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.She found herself as curious as Bess Marvin over why he had chosen to consult her.A maid answered the door and escorted Nancy to the drawing room.Mr.Harlow appeared a moment later and held out his hand cordially.He was a handsome, tweed-suited man in his early sixties with thinning hair and a ruddy complexion."How nice of you to come, Miss Drew! And on such short notice!"The young detective smiled back at her host."A mystery is always a challenge that I find hard to resist," she confessed."But perhaps we'd both feel more comfortable if you just called me Nancy.""Thank you, I will.Please sit down, Nancy."Later, when tea had been poured, Mr.Harlow said, "I don't know if Tony Traynor mentioned that Rainbow Ranch is where that television commercial will be shot.""No, he didn't," the girl said in surprise."Actually, it was Tony's call yesterday afternoon saying he wanted you as the model for the commercial that made me think of consulting you about the theft of Shooting Star.""That was your racehorse?""Yes, my prize two year old.We chose his name because he has a white marking on his left side that looks just like a shooting star." Harlow's change of expression as he discussed his stolen thoroughbred showed how deeply the loss had upset him."When was he taken?" Nancy asked."On the evening of July 4th.And I'm sure the timing wasn't just by chance!" Mr.Harlow explained that almost everyone at the ranch had been away that evening, watching the fireworks display at a small park down the road."Have you received a ransom demand from the thieves?""No, not a word of any kind.Which, of course, leaves the question of motive wide open."Nancy knit her brows in a thoughtful frown."Wasn't Shooting Star due to run in the River Heights Handicap?""Yes, and it wouldn't surprise me if that had something to do with the crime.I think I can fairly say that most racing experts regarded Shooting Star as the sure winner." An angry look flickered over Harlow's face as he added, "At least they did before he was stolen.Id like to get my hands on the crooks who did it!"Nancy mused in silence for a moment, reflecting that Rainbow Ranch was on the edge of Brookvale Forest."Haven't there been a number of burglaries in this area?" she asked."I mean, from the large estates and country houses all around Brookvale Forest?""Yes." Mr.Harlow nodded."No doubt you've heard the news reports about them.But those were robberies of money and other valuables.Stealing a big, strapping thoroughbred, sixteen hands high, is another matter altogether.I doubt very much that the same burglars would try to make off with a racehorse."Their conversation was interrupted as the maid came to report a telephone call."Mr.Traynor is on the line, sir."Roger Harlow excused himself from Nancy.But a few minutes later, he returned to summon her to the phone."When I told Tony you were here, he asked to speak to you," Mr.Harlow said with a smile."I believe he has some news."Nancy was slightly breathless as she lifted the receiver."Hi, Mr.Traynor.""Nancy, it looks as though this television assignment may happen even sooner than I expected," he began."I've already proposed you as the model to the advertising agency executive who's handling the account.He's enthusiastic about the idea, but first the sponsor wants to see some stills of you.Could you possibly be at Rainbow Ranch again tomorrow morning—say around nine o'clock for some preliminary posing?""Of course," she promised, her heart beating a bit faster at the prospect."I just hope I won't disappoint anyone!"She heard Tony Traynor chuckle at the other end of the line."Are you serious, Nancy? They'll flip when they see how perfectly you fit the role!"The cinematographer added that she would be well paid for her time.But Nancy asked that any pay for the commercial be donated instead to the River Heights Animal Shelter, her favorite charity.When she returned to the drawing room, she and her host continued chatting pleasantly for a while.Mr.Harlow said that he would show her the stable from which Shooting Star had been stolen when she came to Rainbow Ranch to pose the next morning.He would also fill her in on the details of the theft at that time."For now, I'm content just to know that you'll take the case," he said.Nancy promised to do her best to solve the mystery of his stolen thoroughbred.Once again, she declined to accept any fee for her detective work.But Mr.Harlow insisted that he would at least reimburse her for any expenses she might incur while investigating the case.As she rose to leave, Nancy gestured toward an oil painting of a beautiful woman, which hung above the marble fireplace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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