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.And theirs…The hotel was close enough, one she frequented for her ‘excursions’ as she preferred to call them.At least Steven and Michael were regular clients.They were trustworthy, surprisingly handsome, and the two men were secret lovers.Powerful men in several ways, they were considered highly respected in the influential town.Yet no one knew them as she did, or the key to the mysterious surrounding them.She shuddered as she pulled her coat tighter, the wind as well as the realization of what she was doing chilling her to the bone.Little did the public know about their particular proclivities that only she could seem to satiate.She kept their secrets as they kept hers.The relationship was very important for all three, given the men were also high-ranking Senators.For every other one of her clients she used a posh hotel, one catering to every need her customers might have.There was little expense she spared for her methods of seduction, providing fantasies as well as kinky sex.For these two men, remaining undiscovered was much more important than anything else and so the hotel bordered on seedy.As she rounded the corner, the flashing neon sign gave her a chuckle.Five thousand dollars a day at minimum was her fee and she was going into something akin to the Bates Motel.Well, their perks were indeed worth the two nights a month – and their very special needs.As Simone entered, she nodded toward the man sitting behind the counter.He was somehow always the attendant behind the desk, never paying too much attention and giving her needed space.As she walked closer, he merely held out a key, never indulging in conversation or offering concern.She had a long-standing reservation and paid well for privacy and zero questions.Reaching across the desk, she smiled as he took the folded bill, her way of making sure he didn’t end up talking to the Press.They were always sniffing to find out every bit of dirt.One could never be too careful in Washington DC.Entering the room exactly fifteen minutes before the men were due to arrive, she tossed her bag down and jerked off her coat before turning on the light.Fortunately she was already dressed in the rather plain but provocative way they desired.Simone turned on the small desk lamp before sauntering toward the window and closing the blinds tightly.She smoothed down her simple black dress, the one that barely hid anything from view.A quick glance in the mirror made her shake her head.If only her upper echelon clients could see her right about now.Simone as a picture perfect harlot, at least in her mind.Just the way the boys wanted her.She sighed as she checked her watch.Her work as a commercial attorney afforded her the finer things in life but the men and women of multi-million dollar corporations she represented wouldn’t take kindly if they found out she was a high priced call girl on the side.Barely eight minutes later the music was turned on, the battery operated candles lit and the wine opened – rich cabernet of course.They were always on time and almost always wanting the same thing.As she glanced across the bed she sucked in her breath.She’d forgotten the rope.Taking long strides, she walked to her bag, jerking open the zipper and rummaging through the change of clothing.Thank God the knotted length of rope was nestled at the bottom.Steven in particular didn’t appreciate change of any kind.Laying the rope carefully on the bed, she brushed her hands through her hair and moved toward the door.The boys were like clockwork.As she waited the last few minutes, she thought about what had gotten her into this position in the first place.Sleeping with men for hire certainly wasn’t about the money or about some innate need to feel beautiful.Her desire stemmed from craving the danger.Danger.How her life had changed since meeting the two men.She licked her lips and inched closer to the door, remembering her first trick.So many things had changed since then.The sharp knock on the door drew her out of her vivid memories.As she wrapped her hand around the doorknob she became the fantasy woman, the one all the men wanted and needed.“Boys.So good to see you again.” She glanced from Michael to Steven, the yin and yang was scintillating – brooding Italian to golden hued surfer encased in a model’s perfect body.She had to admit, they were stunning and very tasty.“You look beautiful,” Michael breathed as he pushed her gently into the room, immediately tugging off his suit coat.Steven closed the door, clicking the lock before allowing his eyes to sweep around the room.“I assume you weren’t followed.”“Absolutely not.” Simone waited until he seemed comfortable before inching closer.“You know I’m very careful.” Taking his hands into hers, she massaged his palms as she swayed back and forth, humming to the light jazz music.“I see you have everything prepared as usual.” Michael’s voice drifted behind them.She couldn’t help but notice how husky and sensual the tone was tonight.Darting a glance over her shoulder, she knew he was pouring two glasses of wine, hoping Steven would relax.Inhaling deeply, she took both of Steven’s hands and placed them on her breasts, squeezing both sets until he moaned.“I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again.”“Have you really?” Steven asked as he cocked his head.His entire body trembling slightly, he gave her a heated look.Dropping her hands, she knew he was now very much in the mood, and much more quickly than usual.She could easily tell the signs, having been with both men in this very room twice a month for over a year.Steven was going to play rough tonight.“He’s been in a mood all week,” Michael said as he chuckled.“Very spicy and almost desperate with need.”“I can see that,” she purred, playing her part, but she had a feeling she knew what he was saying.Their hungers were escalating, something she’d had to think about carefully.Was she ready? Simone heard Michael setting his glass down, sensed his presence as he moved closer, and every part of her body tingled in anticipation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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