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.This class is one of my favorite, although two of my favorite people aren’t there, it will have to do.On my way to English lit, I feel a hand smack my ass hard.My cheeks were stinging and possibly red.I yelped and turned around and I am face to face with Jeremy.He winked at me like this was acceptable.“Don’t you ever touch me again or I will tell the head of the school that you are harassing me.” I threatened.He probably laughed in his head that I’m some puny girl threatening a quarterback who has muscles.“You know you liked that, Babygirl.You like it rough in bed don’t you? I guess I’ll find out soon.I’ll be seeing you later.”He moved his hands up and down as if he was caressing and massaging my body.I felt sick to my stomach.Who the hell does this guy think he is? He must know that he has no chance especially when I feel my gag reflexes go off around him.I can feel the vomit rise just by looking at him.Lunchtime comes around and this is my favorite time because I have Larissa and Aiden there and we can talk the whole time.I sit in between the two.I feel sandwiched between them.“Rena, there’s this party going on Friday night.We should go.It sounds super cool.Nick Tago is throwing it at his parent’s beach house.They are out of town and he’s throwing this huge party,” Larissa said excitedly.I am not a fan of parties.As long as I’m just hanging with Aiden and Lar, I’m perfectly content.“Lar, you know I don’t really like the party scene.”“C’mon, it’ll be fun.Don’t be a party pooper.I will drag you there if I have to.”“Is Jeremy going to be there?” I asked and I knew I probably shouldn’t have asked because Aiden’s head shot up and I can see the jealousy displayed on his face.I can tell he is fuming.“Why do you want to know if Jeremy is going to be there? Are you seeing him?”I knew I hit a nerve with that question.I probably should have waited until me and Larissa were alone but I honestly didn’t think I would see him react like this.We aren’t even dating but maybe he’s just protective because we are friends.“No, I don’t want to see him at all.I had an incident in the hallway today with him and he really creeped me out.It’s nothing really though.”I didn’t want to get too far into it because I can see the reaction on his face and I don’t want him to act out impulsively on my behalf.“I’ll come to the party, too, that way if he is there, maybe he’ll steer clear of you if he sees me.”I like when he becomes a gentleman like that.He puts my needs and securities before his own.“Okay, as long as both of you are there, I will go.I don’t really want to associate with anyone else.”“I may be a little late though.I have to help my dad with something.But I promise you I will be there,” he said just as the bell rang.We gathered our things and went our separate ways to finish up our day.When I got home from school, I went upstairs to do my homework.I heard my phone go off.I have a new text message.Aiden: I’m sorry to pry but I need to know what happened with Jeremy.I need to know that you’re alright.Please put my mind at ease and tell me.Me: He slapped my ass.I told him that I would tell the school board if it happens again and tell them that he’s harassing me.Aiden: Did he say anything else?As much as I hate lying, I don’t think I should tell him the things he said.I still don’t fully know Aiden and I don’t want him to fly off the handle and really get himself in trouble.I don’t need that on my conscience.Me: No, I think I really got to him.I feel like smacking my head.Why did I just do that? I don’t lie.I hope this doesn’t backfire.Aiden: Okay.As long as you’re okay.I don’t trust that guy and I don’t think you should either.Me: I don’t.I try to stay away from him.He creeps me out.Well I’m off to the dreamland.GoodnightAiden: Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.:)He always puts a smiley face at the end of the sentence.It always makes me feel happy.His smiles are infectious.I lie in bed unable to sleep.I can’t stop thinking about this damn party that I do not want to attend.I’ll do it for my friends but I will not have a good time.I hope Jeremy doesn’t show but that’s a hopeful wish that will not come true since he’s the quarterback of the team.Thoughts of my sister are filling my head.I wonder what she’s doing and what’s happened and where she’s at.She still hasn’t come around.I miss her but I’m also pissed at her for deserting me.It’s not long when my brain gets so exhausted that I fall into a deep sleep.***AidenI woke up drenched in sweat because of a dream I had.It involved Serena and Jeremy.He tried to fight me because I wouldn’t let him touch her.He tried groping her right in front me.I know this is my subconscious telling me that I need to do something about this.I wish I would have talked to her about that in person.My gut is telling me there is more to what she relayed to me.I possibly could have spotted a lie if I saw the reaction to her face.If I would have waited, I may not have slept at all.I could be a walking zombie, but it drove me insane to think someone hurt her.She has become my best friend over the past few weeks.I have been noticing all the little things that she does and says that really make her stand out.They are the cutest things, too.For instance, she tried to bake cookies when me and Larissa came over to play video games.Well she ended up burning the cookies and setting off the fire alarm.She intentionally blamed the instructions on the recipe because it said to bake for twenty minutes.She failed to read bake at twenty minutes on 350 degrees.She decided she wanted to have the cookies done faster so she jacked the nozzle to 400 degrees and still baked for twenty minutes.I didn’t see a need to do that.If she wanted faster, why bake for the same amount of time? As cute as she is, I don’t think I’ll ever let her cook for me.I think I may have to take culinary in school since there’s no way in hell she will make it on her own with her cooking skills.She may have to live on ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese.The whole baking fiasco is something Larissa and I reflect on at times and laugh about it.I’ve also noticed that she twitches her nose when she is anxious, nervous, or possibly lying about something.Which is why I should have asked her about Jeremy in person.As much as I would love to have her as mine, she is still my best friend.I will do whatever it takes to protect her.She is a big part of my life now and I refuse let her go.Its bad enough I had to let my mother go.The anniversary of her death is coming up in a few days.In fact, it’s the day of the party.A year since my mother was tragically taken from my life.It seems like yesterday I got that devastating phone call that completely shattered my heart into a million pieces.Friday is a day that I’m not looking forward to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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