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.’‘It’s strange, to think of someone else living in the house,’ Rona said reflectively.Lindsey shrugged.‘It’s not as if either of us is likely to go back.And if we did want to spend the odd night there, our rooms are still available.Incidentally, when we spoke, Mum said she’s going to ask us round for supper, probably on one of Max’s class nights, so there’d just be the three of us.’‘All girls together?’ Rona asked with a raised eyebrow.‘Nothing wrong with that,’ Lindsey said briskly.She toyed for a moment with the stem of her wine glass, then looked up, meeting her sister’s eyes.‘Can you keep a secret?’‘Don’t I always?’‘I’ve met someone who’s rather intriguing.’Rona put down her fork.‘So that’s why you’re so blasé about the Jonathan affair being short-lived.’‘I didn’t say short-lived, I said not long-term.They’re not the same.’‘I hope this one’s not married?’‘I’ve no idea.No, really –’ in response to Rona’s grunt of disbelief – ‘I’ve not even spoken to him.’‘Then you can’t say you’ve met him, can you, let alone know if he’s intriguing or not.’‘I just do.I have an instinct for these things.’‘Don’t tell me: it was the “across a crowded room” syndrome.’‘You can scoff.All I’m saying at this stage is, watch this space.’‘You’re incorrigible,’ Rona said resignedly.Finlay Curzon glanced at his watch, stretched, and switched off his computer, more than ready for his lunch break.It was very wearing, having continually to fend off questions on Genesis, when all his marketing instincts balked at the prevarication.This was the anniversary year, after all; why wait till the actual date to launch it?He made his way to the lift and went down two floors to the directors’ dining room.Though it retained its name, it was in fact where all the senior staff met for lunch, providing a valuable opportunity to discuss views and hammer out problems.Finlay joined his three cousins at one end of the table, feeling some of his tensions ease.‘Steak and kidney pie today,’ Sam commented.‘That’ll temper the March winds!’Oliver said, ‘Did that bloke ring back, Finn? About the tour?’Finlay started to reply, breaking off in surprise as Charles Curzon came into the room.Well into his retirement, he seldom visited the pottery.‘Dad!’ Nick exclaimed.‘What brings you here? I didn’t see your name on the lunch list.’‘It was a snap decision,’ the older man replied, pulling out a chair.‘I wanted a word with Finn here, and it seemed easier to talk in person.Besides, apart from you and Oliver, I’ve not seen anyone for a while.’He glanced down the table.‘Edward not in today?’‘He was earlier, but he’s lunching at Pembrokes’,’ Finlay told him.‘They’re hoping to open up a new outlet.’ He poured water into their glasses; wine didn’t appear at lunchtime unless guests were present.‘So,’ he continued, ‘what can I do for you, Uncle?’The courtesy title, traditionally used by all the Curzons, was one he felt comfortable with.Despite his progressive ideas, he couldn’t imagine calling his older relatives by their first names, and it was surely only in the novels of Jane Austen that people addressed each other as ‘Cousin’.‘I had a call this morning from Tom Parish,’ Charles replied.‘The bank manager?’‘The retired bank manager, yes.His daughter writes sporadically for Chiltern Life, and is working at the moment on a series about family businesses.She’d like to do one on us, and I told him you were the person to speak to.’Finlay said resignedly, ‘Someone else I’ll have to fob off, when she starts probing about Genesis.’‘I’ve been thinking about that,’ Charles said slowly, leaning to one side for the waitress to place a bowl of soup in front of him.‘Since she’ll be aiming to publish about the time we make the announcement, I suggest we let her in on the secret a little ahead of time.Then it can be incorporated into the article.’There was a sudden startled silence, and Charles glanced down the table.‘I shall, of course, consult everyone before reaching any firm decision, but remember she’ll be starting with old Samuel and the founding of the business.She won’t get down to the present for some time, so we’d only be jumping the gun by a few weeks.Still, you don’t need to worry about that now, Finn.I told Tom she should write to you, outlining what she has in mind and asking for an appointment.‘So –’ he looked round their still-apprehensive faces – ‘what’s the news from the coalface?’Taking it as a signal that the subject was, for the moment, closed, the atmosphere lightened and, as Sam began to talk of production figures, the rest of them picked up their soup spoons and began their meal.On the way home from lunch, Rona called in to the offices of Chiltern Life, handing Gus’s lead to the willing receptionist before she went upstairs.The dog was already wagging his tail in anticipation.‘Only one biscuit, Polly,’ Rona warned smilingly.‘We have to watch his figure!’Barnie Trent, the features editor, was bent over his desk when, after his terse ‘Enter!’, Rona pushed open his door.However, he smiled at the sight of her and leant back in his chair.‘There’s a sight for sore eyes!’ he said.‘You’re looking fraught, Barnie.Having problems?’‘Just the usual – getting the copy in on time.Got something for me?’‘Not this time, no; it’s a social call.’‘I’m honoured!’‘Max and I were wondering how you, and particularly Dinah, are feeling, now the nest’s empty again? It must seem very quiet, after having Mel and the family for so long.’The Trents’ daughter, who lived in the States, had been staying with her parents while her husband was on a six-month assignment in the Gulf.‘Dinah is a bit depressed,’ Barnie admitted, ‘but it’s early days yet.She’ll soon settle down.’‘How about coming over for supper? Would that cheer her up?’‘No better way.’‘I’ll give her a ring, then.’ She hesitated.‘You weren’t expecting the article, were you? Surely it’s not due yet?’‘No, that’s one thing I’ll say for you, you’re always in good time.’‘I added another name to the list this week: Curzon, the porcelain firm.’‘Good one, yes.They’re in the news a lot at the moment – an important anniversary coming up.Have you made contact?’‘Not yet; Pops knows one of the older directors, and he’s given me the name of the person I’m to contact.I’ll get the letter off this afternoon.Could we manage to slot it in around the time of the anniversary?’‘If you get it to me soon enough, as I have no doubt you will.’‘You’re an angel, Barnie.’ She reached for her shopping bag.‘I won’t hold you up any longer, but tell Dinah I’ll phone when Max and I have compared diaries.’‘We’ll look forward to it,’ he said, and had returned to his papers before the door closed behind her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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