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.”I’ll bet!“Was it for larceny?” she asked.“No.”Good.She didn’t want to have to worry about anyone stealing from the company.As her eyes flitted over his muscular physique, another, darker thought popped into her mind.Vic Romano was a brawny man.He could easily overpower someone.Some helpless female.“You weren’t in there for rape, were you?”His smooth-as-butter exterior finally cracked.He pinned her with an intense look.“Ms.Jones, I don’t need to force myself on any woman.I’d never stoop to such a disgusting crime.”He actually looked pissed.She realized she’d touched a nerve.On more than one occasion, she’d been accused of being blunt.When it came to business, hell yes.She got right to the point.When it came to her personal life, she was even more direct.No use beating around the bush.“Thank you for your time, Mr.Romano.”“That’s it?” He looked surprised the interview was over so soon.“Yes, as you can see, I’ve got three more people to interview.It’s barely two p.m.I interviewed double that amount before lunch.”“I see.Are you the final decision-maker?”Ronnie couldn’t explain the subtle difference in Vic.Was it his tone? His firm-set jaw? The way his full lips pressed together in agitation? Whatever it was, his playful manner was gone.His stunning green eyes stared at her with a serious gaze.The truth was all hiring decisions were made at her discretion, but she did like to run all potential applicants by her sisters.Today, she would skip that step.Vic Romano had no potential in this company.Besides, something told her having this man around could be dangerous in more ways than one.“Yes, I am the final decision-maker.” She gave him a tight smile to indicate she was not the least bit intimidated.But she was.He stood, and she couldn’t help but notice the way his muscular thighs hugged his trousers.“When will I know something?” he asked.Ronnie wanted to squeeze her eyes shut to block out the masculine image.She could imagine those thighs lying between hers, driving powerfully into her.Vic Romano was all male, all consuming.Yes, he was a danger—if only to her libido.“If you’re selected, we’ll be in touch,” she said.That was the answer she gave when she had no intention of hiring someone.Her secretary, Olivia, would call and give him the bad news.She thought that was the end of it, but then Vic turned and asked, “You don’t plan on hiring me, do you, Ms.Jones?”Her heartbeat stumbled in her chest.The nerve of this man! “I never said that.”“You didn’t have to.The look in your eyes told me all I need to know.”“You don’t know anything about me, Mr.Romano.”“I know you don’t seem like the type to give a man a second chance.”Ronnie sat stone-faced at her desk.Vic had pegged her correctly.She had high expectations of men.Her mother had brought home plenty of losers.Some were bums.Others were just plain ole criminals.Ronnie been forced to live with that for years as a child.Now, she was a grown woman.She’d be damned if she’d be forced to swallow it now.She kept her best professional demeanor in place.Who the hell did this guy think he was? Demanding to know her decision now.I don’t care how fine he is.I have my limits!“Thank you for your brutal honesty, Mr.Romano.If you don’t hear from someone in a few days, it’s safe to assume we’ve selected another candidate.”He dipped his head low, nodded in acknowledgement and then he slipped through the open office door.Ronnie expelled a long breath.Good, he was gone.She didn’t know why the man rattled her, but for some reason, he did.She reached for the intercom to buzz Olivia when the woman sauntered through her door.With her five-inch heels and short skirt, she looked like a supermodel—minus the ‘super.’ Olivia never did anything super.Only half-assed.But she was loyal to Ronnie and she worked without complaint.“Good Lord!” Olivia exclaimed.“Did you see the hunk who just left here?” She rolled her eyes heavenward and licked her lips as though she were savoring an all-day lollipop.“He is one prime piece of meat.”Ronnie shook her head.“Girl, if you don’t get out of here, drooling all over my wood floors.”Olivia laughed, the bright red of her lipstick revealing perfect, white teeth.“Seriously, Ronnie.Are you telling me you didn’t think that guy was hot?”Ronnie shook her finger at her secretary.“Don’t open us up to a sexual harassment suit.It works both ways you know?”“I didn’t say a word to him, I swear.I was too busy picking my jaw up off the ground.Please tell me we’re hiring him.Please, please.”“No.We are definitely not hiring Vic Romano.”“Why?”“Because he’s not qualified.And he has a record.”“So.”“So? Have you lost your mind? We can’t have a felon working here.”“Everybody deserves a second chance.”Ronnie could have sworn Olivia had been listening to her and Vic’s conversation.She would have to get that intercom checked.Knowing Olivia’s nosey ass, she’d probably rigged it so she could hear everything going on in this office.“Can you bring in the next candidate, please? And start typing up Vic’s rejection letter.”“Shit.I was looking forward to personally giving him the New Employee Orientation.” Olivia stroked her hips for emphasis.Despite her irritation, Ronnie cracked a grin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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