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.This meeting was only taking place because every ruling member of an Alliance world was given an assignment at the end of each Conclave.Ildevar Wyyld, Founder of the Alliance, along with the twenty members of the Grand Alliance Council handed out these assignments.Normally, it was committee assignments.Lissa had been handed the position of Liaison for the Alliance Security Detail—the equivalent of the FBI, CIA and NSA combined on Earth.All Alliance spies and special tactics operatives worked for the ASD and they had been moved, lock, stock and overstuffed barrel, straight to Le-Ath Veronis once the assignment was announced.The ASD's Director, Norian Keef, thought Lissa was recuperating from wounds received from a battle with several Ra'Ak, after Alliance regulars had failed to take the giant serpents down at the Five Year Conclave.As he was forced to consult with her before engaging in sensitive missions, Norian expected daily reports on Lissa's status.He was also demanding a meeting with her as early as possible.Lissa had been taken initially to Le-Ath Veronis, but upon the arrival of Norian Keef and the ASD, she'd been secretly moved to Gryphon Hall.Gavin had only received word that Lissa had wakened—he and Lissa's other mates were more than worried that she might not return to her body.Kifirin indicated at the beginning that the final choice was hers."While I realize the Alliance voted to allow each member planet to approve their own religions, it is in our best interests to investigate the new ones anyway.We do not need Solar Red or any number of other unhealthy factions to gain a legitimate toehold on any world.Surely you understand this," Norian Keef fumed as he paced in front of Radomir."I cannot proceed with this covert operation until I have Queen Lissa's permission."Gavin sat in a corner, wishing he had Gardevik's talent for showing displeasure by blowing smoke from his nostrils.They were all inside the office Gavin shared with Tony, and appointments had been canceled and comesuli chased away from their work just so Norian Keef could vent his frustration."Mr.Keef, we are in complete agreement with you regarding this matter.We will not prevent you or your staff from investigating these religions.Lissa will certainly agree with the purpose and intent of this operation, I assure you." Radomir was becoming impatient with Norian, and that never happened with him.The ASD Director had a way of transferring his restless energy to anyone around him, causing things to remain in a constant state of unease."Will you not accept our assurances and proceed with your investigations?""But I am bound by law to receive her permission personally, before I can act," Norian was back to pacing."I cannot accept anyone else's permission; it must be hers and recorded."Gavin wasn't sure he appreciated the recorded part of Norian's words, but didn't voice his concerns aloud.Of the five hundred eighty-six members of the Alliance, forty-eight now had some new religion that needed to be secretly investigated—according to Norian, anyway.There was also a long list of other Alliance members, all of whom wanted the ASD to investigate the new religions making application to establish themselves on those worlds."We will schedule an audience with the Queen for you as quickly as possible," Radomir's face bore the usual, vampiric non-expression."In the meantime, has everything been done as far as research is concerned? Surely you can proceed with that before approaching the Queen.""We are reaching the end of our resources where remote research is concerned—we need to have our feet upon the worlds in question, now," Norian grumbled."I must meet with the Queen within two days.Please see that this is accomplished." The Director of the ASD all but stomped out of Lissa's study."Is there any way we can get her here—for a short meeting?" Radomir turned to Gavin."Karzac says she's as weak as a newborn lamb, although she won't admit it," Gavin grumbled."She could do a short meeting, but short meetings with Norian tend to turn into longer meetings, and that habit he has of unsettling everyone may not be good for Lissa right now.""Glendes and Raffian are asking for a meeting as well," Radomir stared at his hands.He knew what that meeting was about—Devin and Grace had told him.They'd heard the news from Shannon and Kyler; Grey House couldn't hold that information back.While that information would deliver a blow to Lissa at the best of times, delivering it now would be a hundred times worse.He had no idea why Glendes and Raffian were forcing the issue—surely it could have waited.Other bad news waited for Lissa as well—Giff still hadn't budged on her desire to keep Yoff away.Rolfe had been unable to convince Giff to change her mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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