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.A pile of dust remainedon the balcony.The desire to gather her father's ashes and scatter them over Rome consumed her thoughts.To Octavia, Romuluswas Rome.Her father had lived for the empire and now it seemed appropriate that his remains be returned to the city.A chillcoursed through her body and caused the hair at the nape of her neck to stand on end.She sensed the gods nearby, Mars andothers of her bloodline, coming nearer the Earth.The sensation overcame her as if the gods who ruled the old empire's beliefs hadheard her silent plea.Upon her back, Octavia felt the breeze of a warm wind kiss the balcony.She twisted around.Her father's ashes gently gathered ina twirling breeze and then blew away, scattered across the city below.She wondered if Rome's gods would always hear her."No.And yes."The voice startled her.She scanned the balcony, but to her surprise, it remained empty."Forgive me for my abruptness.I am Montigrael.Lexliel's brother."From out of nowhere an angel wearing a suit of leather armor fitted over a red tunic appeared on the balcony.He looked much likea soldier of old Rome."I owe my brother Lexliel a debt and I have come to repay him,” he said.Octavia clutched her son even more tightly than before.“What do you mean the gods will not always hear me?""You are the gods, Octavia.We all are.I could never figure out why mortals fail to see how great their souls are, how much of thegods are within them.In truth, there is only one God, the Soul of Paradise.But man lives in a world with many cultures and manybelief systems.Greek gods, Roman gods, names matter not.God as the all-consuming force dwells within us, around us.” Hestretched and his massive wings expanded over the entire width of the balcony.“But enough of that.Such talk bores me and I dobore easily.Have you no other questions for me? Do you not wish to know the reason why I have come?"She wasn't sure she wanted to know.“You said you came to repay a debt owed to Lexliel.""Yes.But aren't you curious as to what that debt is?"Octavia shook her head.“My former life is over.I have only my son to think about now.Go away.Leave us be.” A sudden fearfilled her soul.She had lost the man she loved because of God and his war with Hell.The thought of Lazarus ending up trapped inthe same world his father had been bound to frightened her.She wanted nothing to do with her husband's brother."Unfortunately, fate doesn't work that way.You see, my brother died because of me.My body should have fallen on the Devil'ssword and not Lexliel's.But there is nothing I can do about that now,” he said, staring at her.The depth of Montigrael's blue eyes made her feel uneasy and a bit frightened.She'd never seen eyes as vibrant or as glaring.Octavia was certain the angel had the ability to see through to her soul.What would he do to a creature like herself, like Lazarus, acreature now neither dead nor alive?A look of annoyance crossed his brow.“I'm here for one reason and one reason only.""Very well.What is that reason?""I'm searching for the soul who was born to destroy your son.""Well, search for him elsewhere, for I have neither want nor need of your help.Your presence will only lure my son's destroyer tohim"He shook his head.“I can't leave you.In a twist of irony, I've been appointed as Lazarus's guardian.So get used to me, for theroad ahead shall be a long one.” He closed his wings.“As for your thoughts on what I would do to a creature such as yourself, Ican say only this.” A slice of sarcasm cut through his voice.“I loathe vampyres.If I had my way, you wouldn't exist."The fear of having made a mistake pricked at Octavia's nerves.Maybe bringing Lazarus to the Vampyre angered Fate and madematters worse.Maybe it angered other gods as well.Had she interfered with Destiny's desires? How could a guardian be sent toprotect a beast it detested? And what of this debt to her dead husband? An unending stream of questions swarmed her mind.Shewondered what role her son would now play in the war between Heaven and Hell.The Dark Breed and the Nephilim were ruledby darkness.Needing a guardian to protect oneself from these creatures was not a good thing.Not a good thing in the least.Chapter OneConnacht, Ireland 1095It was back again.The terror that had stalked Lazarus in Rome had finally crept its way north to Connacht and invadedhis home.The enemy that had terrorized him in the past had allowed him one escape, but only because he was a boy then.Now he had to face this unseen, unknown force, this evil that lurked in the shadows.Agitation settled in his soul.Hesensed his enemy everywhere, an icy-cold chill that taunted him at every passing.In truth, he had sensed it for a whilenow, a little uneasiness here, an odd feeling there.It came and went in such subtle ways the average being would neverhave noticed.But Lazarus Conlon wasn't your average soul and neither were his kin.He wondered if the others in theTribe felt it, too.They're denial last night of sensing something wrong disturbed him.As Celts, he knew his kin had greatrespect for the spoken word and didn't believe in bringing up talk of evil unless vitally necessary [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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