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.Concept and FormVOLUME 2, INTERVIEWS AND ESSAYSON THE CAHIERS POUR L’ANALYSEEdited by Peter Hallward and Knox PedenContentsCoverTitle PagePrefaceAbbreviationsIntroduction to Volume Two: ‘The Fate of the Concept’, by Knox PedenChapter 1 - François Regnault, ‘Structure and Subject’Chapter 2 - Patrice Maniglier, ‘Acting Out the Structure’Chapter 3 - Edward Baring, ‘Derrida, Lévi-Strauss, and the Cahiers pour l’Analyse; Or, How to Be a Good Structuralist’Chapter 4 - Knox Peden, ‘Foucault and the Subject of Method’Chapter 5 - Tracy McNulty, ‘Desuturing Desire: The Work of the Letter in the Miller–Leclaire Debate’Chapter 6 - Adrian Johnston, ‘Turning the Sciences Inside Out: Revisiting Lacan’s “Science and Truth”’Chapter 7 - Peter Hallward, ‘Badiou and the Logic of Interruption’Chapter 8 - Slavoj Žižek, ‘“Suture”, Forty Years Later’Chapter 9 - ‘A Philosophical Conjuncture’: An Interview with Étienne Balibar and Yves DurouxChapter 10 - ‘Strong Structuralism, Weak Subject’: An Interview with Yves DurouxChapter 11 - ‘All of a Sudden, Psychoanalysis’: An Interview with François RegnaultChapter 12 - ‘The Chains of Reason’: An Interview with Alain GrosrichardChapter 13 - ‘The Force of Minimalism’: An Interview with Jean-Claude MilnerChapter 14 - ‘To Get Rid of the Signified’: An Interview with Jacques BouveresseChapter 15 - ‘Only in the Form of Rupture’: An Interview with Jacques RancièreChapter 16 - ‘Theory from Structure to Subject’: An Interview with Alain BadiouCopyrightPrefaceConcept and Form is a two-volume work dealing with the 1960s French philosophy journal the Cahiers pour l’Analyse.Volume One is made up of English translations of some of the most important texts published in the journal.The introduction to Volume One tries to reconstruct the general context in which the journal was produced, and sketches the main intellectual and political influences that shaped its work.Volume Two collects newly commissioned essays on the journal and interviews with people who were either members of the editorial board or associated with its broader theoretical project.The introduction to Volume Two situates the journal in the context of twentieth-century French rationalism and considers how its commitment to conceptual analysis shaped its distinctive approach to Marxism and psychoanalysis.These two printed books are complemented by an open-access electronic edition of the Cahiers, produced by the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) and hosted by Kingston University London, at cahiers.kingston.ac.uk.The Concept and Form website provides the original French texts in both html and facsimile pdf versions, substantial synopses of each article, discussions of the most significant concepts at issue in the journal, and brief entries on the main people involved with it, as well as full-length French versions of the interviews abbreviated and translated in Volume Two.The materials in these two printed volumes are also included on the website, and posted as pdfs on the Verso website.The website’s search box and lists of concepts and names may serve to some extent as a substitute index for the books.Peter Hallward and Knox PedenAbbreviationsWhere a reference contains two page numbers separated by a forward slash, the first number refers to the original edition and the second to the English translation.When no note accompanies a quotation, the reference is included in the next note.CF1, CF2 Concept and Form, Volume 1 or 2.CpA Cahiers pour l’Analyse.A reference of the form ‘CpA 6.2:36’ is to page 36 of the second article in the sixth volume of the Cahiers, as listed in its table of contents (online at cahiers.kingston.ac.uk, and appended to this volume).Where an English translation for an article is available, inclusion of the English page number follows the French, after a forward slash.tm translation modifiedTNT ranslator’s noteWORKS BY LOUIS ALTHUSSERESC Essays in Self-Criticism, trans.Grahame Lock.London: New Left Books, 1976.FM For Marx, trans.Ben Brewster.London: New Left Books, 1969.HC The Humanist Controversy and Other Writings 1966–67, trans.G.M.Goshgarian.London: Verso, 2003.LP Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, trans.Ben Brewster.London: New Left Books, 1971.PSPS Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists, ed.Gregory Elliott, trans.Warren Montag et al.London: Verso, 1990.RC [with Etienne Balibar] Reading Capital [1968 ed.], trans.Ben Brewster.London: New Left Books, 1970.WORKS BY ALAIN BADIOUAPE ‘L’Autonomie du processus historique’.Cahiers Marxistes-Léninistes (Paris: École Normale Supérieure) 12/13 (1966), 77–89.CM The Concept of Model [1969], ed.and trans.Zachary Luke Fraser and Tzuchien Tho.Melbourne: (re)press, 2007.DI De l’Idéologie.Paris: Maspero, 1976.BE L’Etre et l’événement.Paris: Seuil, 1988.Being and Event, trans.Oliver Feltham.London: Continuum, 2005.LW Logiques des mondes.Paris: Seuil, 2006.Logics of Worlds, trans.Alberto Toscano.London: Continuum, 2009.LS Le Siècle.Paris: Seuil, 2005; The Century, trans.Alberto Toscano.London: Polity, 2007.RMD ‘Le (Re)commencement du matérialisme dialectique’ [review of Louis Althusser, Pour Marx (Paris: Maspero, 1965) and Althusser et al., Lire le Capital (Paris: Maspero, 1965)].Critique 240 (May 1967), 438–467.TC Théorie de la contradiction.Paris: Maspero, 1975.TS Théorie du sujet.Paris: Seuil, 1982.Theory of the Subject, trans.Bruno Bosteels.London: Continuum, 2009.WORKS BY SIGMUND FREUDSE The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed.James Strachey et al.London: Hogarth Press, 1953–1974, in 24 volumes.A reference of the form ‘SE14:148’ is to page 148 of volume 14.WORKS BY JACQUES LACANE Écrits.Paris: Seuil, 1966.Ecrits, trans.Bruce Fink, in collaboration with Héloïse Fink and Russell Grigg.New York: W.W.Norton, 2006.References in the form ‘E, 803/680’ refer to the French/English pagination.S Seminars (1954–1980), in 27 volumes.A reference in the form ‘S11, 278’ is to page 278 of volume 11.References are to English translations where available [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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