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.Get over there and show off that sexy body of yours.Alex stole a glance out her window.She took in the posh crowd, and their skimpy outfits as they mingled near the pool.Honestly, compared to what the other women were wearing, her barely there bathing suit looked more like a potato sack, than a skimpy bikini.Her phone made the little “zip” sound when Melanie texted her back.Come on, Alex.If you won’t do it for you, at least do it for me.Last night I ended up drinking beer out on the back forty and doing the horizontal shake with Johnny Simpson.It wasn’t my best moment.Alexis cringed.Ugh, what were you thinking?I know, right?I guess you really do need me to do this for you.So does that mean you’ll do it?She sat on the window ledge and gazed longing at Dimitri’s pool, trying to summon the courage to don the tiny bikini dangling from her fingertips, and walk over there like attending elaborate pool parties in a sexy thong was an everyday occurrence.As she took deep breaths, Dimitri’s parting words came back to her.I expect to see you later, Alexis.Good God, if she put on her new suit and went over there, he’d definitely be seeing her.Every plump inch of her, except for a couple of miniscule patches.Her glance surfed through the crowd a second time and when it landed on Dimitri, her heart gave a little jump.He stood at the edge of his pool, his dark head tipped toward her window.Everything in the way he was looking up at her, his grin sexy, his eyes so full of heat and promise had her breath catching.She sent Mel another text.He’s looking at me.Which means he’s interested, so get your ass down there, and send me pictures if you can.Alexis drew another breath and her thoughts went back to her horrible first year at college as she powered down her phone and tossed it onto her bed.God she really wanted to go back to college a changed woman, one with a sleek, experienced body—one who was good enough to be invited to the football parties.This is your chance, her inner voice taunted.Just do it.She inched away from the window, pulled on her bikini, and avoided her mirror.One look at her overflowing cleavage and curvy hips and she’d surely tuck tail and dive under her covers.She hauled a spaghetti strap dress from her closet and slipped it on.It wasn’t glamorous by any means, or suitable for Dimitri’s pool party, but it would have to do the trick.Until she felt comfortable enough, she wouldn’t be taking it off.She quietly opened her bedroom door, and stole a glance around the dark hallway.With Sophie asleep, and Nikko in charge of her care after hours, she tiptoed down the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone or explain where she was going.She was pretty sure Nikko’s idea of exploring the night life didn’t involve getting naked with his neighbor, and if luck was with her tonight, that’s exactly how the evening would end.A few minutes later, she followed the foliage-lined path from Nikko’s mansion to Dimitri’s.As she glanced around, she wondered what Dimitri did for a living, considering he looked to be about the same age as Nikko and also lived in a mansion.Her heart began to pound in synch to the fast paced music as she entered his lantern-lit backyard.She stopped to take it all in, her glance moving over the crowd of partygoers, as they laughed, swam, ate and drank copious amounts of alcohol.Some of the women were dressed in bikinis and some only wearing their bottoms, but that wasn’t what shocked her most.Oh no, not at all.What nearly had her scurrying back to her bedroom were the couples who were in various stages of sex, getting down and dirty on the chaise lounges, completely oblivious to everyone around them.Then again, maybe they weren’t.Maybe they liked being watched.Alexis shivered, recalling the way her body had reacted watching Dimitri in his pool, and how it had turned her on when she’d discovered he was watching her in return.Before she had a chance to give it any further thought, a pretty blonde who looked only a couple years older than her stepped up to her.“You must be Alexis.”“What?” Alexis asked, surprised the woman knew her name.“I mean, yes, I am,” she added hastily, remembering her manners.“Dimitri has been waiting for you.”“He has?” Her heart gave a little jolt.She looked through the crowd, unable to find him, but when she saw a guy working his mouth down his girl’s body, she couldn’t deny that it filled her with equal amounts of apprehension and excitement.As if sensing her sudden distress, the girl gripped her hand and gave a little tug.“Come on.I think you need a drink.”She let the slender girl lead her to the bar, and even though she didn’t want the extra calories from alcohol, she definitely needed a drink.“So how do you know Dimitri?” she asked as she poured Alexis a flute of champagne and handed it over.“Actually, I just met him.” Alexis tipped the flute toward the foliage that separated the houses.“I’m here for the summer sitting for Mr.Geo.I mean Nikko.”Intrigue moved over the girl’s face.“Really?”“Yes, I was hired to watch Sophie and help with her English.”The girl looked past Alexis’s shoulder to Nikko’s house.“That guy is so fucking hot.Damn, what I’d do to sleep under the same roof as him.” Her eyes glossed a bit when she added, “Actually, I’d like to be sleeping under him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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