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.“What do you need from me, Harsh?”His damned phone went off again with a different ringtone.This time he answered with, “Harsh speaking.” She watched her brother listen to whoever was on the other end.“No.I’m here.Yeah.” He darted a glance at her.She didn’t recognize the man behind those eyes.She rubbed the sides of her arms, but it didn’t make the goose pimples go away.“Not yet.He’s outside.Yes.Yes.I know.I will.” Then he lost it and burst out with, “For Christ’s sake, Nikodemus, she thought I was dead.Cut me a break, would you?”Alexandrine rose.Her pulse thudded in her ears.The nervous feeling in her stomach refused to go away.Nikodemus? Now there was a name to make a girl sit up.Especially if she was a witch.“Yes,” he replied more easily, still talking into the phone.His eyes were hard again, flat-out pitiless, and Alexandrine wondered what horrible things her brother had endured while he’d been gone.A motorcycle engine revved outside.One of those loud, obnoxious bikes driven by jackass men in leather pants.Harsh disconnected his call, lifted his head, and then touched his phone again.After a bit, he said, “Don’t you dare leave.” He was staring at her.“You want Nikodemus on your ass instead of just me?” he said into the phone.Well, shit.That gave her another jolt and a half.Him saying a name she’d read about in the books she’d managed to scavenge.Nikodemus? No effing way.She got an all-body chill like you would if you found out Jack the Ripper not only wasn’t dead but also lived next door.“Park the damn bike and come in.I’ll open the door for you.”“News flash, Dr.Marit.” She sure as hell didn’t want to meet any of his friends.“I can take care of myself.I’ve been doing it since before you disappeared.”Harsh closed his phone and drew a deep breath.“Not against these guys.”“What guys?”The motorcycle cut off.“The guys who don’t give a shit if you die as long as they get what they’re after.”“What?” That happened to be the only word she could find to say, and it came out sounding like smart-ass disbelief, which wasn’t what she intended at all.It was just that this was too perfectly timed with her premonition for her not to be thinking, Here it is.“This is what I want from you, Alexandrine.” His gaze pinned her.Gloves off, metaphorically speaking.“I want him to stay here.”“I don’t need a babysitter.”Harsh laughed, only without actually laughing.“With him here, no one gets to you.”Her brain froze up.Pure ice between her ears.The moment of decision was here.Ringing her doorbell, actually.This really was it.The decision, only she still didn’t know which way she needed to go.Was the guy on the other side of the door a one or a zero?After Harsh went to let in his employee from Human Protective Services, there wasn’t any sound in her shitty apartment.If she closed her eyes, she could pretend she was alone.But she wasn’t.Harsh was at the door, making goo-goo eyes at it for all she knew.She addressed his back.“I found my biological father.”He turned around just as Mr.Impatient and I Have a Motorcycle knocked.His eyes lasered her.“You did not.”“Yeah,” she said, “I did.In Turkey.A little village about two hundred kilometers north of Ankara.”Harsh opened the door and said, “Not in Turkey you didn’t.”He was right about that.“I found out who he is when I was in Turkey.” She waited a beat.“Seems I was born in Turkey.But my dad’s Danish.Go figure.His name is Rasmus Kessler, in case you’re interested.”He kept his hand on the knob.The door was about an inch or so open.It was impossible to see who was on the other side.“You didn’t meet him.You couldn’t have.”“How do you know?”In the light where he was standing, it looked like his eyes changed color.Not possible, but that’s what it looked like.“Because if you had, Alexandrine, you’d be dead.”Chapter 2Alexandrine watched her front door swing open.Harsh was facing away from her like he’d never said her biological father would want to kill her.Great.Just really great.As if he knew anything at all about her real father.He hadn’t even known their adoptive parents were dead.And he didn’t know anything at all about her.Not anymore.The door opened enough for her to see past her brother.She got a chill in the pit of her stomach a hundred times worse than before.One thing was profoundly clear to her: Her brother had just let a killer into her apartment.She was too frightened to notice much besides black clothes and a pair of freakishly blue eyes that had to be a trick of the light outside her door.No way.Just no way, ever.The human eye didn’t come in that color.Alexandrine brushed past Harsh and stuck out a hand, palm out.Perfect timing because Blue Eyes walked smack into her hand.He stopped; she’d gotten to him just inside the doorway.“I’m Alexandrine Marit,” she said.Her stomach roiled.Shit, this was worse than anything she’d ever felt before.And the freaky thing was that she didn’t know what she was supposed to do.The crisis must be huge.Life changing, of that she had no doubt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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