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.Over the years, she has seen her people shed tears for both reasons without explanation.The elders tell her that nobody wants to burden her with their problems because she has taken so much upon her shoulders.Still, it is infuriating for her to watch her people cry.Some days she feels like the chaos elves will be shedding tears for eternity.“I stand by my oath, master, but know that their loyalty and obedience is to me,” she proudly declares, hoping her display of defiance calms the sniffling group at the fire.“That is why I keep you alive and care for your wounds,” the Baron says.He turns around to examine the chaos elves, quickly spying the tears that he expected.“Their tears are like acid on your soul, dear Trinity.I wonder if that is part of your strength or your weakness, though it could always be both.You draw strength from them, but your love for you people can be used to manipulate you with minimal effort.That is why I never grow attached to those I rule over.At some point, every ruler is forced to choose between his or her own survival and the survival of the people.”“I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood for a political philosophy discussion, Baron Kernaghan,” Trinity politely interrupts with a stiff bow.“We have chores to do before true darkness comes and the undead become a nuisance.”“Then, I will let you return to them,” the Baron says.He gingerly takes Trinity’s hand and kisses it.“I request that you come to my chambers upon your full recovery.If you are thinking of delaying your visit then be aware that I will feed twenty of your people’s children to my Weapon Dragons for every day that you avoid me.”“There’s no need to make such threats, master,” she claims through tightly clenched teeth.A flicker of green lightning plays across her fingers until she chokes down her rage.“I will stand within your presence as soon as I’m healthy and my people’s needs have been met.As a fellow ruler, you can’t deny me the time to attend to my people after you sent me away for so long.”The Baron smiles warmly and rises into the air, startling the chaos elves.“I will grant you that time, but do not take advantage of my generosity.Your people’s future depends on my victory over Gabriel and his champions.”Trinity watches the Baron levitate into the air and vanish in a puff of smoke that is dispersed by the powerful high winds.She takes in a deep, cleansing breath before grabbing her shovel and digging.The other chaos elves quickly leave the fire to return to their tools, rushing to handle most of the work and help their leader.It is not long before the elderly chaos elf approaches Trinity and places a quivering hand on her aching shoulder.“My queen, you could always run away and help the champions,” the woman timidly suggests.“You know that I could never do that,” Trinity responds, placing a tender hand on the woman’s wrist.“The Baron would destroy many of you if I ran away.Without all of you, I have no reason to go on living.”“We do not want you to destroy your soul for us, your majesty,” declares one of the male workers.“My soul may be dirtied by my deeds, but it will never be destroyed.The love in my heart for all of you helps me retain my soul,” Trinity assures him.She can see a young girl staring at her, nervously chewing on her lower lip.“You may ask your question.I promise I won’t yell, little one.”The girl shifts her gaze to her bare, bloodied feet when everyone turns toward her.“I heard about the half-elf that you fought.She’s as powerful as you and I’m sure she is just as kind.So, why can’t you ask her to help free us?”“That woman asked me the same thing once,” Trinity answers with a subtle twitch of her left eye.“I’m afraid that such an alliance is not to be, little one.She and I were destined to be enemies in this game.To ask her for help would go against the will of the gods.Besides, I’m sure nothing would come from such an alliance.Even with her help, the Baron is too strong and we would be throwing our lives away.So, I will have to kill her in order to stay in his favor.”“Do you truly wish to destroy her?” asks the old elf.She smiles at Trinity, who eyes her suspiciously.“I sense hesitation and doubt.You realize that the will of the gods is unknown to you.”“You’re very insightful, elder,” Trinity replies, examining the wrinkly cobalt skin of the woman’s face.“I don’t have an honest answer for you.I always seem to find my hate for Nyx dwindling until I meet her again.Then, it’s as if the sight of her sets my mind on fire and I must battle her.Yet, I always refuse to finish her off when I’m near victory because it never feels.right.”“I am sure that Nyx shares your feelings and confusion.The two of you are born from the same bloodline, which has not manifested itself like this since before the ancient world’s Race War,” the old woman whispers, her voice growing weaker and distant.“Follow your heart, my queen, and you will receive the final battle with your rival.I am sure the two of you will push each other to new heights of magic and strength.”Trinity is about to speak when the old chaos elf steps away, her body emitting sparks of blue light.The other workers do not appear to notice the old woman as she rapidly disintegrates.The sparks flow toward the blazing tree stump, turning the color of the flames into a calming purple.Before her face disappears, the old woman playfully winks at Trinity.The disembodied face takes the form of a chaos elf maiden with an ethereal beauty about her, but the image quickly bursts into a shower of cobalt light [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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