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.She felt that Max would approve.Gabriel paused and, with slight confusion, said, "How much for what?""I'm not stupid, Gabriel, and you are causing strife.So, let's talk cash.What's it going to take for you to drop all this bullshit and leave me alone?""I don't understand," he said, his voice still sounding confused."Yes you do.You would understand perfectly if this were Lou on the phone," she told him."Lou? How do you know about Lou?""You're kidding, right? The whole fucking city of Chicago knows you have brought Lou into this childish infatuation with me.You have what? Fifty suits walking around your house? It is very obvious who you ran to, Gabriel.They know it, I know it, and now let's get back on topic.How much is it going to take, Gabriel?""You're serious," he said, his voice changing to firmer ground."You want to settle with me?"She let out a long sigh of exasperation, "Yes," she said as if discussing things with a petulant child."How much?""One million," he said, and she could hear the snide smile coming through the connection.She had it.As of yesterday, the buy-in she did on a biotech startup brought her up and over the top of her first million.But, if she just said yes now, he wouldn't take her as seriously when she showed up to pay and she needed him to see this as a business deal."Get serious, Gabriel.You wouldn't ask that for Antonio and Davis together.Start reasonable, or maybe I'll tell Lou why he's wasting resources – the real reason.Think he would enjoy finding out that he's been exposed like this over a call girl? Half-a-million.""I don't give a flying fuck what that old spic thinks.He's been paid, up front, for the month.That was the deal.Fuck him.Eight hundred and I'll close it all down."She almost sighed with relief.Gabriel just stepped firmly into the negotiation.He was going to take this seriously.Thank fucking God.They hammered at each other, insulted each other, brought up secrets the other didn't know were exposed.But when Gabriel dropped to $750,000, she said, "Done.""Excuse me?""I said done.I accept.I'll take a cab, drop off your money, and we are quits," she told him."You have 750k?""Yes," she said patiently."Yes I do and now I don't, but I consider it money well invested.Would an hour fit your schedule, because I have a flight to catch.""An hour? Yes.That will work.Tell the guards at the gate who you are," Gabriel told her, his voice all business now.She did call a cab, after checking her stock values to ensure that something hadn't gone terribly wrong, but they were fine.To Angie, she said she was leaving to shop and then got in the cab before she could think about it too much.At the gate, she began wishing she had stopped to pick up something a little nicer to wear.The guards were wearing five thousand dollar suits, for crying out loud.She was escorted up to the third floor of Gabriel's mansion, to his office.There, the guards left and closed the door.Gabriel was across the room and two of his regular goons were on each side of her, which made sense, considering he was in a war."Good to see you again, Nicole," though he said this without turning around to actually see her as she walked to the middle of what could have been a master bedroom.She stopped in front of his desk, "I would like, if only for politeness' sake, to say the same, but I can't.Let's do this and get back to business."He turned around to face her and she saw what was in his hand -- a syringe.Strong, unyielding hands grabbed her arms and shoulders, and pressed her hard into the desk, making her drop her laptop, "What is that? What the fuck is that?" she said, barely noticing the hands on her.Her focus centered on the needle in Gabriel's hand."I think you know," Gabriel smiled."Heroin.The whore trainer.""You keep that filth away from me! Gabriel! Don't fucking do this!" she yelled, her voice was breaking and her panic rising."You don't have to worry.We’re just going to do some re-training on you.I've got ten years of very good experience with excellent results.I'm very good at this, Nicole.""We had a deal! A fucking deal!""You aren't a power, Nicole and I don't negotiate with whores.I mean, really, what would people say?"She was scared out of her mind.Over and over she witnessed the results of that drug in the hands of Gabriel.He would hook her and then break her.She wouldn't be a call girl any more [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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