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.I believe that with sound wisdom and God’s help, you are beginning to put those endless nights of sleeplessness behind you!* * *A BIBLE CURE Prayer For YouDear Lord, I thank You that You have provided for my sleep.If my way of living is breaking any of Your principles of health and sound wisdom, I ask You to reveal it to me.Let my life line up in every way with Your perfect will so that I can enjoy the full benefits of Your blessed sleep.Amen.* * *A BIBLE CURE PrescriptionTake time to contemplate the factors that may contribute to your sleeplessness.For example, do you wait until the last minute to prepare yourself for the next day? Are you one who just has to catch a late-night movie or the evening news? Do you sacrifice sleep to finish a project just in time for a deadline? Do you just have to have a late-night snack or a few glasses of wine before bed? Think carefully about how your habits may affect your sleep quality, and make a list here of what you may be doing to hinder a good night’s sleep.Return to this list with solutions as you continue through this Bible Cure book.2REST ASSURED BY BEING INFORMEDABOUT SLEEP DISORDERSTHERE ARE TWO main categories into which sleep disorders fall:1.Dyssomnias—characterized by problems with either falling asleep or staying asleep, followed by excessive drowsiness during the day.Examples of dyssomnias include insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movements, and advanced and delayed sleep phase syndrome.2.Parasomnias—abnormalities in behavior that occur during sleep, such as night terrors (a frightening activity during sleep), nightmares, sleepwalking and/or sleep talking, bruxism (or grinding your teeth), sleep-related eating disorder, and REM sleep behavior disorderLet’s investigate some of these extremely unpleasant sleeping problems.THE NIGHTMARE OF INSOMNIAInsomnia is by far the most common sleep disorder.It is characterized by having problems either falling asleep or staying asleep.There are two main forms of insomnia: primary insomnia and secondary insomnia.Primary insomniaPrimary insomnia is not due to medical, psychiatric, or environmental problems, nor is it due to medications or any other substances.The insomnia is its own disorder, which means the insomnia is the medical condition and not a symptom of some other medical or psychiatric disease.Usually primary insomnia is a lone disorder that develops over time.Studies have shown that people with chronic insomnia produce higher levels of stress hormones than other people.Since primary insomnia is its own disorder and is usually associated with stress, I strongly recommend that you read my book Stress Less.Using behavioral techniques, sleep hygiene techniques, relaxation techniques, and nutritional supplements will generally help to reverse primary insomnia.These methods will be discussed in detail later in this book.Secondary insomniaThe most common type of insomnia, secondary insomnia is a symptom or side effect of some other medical or emotional problem such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, heart failure, asthma, acid reflux, menopause with hot flashes and night sweats, urological disorders, and so forth.Secondary insomnia can also be due to a side effect of certain medications, especially cold and sinus medications, asthma medications, and more.Secondary insomnia may also be due to caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.It is believed that more than eight out of ten people with insomnia suffer from secondary insomnia.Since over 80 percent of patients with insomnia have secondary insomnia, it is critically important to treat the primary problem.1For example, if your insomnia is due to an enlarged prostate and you have to get up multiple times during the night to urinate, simply treating the enlarged prostate will generally correct the insomnia.Also, if your insomnia is due to hot flashes or acid reflux, simply treating the hot flashes or acid reflux will generally get rid of the insomnia.If your insomnia is due to anxiety or depression, then simply treating the anxiety and depression will usually take care of the insomnia.The good news is that controlling secondary insomnia is fairly easy.Usually this is accomplished by simply treating the primary problem, employing a few behavioral techniques, and following a regimen of sleep hygiene and a few natural supplements.I will cover all of these steps for managing insomnia in the remaining chapters of this book [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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