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.Her hands were curled into fists at her side as though she expected someone to pounce on her and beat her to the floor.Her chin trembled but she held her ground.Five minutes passed.Ten.She was beginning to fidget.He saw her lips part several times and knew she wanted to speak but that was forbidden.He held his breath each time she seemed about to say something.When she didn’t, he realized she wouldn’t and began to relax.He desperately wanted her to obey the rules.He wanted the sessions to go to the very end.He wanted her more than he had any other woman.Fifteen minutes slipped by then he gave his command in a soft, firm voice.“You may leave now.”He saw her flinch, her lips part in surprise.This time he was sure she would speak but she didn’t.Instead, she turned, disengaged the deadbolt and exited without a sound.The door had barely closed before he was up and at the desk, flipping open the laptop, sliding his fingertips across the sensor to bring the screen into play.The screen was divided into four quadrants.One quadrant showed the outside entrance of the building.The second showed the door to Room 202.The third held a view of the elevator doors and whoever might be standing there and the fourth was inside the cage, revealing its passenger.He watched her enter the elevator.Shock.Hurt.Wounded pride.Worry that he’d found her somehow unworthy of his attention and was now going to end the deal before it ever began.Tears filled her eyes as she stabbed blindly at the Down button.She hadn’t even been sure he was in the room.He’d been as quiet as a church mouse.Or a leering perverted Peeping Tom.Knowing he had been somewhere in the room staring at her, judging her, evaluating her without so much as a sign that he was doing so unnerved her.His low voice had scared her.His command that she leave stung.What now? She wondered.Would the car be waiting or would she need to make her own way home? The thought of walking the streets of a place she didn’t know in the middle of the night without a cell phone or her purse was frightening.Horrible images filled her head and she began to sob.“The car will be waiting for you.”She jerked her head up at the sound of his voice.He was watching her here too! She found the camera and stared into it.Did she dare speak? She decided she shouldn’t.“Same time tomorrow night.Wear the same clothes.”That was all he said.He watched her chewing on her bottom lip as she rode the elevator to the ground floor.The look on her face was priceless when she realized he was looking at her in the elevator.He knew she would worry over what had happened—turn it over and over in her fevered mind—in an attempt to understand why he had sent her away.She had steeled herself to be taken, violated, and the initial look of shock when he ordered her to leave had given way to relief then settled into worry as she turned to go.He knew she would obsess about his reasoning for dismissing her for the remainder of the evening and into the following day.By the time she entered the Room tomorrow evening, she would be in a high state of anxiety.And that was what he wanted.He wanted her nervous, anxious, a little afraid.And he wanted her curious.There had never been any doubt in his mind that she would show up at the appointed time.She was sorely in need of the money to install her brother at Cedar Oaks.That she would rent herself out to him, give away her virginity to help her brother, touched a chord deep inside him.Her altruistic motives warmed a part of him he thought long dead and cold.He had the means to pay for the young man’s residency at CO for the rest of his life and he was tempted to do just that.But then he wouldn’t have any hold over Melina and he wanted her so badly his entire body throbbed with need.He ached with wanting to stretch her out beneath him, impale her on his cock, and take what no other man ever would.He longed to know the texture of her skin, the taste of the sweetness between silken thighs he wanted wrapped tightly around him.The woman was pure, unadulterated sensuality on two very fine legs.From the top of her head, to the cute little pink toes that peeked out from her sandals, she was absolute perfection in his eyes.He had never desired anything more than he desired her.He’d longed for her from the moment he’d seen her photograph amongst the ones on Tarnes’ desk.He’d been unable to think of anyone else from that moment on.“She will be the only one you are to interview,” he’d told Tarnes.“Don’t let her know that.Call the investigator now and tell him I want to know everything there is to know about her by the end of the week! And I mean everything!”The more he learned about her, the more obsessed with her he became.He read every single report, every file, watched every surveillance video over and over again until there was absolutely nothing he did not know about Melina Marie Wynth.He probably knew her better than she knew herself.That was especially true because he had the medical and mental files that had revealed to him things she had no way of knowing.He had twenty-nine days left to get what he wanted more than the five-billion-dollar acquisition he’d signed just that morning.There were some things far more precious than power, influence and authority.And he intended to have them.Chapter FiveNight TwoThe cameras had been installed while she was at work.There was no way she—or anyone not trained to do so—would discover them.Every room in her house except the bathroom had at least four cameras mounted somewhere in the space.It had taken his surveillance team two hours to bug her home.The neighbors might wonder how Melina could afford carpet cleaners but he doubted any of them would ask her.At least he hoped not.Unable to leave anything to chance, he sent one of his men around the neighborhood disguised as a salesman from the same carpet cleaning service.He was surprised to find out no one had even noticed the van in Melina’s driveway or the two men who had entered her home with cleaning equipment.“People out there tend to mind their own businesses, sir,” the man had informed him.“What you don’t see can’t hurt you.You know?”Satisfied no one would mention the van and men to Melina, he relaxed in his recliner, pulling up the wall of screens that showed every room in her house.One glance at his watch and he knew she’d be home any minute.His eyes went to the screen that showed her driveway just as the cherry-red sports car came to a stop.“Steve Ingram,” he said with a sneer.He knew all about the office Romeo who thought any woman there was fair game.So far Ingram had stayed clear of Melina.He intended to see that it remained that way.If the bastard took one step out of line, he would come to deeply regret it.The car door opened and Melina climbed out.She said something to Ingram then waved as she shut the door.Walking slowly to her front door, she never looked back at the man in the car who was watching her as intently as he was.“Not gonna happen, bro,” he said, his lips tight, eyes hard.“You’re out of your league with that one.”Reaching for the glass of twelve-year-old scotch—his poison of choice—on the table beside him he took a sip as he watched her enter the house, put her purse on the console in the tiny foyer, then kick off her shoes.He smiled.A barefoot woman did things to him that no pair of six-inch spikes ever could.He had a thing for bare little toes and especially so if they were painted cherry red as hers were.He felt his groin tighten as she padded from the foyer into the little kitchen beside it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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