to a high level of abductions.“Sure, you can come see him.It’s about time for me to go check on him anyway.”Their project didn’t appear to be progressing very far.Marty filled all of Eaton’s thoughts.He needed to snap out of his obsession and get his work done.A loud noise in the other room lifted his spirits and made Eaton’s heart skip a beat.“Fuck!” Marty’s voice, hard and angry, had Eaton racing from the study.“He’s awake!” Eaton shouted.Abandoning Gallen, he rushed down the hall into the bedroom where they’d placed Marty.Eaton skidded to a halt when Marty’s gold gaze pinned him to the spot.The hawk shifter sat up in the bed, but hadn’t moved any more than that.“Hey, you shouldn’t try to get up,” Eaton protested.“You’re still recovering.”From Marty’s guilty expression, Eaton knew that was exactly what the hawk shifter had been attempting to do.Chapter TwoMarty’s back burned like the fires of hell, but the scent of Eaton and hearing the soft timbre of his voice in another room had Marty instinctively trying to seek out his mate.Finding he couldn’t move had the hawk inside him screaming its protest.He couldn’t be injured.His Eaton deserved a whole mate, someone who could keep him safe while still letting him spread his golden wings.Marty refused to let his mate be unprotected.The sight of Eaton standing beside another man made the hawk try to come forward.Marty’s inner beast yearned to sink its claws into someone he saw as a threat.“Come here,” Marty held out his hands.He groaned as the motion sent searing pain through him.His arms and legs ached.He’d had broken bones before.Not so many at a time, but he knew how that injury felt.Lance had done a thorough job at making sure Marty couldn’t shift to heal the damage he’d caused.When he got his hands on the other hawk shifter, he’d kill the fucker.Eaton studied Marty for a long moment as if trying to determine the reasoning behind his request.After a slight pause, he walked forward until he stood beside the bed and within grabbing distance.“What?”Marty placed his hands on Eaton’s hips, holding him still.The eagle shifter always fidgeted when nervous and Marty could almost feel the tension pouring off Eaton.“I was coming to find you.” He hadn’t gotten any further than sitting up, but the thought had been there.“Why?” Eaton asked.“You aren’t in any condition to be looking for anyone.You need to settle down and get some rest.I don’t know what you are thinking, trying to get out of bed.You’re injured.”Marty scowled.“I needed to make sure you were all right.That bastard, Lance, said he’d go after you.How did I get here?”“I shot Lance in the head; he’s never going to touch anyone else again.” Eaton’s grim smile of satisfaction had Marty’s cock rising.His baby had a vicious streak Marty found extremely attractive.“How did you find me?”“Denton discovered where you were, and Harris got you out.I killed Lance, and we walked away,” Eaton summarized.Marty caught the haunted look in Eaton’s eyes, and he knew it hadn’t been as easy as Eaton said.Unable to resist the lure of his mate, he cupped Eaton’s face and pulled him gently down.Their lips brushed, and heat poured through Marty at the contact.His inner hawk screamed its agreement.A spasm of pain jerked him out of his lustful haze.Marty gasped from the ache.Eaton stepped back.“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t think.” The guilt emblazoned across Eaton’s face had Marty quick to reassure.“No, my mate, I needed you.” He wouldn’t let Eaton blame himself.Not after all he’d done for Marty.“Mate?” Eaton’s gold-brown eyes widened.“Crap.” He hadn’t meant to say that.Just because he’d finally admitted it to himself didn’t mean he wanted Eaton to know just yet.Unfortunately, from the light glowing in Eaton’s eyes, it was too late for take backs.“We’re mates.That explains everything.Why didn’t I know that?” Eaton frowned.Marty could feel the bond between them thrum as if Eaton had just discovered their connection.Eaton’s tension and anxiety over being unaware hummed along with it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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