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.Gun can't be traced." Who the hell is this guy? A professional? "Well, why the fuck we been paying you, then? 'Cuz you sure as shit didn't afford that new car on a cop's salary!"A hum begins to fill my ears and I blink to keep the darkness from taking over my vision.He's talking to a cop.He's talking to a cop.This can't be real.This can't be happening."Well, you just do your fucking job," he yells into the phone, and I hear him snap it shut.There's a long, interminable pause, then I hear him shuffling around up front—maybe stealing? My heartbeat is loud, far too loud in my chest.He’s going to hear it.He’s going to hear my heartbeat and kill me.Footsteps, coming toward me.He’s peering down each aisle, checking to make sure no one is there.I hear the clicking noise again—is it coming from him? I curl up even smaller.If he doesn't turn down the aisle, if he just looks from the front, he won't be able to see me.I make myself so small and will myself to disappear.More footsteps.The bell on the door rings.I uncurl my body slightly and take my hands away from my mouth.Is he gone? I wait.No sounds.Don't wait too long—he might come back.I peer around the aisle and almost scream at the sight of all the blood.I take a deep breath and scurry over to the window.I can just see a pair of taillights disappearing around the far corner.I stand up and look around.I feel like my head is floating above my body.The floor is covered in blood in front of me and it's still spilling outward.The puddle is bright red like a tomato, not rust-colored like I thought blood would be.I stare at the Hispanic man's face.His eyes are open.They’re brown, like mine.There is blood covering the wall behind the counter, but the clerk's body fell behind it and I can't see him.It.His body.Not a 'him' anymore.The only other dead person I've ever seen was my grandmother, but she passed peacefully in the hospital while I was holding her hand.I shake my head as a wave of dizziness hits me.Think.Get moving.The man's body is blocking the way to the door so I flatten myself against the window to move past him.When I reach the door, I throw it open.I take one step outside and start running.Running like the gunman is chasing me.I run all the way back to my building.My hands shake as I unlock the front door and run up the stairs.I drop my keys as I try to unlock my apartment door and I start sobbing again.I finally manage to get the keys in the lock and collapse against the other side of the door as I lock it behind me.I slide down onto the floor and pull up my t-shirt to cover my face as I cry.How long was I out of my apartment? Twenty minutes?Finally my cries change to dry sobs and I take a deep breath to try to calm myself down.A surge of nausea bursts up from my stomach and I hurry to the bathroom, for once thankful that my apartment is so small.I manage to pull my hair out of my face just before I retch into the toilet.I stand up and turn on the water in the sink and spoon it into my mouth to get the taste out.I look up into the mirror.I look different.Terrible and different.And I feel dirty.I turn the water on in the shower then walk into the kitchen and pull a trash bag out from under the sink.I take off my old sneakers and toss them in, then peel off the rest of my clothes and throw them in, even my bra and underwear.I twist the top of the bag and knot it then place it by the front door and walk back naked into the bathroom.The water is scalding hot and I step into it.My skin turns pink as it washes over me.I fold my arms over my breasts and stare at the water as it pools there.I need to think clearly for a moment.I need to force myself to think clearly.No one saw me.Just the clerk and the Hispanic man and they are dead.The gunman didn't see me.The gunman was talking to a cop.Can't go to the cops.What if I talk to the wrong cop? I am the only witness.I am the only witness to a double murder.Keep quiet.Be normal.No one has to know.No one will know.That’s what I’ll do.I’ll stay shut up about it.If there is one thing I know about myself, it is that I am good at keeping secrets.Chapter TwoHoltBrette groans as I thrust inside her, her fingernails reaching and clawing the wall in front of her as her cries build.I snake my hand around her hip and flick her clit back and forth, driving her over the edge.I feel her clench around my dick as she screams, and I slow down for a moment."Oh, fuck…" she murmurs, tucking her red hair behind her ears, then looking back at me over her shoulder."Shit…are you still hard?""Yep," I grunt with a smile."Damn, Holt," she breathes, licking her lips as she looks down at my cock.I slide my hand over her ass, palming it and giving it a firm squeeze [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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