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.Avenge a lawyer…what is the world coming to?”Not a moment too soon, Monson and the others ducked, avoiding a barrage of fire and ice from the commandos.Rolling to the side, Monson saw another wave of commandos and Legionnaires filing in from the northern entrance.These commandos appeared better equipped than their comrades, sporting a newer version of the Glyian Combat Glove and larger, more fantastical-looking blades.The magical battle had become truly fierce.Spells tore through the ranks of soldiers, rock and human alike, as blades, now of the Magi variety, strove against one another.In the middle of the floor, Baroty and Mr.Gatt were dueling over a large area, all other parties keeping their distance.Back along the wall, Brian was attempting to free the imprisoned students, teachers, reporters and staff.It was difficult work, as commandos and Legionnaires were constantly attacking him.“Monson,” Casey grabbed his shoulder before he could move more than a few feet away, barely parrying a blow from a Legionnaire.“I think we need to get you out of here and regroup.”“No can do, Case.I’ve got a score to settle, remember?”“I understand you’re pissed.I am too.But we need to regroup.We’re totally outnumbered and completely outgunned.Molly is going to haunt us until the end of days if something happens to you.”Monson gestured in the air, leaving behind faint traces of silver.“Don’t worry Case, I’m far too young to find out if there’s an afterlife or not.”He bellowed the phrase, “Combat Spell Fifty-seven: Daggers of Light.”Somewhere behind him Monson heard, “Fifty-seven? Monson, you’re crazy! That spell is far too high a—”A noise like the screeching of thousands of birds pierced the eardrums of everyone in the Coliseum.Casey and Artorius glanced around as if trying to determine the source of the noise.As it grew, it became clear that the noise was emanating from their best friend.A crackling yellow energy sat in the palms of Monson Grey.It was unlike anything either Casey or Artorius had ever seen.It seemed like an electric current or a bolt of lightning, but at the same time looked to have substance and weight, like it was both energy and matter simultaneously.As if this was not weird enough, Casey and Artorius watched as Monson molded the substance into two equal portions.Once complete, he held the daggers in his hands like combat knives, the screeching sound still echoing around them until it faded completely.“Casey! Artorius! Stay on my tail! Halfback dive right through the middle!”Artorius and Casey fell in right behind Monson.Satisfied, Monson turned to face a wall of attackers.He grinned maliciously.Commandos pointed guns and Glyian Combat Gloves, Legionnaires formed up behind shields and spears, and squad leaders barked orders.Baroty’s men formed a wedge, waiting for some unseen sign—an order that did not come.Unfortunately, they waited just a bit too long.Monson Grey attacked.He instantaneously disappeared and reappeared, a fading streak of light the only indication that he had moved.Before anyone could even start to comprehend what was happening, Monson was already leveling ranks of soldiers.Blades of lightning in each hand, Monson combined Casey’s martial arts, Artorius’ fencing, and added something extra —something unknown that made him move a little faster and made his attacks a little more forceful.Much of it might have been his weapons, which lit up anyone or anything they touched and visibly affected the power of his lightning blades, dimming and shrinking them.It appeared as they had a finite life.Monson was moving too fast and with too much power for anyone to worry about anything else.Artorius and Casey tried their best to stay close but were left with very little to do.They were not the focus of the commandos’ attack nor were they given the chance to step in for Monson.Once most of the soldiers lay in heaps, Casey and Artorius threw up barriers of rock and ice similar to Molly’s Box of Protection.“Monson, this is insane!” Artorius caught Monson’s shoulder, more than a little surprised by his friend’s newfound ferocity and power.“We should fall back.”A huge explosion to their left drowned out any response Monson may have made.Dozens of commandos and rows of rock soldiers came flowing through the freshly made holes in the Coliseum walls.Monson and his friends again prepared themselves to fight.Five commandos cautiously stalked Monson, Casey and Artorius, all of them whispering under their breath.A flash of light and heat followed by a cool mist splashed over the area, causing the three boys to instinctively draw back.When everything settled, the five commandos stood before them, Magi Blades at the ready.The commandos started to fan out.“Crap.” Monson held out his arms, catching Artorius and Casey by the chest and pushing them back.“Not good.”“What do you mean ‘not good’?” Casey jabbed Monson in the side.“We can totally take these fools, Grey.”“No, Casey.You don’t get it.We don’t have a weapon that can match the Magi Blade [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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