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.FRIENDS?The next week proved to be relatively uneventful.Well, Dominick called every hour on the hour and sent large bouquets of white roses day and night.So when I said the week was uneventful, I should have said there were no big surprises.Dominick was just being Dominick.Tomorrow would be New Year's Eve and today would have been the day that Dominick and I left for our trip to Capri.It was the Christmas gift he had given to me.I wondered if he still planned on going? Capri was beautiful this time of year.I wished I could go, but that was not at all possible after what happened between us.Furthermore, I had made an appointment to see Dr.Roth.I needed to speak with him, so that I could get some recommendations and have him refer me to a specialist that would be able to take care of me medically throughout my pregnancy.I needed someone that specialized in difficult pregnancies.It’s not that I anticipated a bad pregnancy, but in my case it was better to be safe than sorry.Tommy didn’t want me to see Dr.Roth, because of his association with Dominick, but I knew he would be honest and give me good advice on who to choose.Above all things, he was still a medical doctor and took an oath to help and care for people, plus he was very welcoming when I called him on the phone.Tommy was taking me down the shore to his office this afternoon.I was slightly nervous about the appointment, but I didn’t have time to think about it.The door bell was buzzing frantically and Tommy wasn’t here to answer it and play defense for me.I was sure this was not a good sign.I took a deep breath and pulled the door open to see a devastatingly gorgeous man with flowers and an amused look on his face, grinning at me.To my surprise it was Marcello.He leaned in, just a little too close.He kissed the tip of my nose and handed me the flowers.“Ciao baby, surprise!”Marcello was curiously playful.“Marcello, what are you doing here?”I was completely confused and curious as well.“I’m in New York for the New Year’s celebrations and I thought I would pay you a visit.Lover boy here?”Marcello asked while he stretch out his upper body and peered inside with wide eyes, as he surveyed my foyer.I grimaced and slapped him with his own bouquet.ThenI said:“No! Dominick isn’t here and why is it your business anyway?”“Well, let’s just say that when you asked me to hold him over for an extra day or so when he was jailed in Capri, I became all too intrigued by your Mr.Kane.”“And why is that?”“Rain, he’s not good for you.You need to end this now.He will only hurt you, Bella.”I let out a small insulted chuckle.“You have to be kidding me.You came all the way here from Capri to tell me you don’t like Dominick.Are you fucking insane? This is old news.You had him arrested, Marcello.I think I got hint back in Italy that you don’t care for him.So, tell me the truth, why are you really here?”I asked cunningly.“Okay, truth?”“Yeah, truth.Spill it.”“I made reservations to come out here for the New Year and there was a mix up at the hotel.Now they don’t have a room for me and everything in the city is booked.So here I am, calling in the favor you owe me.”He was smirking.“Favor, what favor do I owe you?”I scrunched my face, as I became pissed off and confused by Marcello’s statement.How did I owe him anything?“Baby, I dropped the charges against your crazy boyfriend.Something I didn’t want to do, but did for you.Then I held out on getting him released, because you begged so sweetly and now I’m here calling in the favor.Like I said, Rain, you owe me.”He was still smirking and slightly teasing me.Unfortunately for me, Marcello was right.I did ask a great deal of him that day.Marcello was released quickly, because he was not only a resident of Capri, but he was also an attorney.A very powerful and prominent one as well.He was risking his reputation for me as a lawyer, so I could give Dominick what he had coming to him.Even though my relationship with Marcello ended so abruptly and for obvious reasons, it wasn’t right to have him risk his career, because of the problems I had been having with Dominick at the time.So now I needed to make good on the favor he did for me.“Okay, Marcello, what do you need?”“I need to stay with you.”His voice was heated.“No fucking way are you staying with me!”“Please Rain, I’ve scheduled many appointments here in New York over the holidays and I can’t cancel them.Please let me stay with you.I promise I’ll behave.”He was grinning ear to ear.“You can’t stay with me!”“Why not?”“I thought the reason would be apparent, even to you.”“That’s over Rain, were friends again.” He said with open arms.“When did that happen?”“When you trusted me enough to take care of your boyfriend problems in Capri.”He stated bluntly.I swallowed hard, closed my eyes and shook my head.I really don’t need this intrusion in my life right now, but I do owe him and it would only be for a few days.It shouldn’t be that bad.He can stay at least until the hotels have an opening.It’s not like we’d be alone together,either.Tommy lives here too.Shit! Tommy was going to have a fit.“I have to clear it with Tommy first.We share this home together and Tommy may dislike you even more than Dominick does.”“Ah, Tommy Conte, you two are still close I see.”Now he was smirking.“I don’t like your tone and that’s the first thing you better lose, if….I let you stay here.”I stated, as I leaned into his face, warning him.“I’m just saying he’s been with you for as long as I can remember.Why are you not with him? It would appear he’s the perfect match for you.”He looked curious.“It’s not like that!”I snapped.“Tell me, Rain, how is it then?”He pushed back.“Tommy protects like a man, but loves me like a brother.You would do well to remember that.Don’t fuck with me, Marcello, or this so-called new found friendship of ours ends now.” I was seething.“As you wish [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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