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.I had to admit, though, she had some friends I couldn't say the same thing about."And Josie has to take her posse with her everywhere she goes, right?" Kate added."That includes half the school, El."I made yet another face and shut my locker."I'l figure it out." Of course, I wasn't actual y going to do anything.I wasn't going to walk up to Josie Newport and say, "Oh, by the way, when I invited you, I meant just you and maybe a friend or two.Not everybody and their cross-eyed cousins.""Maybe she thought she was doing you a favor?" Landon offered."Boost your popularity or something?"While that sounded cool, I didn't suspect that it was probable.Josie wasn't going to do me any favors.Most likely, if the party sucked, Josie would simply move her entourage elsewhere.They would be like a party within a party.If mine sucked, then Josie would just make a new one.She'd already have enough people to do it."Al right, I'm out," I said, happy to end the conversation and get out of school and go home, even if it was just to study."Okay, I'l see you in an hour," Kate said."Adios, ladies," Landon said, mock saluting us."Why don't you study for me, too, so I don't have to?"Kate gave him a sarcastic thumbs-up before turning and making her way to the student parking lot.She'd had her license and her car since she was sixteen, like most of the kids I knew.I had my license too, but not a car yet.Kate's daddy had bought her a red BMW for her birthday.I found it to be an absolute miracle of God that Kate hadn't pancaked it yet.She drove like a blind person going into diabetic shock.I waved good-bye to Landon, scooped my long, dark red hair out from under my backpack strap, and headed out through the school's front doors to meet my mom.As I crossed the front lawn, I spotted a boy I'd never seen before lounging against a tree.He wore a brown shirt and jeans, and his hair, which waved around his face in the breeze, looked black until the sun caught the walnut shine.He actual y looked a little too old to be in high school, maybe twenty or twenty-one years old.As I looked at him, I felt a certain fondness deep in my heart, but I shook the feeling off.I didn't know who he was.Maybe he had graduated a year or two ago and I'd seen him in the hal s at some point? My school was pretty big.There was no way for me to know everyone who went here.I watched him for several more seconds until I noticed that he was watching me back.I blushed fiercely and looked back to the roundabout ahead where the parents' cars were idling.It was strange how he was just hanging out there, but I had to assume that he was waiting for a younger sibling.My mom's Mercedes was nearly indistinguishable from every other silver Mercedes lining the roundabout.I peered through windshields until I spotted my mom.She and my dad look nothing like me.Mom's hair was more of a light brunette than my rich chocolate red.People asked me al the time if I had my hair colored this way, as if it were hot pink or some other unnatural shade.No, my hair just came this way.Also, she didn't have any freckles.A lot of people think al redheads are completely covered in freckles.Not true.I only have six on the bridge of my nose.You can poke at my face and count them.There are six.I climbed in and we exchanged our typical after-school conversation."How was your day, El ie Bean?" my mom asked, like she did every single time."I didn't die," I answered, as usual."Wel , that's good news" was always her reply.I looked back out the passenger window to the tree where I'd seen the boy, but he was gone.My eyes scanned the lawn, but I couldn't see him anywhere."What are you looking at?" Mom asked as we pul ed away."Nothing," I replied distantly.My mom shouted an obscenity at the driver in front of her who was taking too long to turn at the light.Wiping her expression clean of anger the next moment, she smiled at me."I'm so happy this is the last week I wil ever have to pick your butt up from school.""Good for you."Mom was a web designer and worked from home, so she had always been able to drive me to and from school, thankful y sparing me from ever having to attend daycare.My dad, on the other hand, was rarely home.He worked in medical research and there were many nights when I would go to bed without seeing him.Sometimes I wouldn't see him for a week.Lately, that was a good thing."So you never told me what you want for your birthday,"my mom said."Lambo."She laughed."Yeah, sure, let's just sel the house and get you a Lamborghini for your birthday."We final y pul ed out of the school's drive onto the main road and headed home."So, what do you want? I know we talked about a car, and your dad says yes.""I don't real y know.""Don't make me choose," my mom warned."I'l get you a moped to drive to school on.""I'l bet." I rol ed my eyes."I don't know--just get me something cute, safe, and that has an MP3 adapter.I'l be set for life with that."I woke to music blasting into my left eardrum.I grappled for my cel phone and hit the reject button without opening my my cel phone and hit the reject button without opening my eyes.A few seconds later it rang again.I opened a single eye to check the clock.It was a quarter to six in the morning.Uttering a half-mumbled curse, I dragged the phone off my nightstand and looked at the cal er ID.It was Kate.I rubbed my hand against my forehead, forcing myself out of that groggy post-nightmare haze.In the past few months, I'd been having the strangest dreams that went like period horror films, like the Dracula movie with Gary Oldman.Creepy stuff [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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