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.Shaking her head, she rid herself of thatludicrous hope.No one was getting her out of this and certainly nother mom.She broke her lecherous gaze on the pillows and went back towatching where she'd last spotted Constantine disappear.Her heartstuttered mid beat and she felt something like a diaphragm slam intoher lungs; he was back.Worse, he was dragging someone or thing27behind him, because whatever it was dribbled blood onto the cementfloor.Helena knew she should watch Constantine's every move if for noother reason than to clasp her head and protect her hair, b ut the blood.A darkening red trail tracked where he had been.He and whoeverwas recently dead were getting closer and she could be next, but theblood.Her mouth watered.Wasn't that an odd panic reaction? Lips partedand the drool welled up over her bottom lip, one viscous dripdribbling down her chin and landing on her shirt.The back of herhand wiped across her mouth, but the saliva mounted until she had toswallow or drown in her own juices.Nostrils flared picking up every nuance of iron she could from theair.Her tongue swelled up feeling sore and dry despite all her saliva.Hunger shot from her stomach with a convulsive anger that made herthroat too tight to handle swallowing anything that wasn't liquid andjuicy.Careless of the pain, her head shook violently.Drugs had to still bein her system.This wasn't a normal human reaction.Sure hispresence made her brain go crazy processing hatred mingled with lust,but the blood."You smell it, don't you?" Constantine pulled the body behind himby the hair.Her own scalp cringed at the act, but she gave little credence tohuman fear.The neck was ripped open and blood spurted up anddrenched his clothes before being wasted on the cement.Oh god,what was wrong with her? Blood wasted? Shouldn't her hind brain becausing her to want to flee or fight? Why was she so drawn to theblood so that little else mattered?Helena screamed at herself to shut up.She couldn't deal with thisall at once, and surely she should be focusing on the source of theblood.Wasn't that more important? Shouldn't the blood be staunchedand saved.Someone could surely use it.Helena gulped.She was going insane, breaking apart, yelling atherself and not even knowing what she was going to say until she did.28Her body started to shake under the strain.She needed silence so shecould stop thinking, no to think.She required silence to think, but herbody was so loud with different needs and wants.Constantine deposited the body at her feet, the skin-stripped neckstill gurgling from a fresh kill."Beautiful, isn't it, all the still warm blood?" Constantine leanedover the body between them to close in on her.Helena tore her eyes away from the blood to look at him, but hereyes flicked downward, mesmerized by the blood.He pinched her chin sharply."Look at me."Helena dragged her eyes back to his face but her vision seemed tobe sucked into his dilating eyes, making her swim in and out ofconscious focus."You smell it deep within her thighs don't you? It makes you hot,ready to pounce and take it in you, deep in you, so you can ride itspower for all its worth." Constantine's words turned to steam in theheat of her strained breath.Helena's neck stretched to free her chin.Constantine shook his head."Not very likely, is it, you gettingaway from me? And why would you want to? I have what you wanteven if you keep saying no.I'll give you a release you never imaginedexisted."Helena's jaw creaked open under his clutch."Stop touching me."Her thighs clenched so she could stand firm."Oh, I'm going to do even better than touching you.I'm going totake you to a place you'll never want to leave and beg me for more."He ran a nail behind her ear, trailing down to her collar bone.Helena's throat stuttered trying to figure out what was up and down."No I won't.I don't want anything from you." Her toes clenched,keeping herself firmly in her shoes."Don't be so sure of that.A girl like you is going to come back formore and beg for seconds." Constantine rammed his palm into herthroat, sending her teetering backwards, only her hair prevented herfrom falling on her ass.29Helena screamed out in pain as she swung from the ceiling.Hershoes fell off, and her toes clamored to gain contact with the flooragain, tripping over the shoes as she got onto tiptoes."Now that I have your attention again," Constantine reached out tograb her hair and still the rope, "I don't want you to miss a second ofwhat is about to happen to you.You'll regret it later if you do.""Oh God, please no." Helena lost any reserves of composure shehad in her vocal chords and bleated like a lost lamb.Constantine pushed his hand between them, pressing into herbreasts and stomach before slipping down between her thighs to theman beneath them.Helena's head bent, needing to know what he was going to do.There was only so much she could clench her thighs and stand on hertoes at the same time.His hand bathed in the man's open throat, coating his skin with redsyrup.He stepped back so she could see the full ascent of his hand asit crept slowly up between them and then stilled in front of her face."What are you going to do to me?" Helena forgot to stand on hertiptoes, and her arches collapsed.Constantine stuffed his clean hand under her armpit and raised herto her toes."You know what's about to happen to you."Helena's face jittered no, her eyes tracking his hand as her headflipped side to side."Yes you do, and you want it, you know you do.You're mouthsays no but your tongue says yes.Bet you don't know it's snaking outof your mouth and your teeth are primed ready to take my hand off atthe wrist." Constantine moved his hand closer to her face.Helena started to go cross-eyed."I.I.""Shhh, let your mind go.I only want your body right now.I'lltackle your mind another time." He grazed the tip of her tongue withhis bloodied knuckles.Helena's tongue snapped back into her mouth and recoiled againstthe roof of her palate.Cheeks puffed out, breathing in the perfume ofblood from pulsating mucous linings.Her tongue came back out,30cleansed off the blood now surging down her throat, and lapped at theair like a puppy gone wild.Constantine wagged his hand in front of her crazed eyes."Andhere I thought you wanted me to leave you alone to your sanctity oflies."Helena heaved in throaty breaths on the verge of hyperventilating."I can't breathe.""Sure you can, more of the fibs you tell yourself, pretty little liesthat make you feel better." He jabbed his knuckles under her nose,leaving blood behind below her nostrils.Helena sucked air in through her nose as her tongue tried to reachthe blood and lick it off."What are you doing to me?""I'm not the one doing anything.It is all you, Helena, all you.Youwanted power, well I'm giving you more than you let yourselfimagine, and your body wants it even if your mouth is spewing outlies, telling me no.I know you want me to.You want me to go allthe way." Constantine licked a drying knuckle and transferred theblood from his lathered tongue onto hers, biting hers until her eyeswatered."No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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