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.Everyone outside was naked.“You must be dying to get out of your clothes,” he said.“I’m not sure I want to wander about in the altogether.”“Oh, you’ll get used to it.Comes a point where it seems silly bothering with clothes.Just do what you’re comfortable with.” Rex averted his eyes as the nude man bent to open the fridge door.“Brook said he left you a stock of beer in case you arrived before he got back.I told him you were a Guinness man.Would you like one?”“Aye, thanks.” The can perspired cold droplets in Rex’s hand.He took a few gulps and exhaled.“That’s better,” he said.Winslow helped himself to a Heineken.“I hope you’ll get on all right with Brook.He’s very personable, really.The other alternative would have been to have you room with Vernon, but he’s still in a state of shock and probably needs his space, even though it’s been a week since Sabine disappeared.”“Was he very fond of his wife?”“Crazy about her, although there were arguments between them.She was a very beautiful woman and, naturally, Vernon got jealous over all the attention she received.Sometimes I think she provoked it.”“Provoked his jealousy?”“I think she liked to see how far she could go and led men on just for the fun of it.Wouldn’t surprise me if Vernon snapped that night and wanted to teach her a lesson.I’m not saying he necessarily meant to kill her.”“How long had they been married?”“Seven years.She was a young thing of twenty-one when they wed.He’s thirty years older.”“Something would have had to happen to make him snap enough to kill her after seven years.” Rex crushed the can in his hand.“Do they recycle here?”“Good God, you’re a powerful chap.Lost some weight since I saw you, didn’t you? Yes, there’s a recycling bin outside the main building, by the Laundromat, or you can just leave it for maid service.” Winslow hesitated before adding, “I ought to mention that some of us believe Sabine and Brook were having an affair.”“Was Vernon aware of it?”“Not sure, but he started acting quite frostily toward Brook.If Brook and Sabine were having it away, they were quite discreet about it.”“Any suspects other than the husband?”Winslow examined the green bottle in his hand.“I don’t want to tell tales out of school—I just want to get to the bottom of this.When Sabine disappeared, my wife thought you might be the man to help.Not to put too fine a point on it, we’re all successful businessmen here, and you can understand what makes us tick.It won’t be too much like having a stranger among us.”“You think it was one of the guests?”“A guard patrols the beach at night and he didn’t see any non-resorters up at this end.If there was a struggle, as the blood on the pareo fragment suggests, it’s more likely the assailant was a man, don’t you think?”“Possibly.Does this security guard work for the resort?”“Yes.Another one patrols the gate and walks around the outer perimeter.They’re very unobtrusive, and it gives the guests a sense of security.”Rex had noticed a man in a khaki uniform when the driver pulled up in front of reception.“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Winslow said.“This is the best time of the day for a dip.The water’s warm and the sun’s not too hot.”“What’s the average temperature?”“Low eighties, but the trade winds cool things off.I’ll swing by at seven and take you to The Cockatoo to meet the others.David Weeks can’t wait to make your acquaintance.”Rex couldn’t wait to meet him either, nor any of the other suspects.“Aye, see you then, Paul.And thanks for your hospitality.”“Think nothing of it.You’re not just here to work, you know.” Winslow picked up his baguette from the counter and saluted him with it.When he had left, Rex entered the bedroom where Pascal had deposited his bag and briefcase [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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