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.Jessup cupped his hardening cock and gave a slight squeeze.On more than one occasion since they’d arrived at the cabin, Brac had offered himself as a bed warmer.Jessup would have taken Brac up on the offer in a heartbeat if sleeping together hadn’t been part of the deal.In all of his thirty-six years, Jessup had only slept overnight with one man, a fellow mercenary, James ‘Priest’ Evans.Like Jessup, Priest understood the nightmares a man accustomed to killing people could experience.Although Priest was still Jessup’s best friend, there had never been anything romantic between them.When they’d been together on assignment, they’d used each other for sex, nothing more.For years he’d found his non-committed relationship with Priest comforting.It wasn’t until he’d spent three years in prison that he’d begun to yearn for more than a friendly fuck from his best friend.Upon his release, Jessup had made a point to search Priest out and offer himself to the man he’d spent three years dreaming of.Not one for emotional ties, Priest had declined Jessup’s offer for anything more than friendship and the occasional fuck.In an effort to convince himself it would be enough, Jessup agreed to Priest’s terms.However, when Priest initiated physical contact they both realised Jessup’s experiences in Syria had left him psychologically impotent.Jessup shook his head and grinned.It was obvious his cock no longer had a problem sustaining an erection.He wondered if it was Brac, or time, that had healed his libido.Did it matter? One night filled with Jessup’s brand of nightmares would be enough to send Brac running back to Hollywood.“Is that for me?”Jessup’s gaze moved back up Brac’s body to meet the handsome man’s sleepy stare.He released his hold on his cock and took a step back.“I bought a couple of T-bones while I was in town.Thought I’d grill ‘em up for dinner.”“Okay.” Brac moved his hand down his bare chest to rest over the bulge trapped behind his fly.“I’m not really hungry at the moment.Why don’t you join me?”Shaking his head, Jessup took another step towards the dirt path that led back to the cabin.There was something about Brac’s offer that scared him.“Not a good idea.” He took off at a fast clip, running away from the desire that threatened to overwhelm him.He made it to the cabin in half the time it had taken him to reach the pond.Jessup shut the back door and leaned against it.“No!” he reprimanded himself.Already the reporters were beginning to clear out of Cattle Valley.He had no doubt the last of them would be gone before the end of the week, and Brac would move on.Jessup reached for his phone.He was in dire need of a reminder as to why he couldn’t give in to his desire for Brac.He punched in the familiar number and waited for the recording.“You’ve reached the office of Alice Weaver.Please leave a name and number after the beep and Alice will return your call as soon as possible.”“It’s Bob Goldsmith.I need an appointment.” Jessup hung up and waited.Within moments, his phone rang.“Hey.”“It’s been a while,” Priest said, his voice as deep as Jessup had remembered.“Yeah.” Now that he had Priest on the phone, Jessup wasn’t sure what to say.“How’ve you been?”“What’s going on?” Priest asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.“Nothing.Babysitting some television star.You?”“You know I can’t tell you that.”“Right.Sorry.” How could Jessup have forgotten Priest’s number one rule? No questions.Ever.“I’d ask if you had another dream, but since it isn’t even eighteen-hundred hours yet, I doubt that’s the case.So I’ll ask again, what’s going on?”Jessup rubbed his eyes.Priest wasn’t the kind of man you could talk feelings with, not that he had feelings for Brac, so why had he called? “Just reminding myself where I came from,” he eventually mumbled.“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”“There’s a reason guys like us don’t make good lovers,” Jessup tried to explain.“Lovers or boyfriends? Because they’re two entirely different things.I happen to know you’re a good lover, so you must be thinking about something other than fucking.Who is he?”Jessup was taken off guard by Priest’s observation.“He’s no one.Just some guy who’ll be gone before you know it.”Priest was quiet for several moments.“Does he make you hard?”“Fuck you.” There was no way Jessup would discuss the state of his dick with Priest.Priest groaned.“That’s answer enough for me.I think you should go for it.I would.”Jealousy rose up in Jessup, but instead of being upset at the thought of Priest fucking someone else, it was the idea of Brac getting fucked that bothered him.“Drop it.”“Did you let him touch you?”“Priest,” Jessup warned.He remembered his body’s reaction to Brac’s brief touch the night of Ezra’s barbecue.“Don’t Priest me.If whoever this guy is can touch you without you jumping out of your skin, fucking let him.” Priest sighed.“You deserve to be touched.Hell, unlike me, you probably deserve to be loved.”Jessup hated hearing his friend talk like that.They’d never delved into Priest’s past or whether or not he’d ever had someone to love.As far as he knew, no one had got close enough to the man to risk asking.“I’m sure there’s someone out there for you to love.People are always going on about soul mates.Who knows, maybe they really exist.”“If they do, I’ve probably already killed mine,” Priest whispered, his voice dropping even lower.Jessup heard the sound of breaking glass in the background.“Something happening?”“Yeah.Gotta go.Call me later and let me know how it goes with the babysitting job.” Priest hung up before Jessup could say anything more.With a shake of his head, Jessup hung up the phone.He didn’t miss the constant danger of his old job, but he knew Priest lived for it.“Can I come in now?”Startled, Jessup moved away from the door and spun around.Brac stood on the other side of the glass with a scowl on his handsome face.“Sorry,” Jessup said, opening the door.Brac strode into the kitchen and straight to the fridge.He pulled out a beer and finished half the bottle in one gulp.“Why didn’t you tell me you had phone coverage out here?”“Because I knew you’d call your agent and tell him where we are.” Jessup crossed his arms and waited for Brac to deny it.“My professional life depends on me staying in touch with Hal.Do you have any idea how much shit’s going on in LA right now?” Brac held out his hand.“Let me use your phone.Hell, you can listen in on the conversation if you’re so worried I’ll give away our secret location.”Jessup didn’t want to cave to Brac’s demands, but he understood the necessity of checking in with his agent.In truth, he hadn’t wanted Brac to find out all was well in LA and he could go back to work.Selfish or not, Jessup felt the best place for the star to be was under his watchful eye.“Here.” He handed over the phone after putting it on speaker.Brac rolled his eyes.He finished his beer and tossed the empty bottle into the trashcan.“I can’t believe you’re really going to listen,” he mumbled, punching numbers.Jessup didn’t answer.Instead he went to the refrigerator and removed the steaks and bottled marinade he’d bought at the store.“Hal Walker Agency.”“Hi Marlene, it’s Brac.Can you put me through to Hal?”“Sure thing, sweetie, although I wouldn’t want to be you right now.”“No one wants to be me right now,” he mumbled after he was put on hold.“Where the fuck have you been!” a loud voice screamed through the phone.“Hiding out,” Brac replied.“I don’t have coverage out here.I think it’s time to find a new provider that has more than six cell towers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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