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.Caitlyn followed him until they reached a large rock at the edge of the lake.Shane sat down and gestured for her to join him.“What’s up?” she asked.“Why all the secrecy?”“I just don’t want anyone to overhear us,” he explained.He paused and ran a hand through his dark hair.“I wanted to ask you if something’s wrong with Mitchie.She’s seemed a little.I don’t know, sad recently, and I know you two are best friends, so.”His voice trailed off and he sat watching her, his dark eyes expectant.Caitlyn hesitated.She and Mitchie were good friends—which meant, of course, that they kept each other’s secrets.But friends also helped each other out—and if Mitchie was worried about how people saw her friendship with Shane, well, was there any way that Shane could help with that? On the other hand, Mitchie wouldn’t want Shane to think that she regretted their friendship.Caitlyn wrinkled her forehead as she tried to think this through.Shane was watching her closely.“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” he said.“I just want to help Mitchie if I can.”“Well, um, some of what she told me is kind of private,” Caitlyn said.“But I guess I can tell you that she’s a little worried about her songwriting.”“Why?” Shane looked shocked.“She’s a great songwriter.And she works so hard at it.She’ll just keep improving, I’m sure of it.”“Yeah, well.” Caitlyn tried to think of how to explain Mitchie’s worries to Shane without mentioning that he was a big part of those worries.“It’s not so much her talent.It’s more whether people will see her as an artist, and not just someone who’s trying to get famous.”“Oh.” Shane gazed out over the water and thought about that for a moment.“Well, she’s right to be thinking about that,” he said, so softly that he seemed to be talking to himself.“It’s easy to get caught up in all the celebrity nonsense.”And you would know all about that, Caitlyn thought.After all, Shane’s record label had sent him back to Camp Rock for the summer after he had thrown one too many temper tantrums as the lead singer of Connect Three.At camp, he had found himself—and his voice—again, but the experience was clearly fresh in his mind.He turned to look directly into Caitlyn’s eyes.“You’re thinking that I would know, right?” he said teasingly.She blushed scarlet, embarrassed that he had guessed her thoughts so easily.“No, no, that wasn’t even in my mind,” she began, but he waved her protests away with a grin.“If it wasn’t, it should have been,” he said.“But listen, I’m glad you told me this.I think I can figure out a way to help Mitchie realize that she’s got nothing to worry about.”“Really?” Caitlyn looked doubtful.“That would be great, but I have to warn you: words won’t be enough to convince her.”He nodded, his expression sly.“You’re absolutely right,” he agreed.“But I just had the beginning of an idea.If I can work out the details, I think I’ll get Mitchie to believe it with all her heart.”CHAPTERFIVEThere was still a little light in the sky as Mitchie and Caitlyn strolled down the path to the location of the campfire that night.Mitchie glanced through the trees at the horizon, where a faint line of pink and gold still remained from the sunset.Despite her earlier worries, she felt her heart lift.There was something about sitting around a roaring fire with good friends that was both exciting and comforting.And tonight’s campfire would be all new to her—she had never had a chance to attend one of Camp Rock’s scary storytelling sessions.Turning her attention from the sky, she glanced at Caitlyn.“So, are you going to tell a story tonight?”Caitlyn laughed.“Me? No way.I’d rather listen to everyone else and have a good time being frightened.”Mitchie raised one eyebrow.“Are the stories really that spooky?”“Well, no,” Caitlyn admitted.“But sitting out in the woods in the dark.it’s easy for your imagination to get out of control.That’s part of the fun.”By the time all the campers had arrived, grabbed some snacks from the picnic baskets that Mitchie’s mom had sent down, and found seats, the last of the light had disappeared and the first stars were twinkling in the night sky.Taking a seat next to Caitlyn, Mitchie took a bite of a chocolate-chip cookie and gazed around at all the familiar faces.Everyone looks a little different in the firelight, she thought.And the dancing flames are casting weird shadows that make the trees and bushes seem almost alive.And did it just get a little windier?Stop that! she told herself sternly as goosebumps appeared on her arms.Letting your imagination get a little out of control can be fun, but you’re ready to scream before the first story has even started!At that moment, Shane walked out of the shadows to sit beside her on one of the logs that were serving as benches.Despite herself, she jumped just a little bit at his sudden appearance.“Hey,” he said, his eyes filled with concern.“Are you cold?”Mitchie realized that she had been rubbing her arms.“Oh, no, not really,” she said.His concern vanished and he grinned.“You’re not scared already, are you?” he asked.“The show hasn’t even started.”“Of course not!” Mitchie tried to sound confident, but she could tell by his teasing glance that she hadn’t succeeded.“Here.” Shane handed her another cookie.“Cookies give you courage.And don’t worry,” he said with a wink.“I’ll stay right here beside you.”Mitchie smiled, feeling much happier, even though she hadn’t been scared, not really.Then she saw Torie out of the corner of her eye.The new girl was looking at Mitchie and whispering to a girl next to her.Mitchie lifted her chin slightly and took a defiant bite of cookie.Caitlyn was right.Mitchie couldn’t help what Torie thought about her or her friendship with Shane.and she wasn’t going to let Torie’s earlier comments ruin the bonfire for her.After all, this was a once-in-a-summer opportunity.She deliberately turned her head so that she could no longer see Torie.“So,” she said to Shane, “who’s going to tell the first story?”“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please do not be alarmed,” Brown said as he stood up to get the entertainment started.“The stories you hear tonight will be frightening, unnerving, maybe even shocking.”“Oooh.” Torie and her two friends pretended to shiver, looking delighted.“Don’t worry,” Brown said, waving at them reassuringly.“After all, none of the stories are true—”He looked around at the faces ringing the bonfire and winked.“Or are they?” he added in a deliberately spooky voice.This was greeted with good-natured hoots from the campers.Brown grinned.“Laugh now,” he said.“We’ll see how you feel after you’ve heard a few of tonight’s terrifying tales! First up.Barron James!”Everybody cheered and clapped as Barron stood up and took a bow.“Thanks,” he said.“Now don’t get too comfortable or believe Brown too much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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