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.“They said we're going to make it.Is that true?” “I hope it's true,” said Dawn.I got her over to the couch and worked her dress up around her hips.I kissed her along the throat.“I love you,” I said.“Do you? Do you?” “Yes, somehow, yes.” “All right,” said little Anna to little Marty, “we might as well do it too, even though I don't love you.” They embraced in the middle of the coffeetable.I had worked Dawn's panties off.Dawn groaned.Little Ruthie groaned.Marty closed in on Anna.It was happening everywhere.I got the idea that everybody in the world was doing it.Then I forgot about the rest of the world.We somehow walked into the bedroom.Then I got into Dawn for the long slow ride.When she came out of the bathroom I was reading a dull dull story in Playboy.“It was so good,” she said.“My pleasure,” I answered.She got back into bed with me.I put the magazine down.“Do you think we.can make it together?” she asked.“What do you mean?” “I mean, do you think we can make it together for any length of time?” “I don't know.Things happen.The beginning is always easiest.” Then there was a scream from the front room.“Oh-oh,” said Dawn.She leaped up and ran out of the room.I followed.When I got there she was holding George in her hands.“Oh, my god!” “What happened?” “Anna did it to him!” “Did what?” “She cut off his balls! George is a eunuch!” “Wow!” “Get me some toilet paper, quickly! He might bleed to death!” “That son of a bitch,” said little Anna from the coffeetable, “ifI can't have George, nobody can have him!” “Now both of you belong to me!” said Marty.“No, you've got to choose between us,” said Anna.“Which one of us is it?” asked Ruthie.“I love you both,” said Marty.“He's stopped bleeding,” said Dawn.“He's out cold.” She wrapped George in a handkerchief and put him on the mantle.“I mean,” Dawn said to me, “if you don't think we can make it, I don't want to go into it anymore.” “I think I love you.Dawn.”nieznane19 “Look,” she said, “Marty's embracing Ruthie!” “Are they going to make it?” “I don't know.They seem excited.” Dawn picked Anna up and put her in the wire cage.“Let me out of here! I'll kill both of them! Let me out of here!” George moaned from inside his handkerchief upon the mantle.Marty had Ruthie's panties off.I pulled Dawn to me.She was beautiful and young and had insides.I could be in love again.It was possible.We kissed.I fell down inside her eyes.Then I got up and began running.I knew where I was.A cockroach and an eagle made love.Time was a fool with a banjo.I kept running.Her long hair fell across my face.“I'll kill everybody!” screamed little Anna.She rattled about in her wire cage at 3 a.m.in the morning.LOVE FOR $17.50 Robert's first desire -- when he began thinking of such things -- was to sneak into the Wax Museum some night and make love to the wax ladies.However, that seemed too dangerous.He limited himself to making love to statues and mannequins in his sex fantasies and lived in his fantasy world.One day while stopped at a red light he looked into the doorway of a shop.It was one of those shops that sold everything -- records, sofas, books, trivia, junk.He saw her standing there in a long red dress.She wore rimless glasses, was well-shaped; dignified and sexy the way they used to be.A real class broad.Then the signal changed and he was forced to drive on.Robert parked a block away and walked back to the shop.He stood outside at the newspaper rack and looked in at her.Even the eyes looked real, and the mouth was very impulsive, pouting just a bit.Robert went inside and looked at the record rack.He was closer to her then and sneaked glances.No, they didn't make them like that anymore.She even had on high heels.The girl in the shop walked up.“Can I help you, sir?” “Just browsing, miss.” “If there's anything you want, just let me know.” “Surely.” Robert moved over to the mannequin.There wasn't a price tag.He wondered if she were for sale.He walked back to the record rack, picked up a cheap album and purchased it from the girl.The next time he visited the shop the mannequin was still there.Robert browsed a bit, bought an ashtray that was moulded to imi-tate a coiled snake, then walked out.The third time he was there he asked the girl: “Is the mannequin for sale?” “The mannequin?” “Yes, the mannequin.” “You want to buy it?” “Yes, you sell things, don't you? Is the mannequin for sale?” “Just a moment, sir.” The girl went to the back of the shop.A curtain parted and an old Jewish man came out.The bottom two buttons of his shirt were missing and you could see his hairy belly.He seemed friendly enough.“You want the mannequin, sir?”20 “Yes, is she for sale?” “Well, not really.You see, it's kind of a display piece, a joke.” “I want to buy her.” “Well, let's see.” The old Jew went over and began touching the mannequin, touching the dress, the arms.“Let's see.I think I can let you have this.thing.for $17.50.” “I'll take her.” Robert pulled out a twenty.The storekeeper counted out the change.“I'm going to miss it,” he said, “sometimes it seems almost real.Should I wrap it?” “No, I'll take her the way she is.” Robert picked up the mannequin and carried her to his car.He laid her down in the back seat.Then he got in and drove off to his place.When he got there, luckily, there didn't seem to be anybody about and he got her into the doorway unseen.He stood her in the center of the room and looked at her.“Stella,” he said, “Stella, bitch!” He walked up and slapped her across the face.Then he grabbed the head and kissed it.It was a good kiss.His penis began to harden when the phone rang.“Hello,” he answered.“Robert?” “Yeah.Sure.” “This is Harry.” “How you doing.Harry?” “O.k., what you doing?” “Nothing.” “I thought I'd come over.Bring a couple of beers.” “O.k.” Robert hung up, picked up the mannequin and carried her to the closet.He pushed her back in the corner of the closet and closed the door.Harry really didn't have much to say.He sat there with his beer-can.“How's Laura?” he asked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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