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.” I get up and walk over to my iHome and turn on some music.“Let’s go find him!” Chasity gets off the bed and runs out of the room.I quickly shut off the music and catch up with her.When I get out of my room and into the hallway, there they are.Already.Chasity is looking up, gawking at Kade.Kade looks at me when he hears my room door open.“Hi.” He says.“Hey,” I say.“Who’s this?” He points to Chasity.“My best friend, Chasity,” I say.Then I take Chasity’s arm and start to pull her down the stairs.I want to jump on the trampoline.“Becc,” Kade grabs my arm and motions me with his head into my room.The area where he’s touching my arm gets warm.My hands go clammy and my mind goes mushy.My eyes must have gone wide because he adds, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”I look over at Chasity, she winks, then continues down the stairs.I walk into Kade’s room.Thankfully, he doesn’t close the door, knowing Chasity is out of ear shot.“What?” I cross my arms over my chest and lean on one leg.“I don’t want people to know about.you know.”I stare at him with a blank look.“Um.no.I don’t know,” I say.“Ugh.I don’t want people to know about how my parents can’t afford to live in the U.S.so I have to live with you.”“Ooooooh.Gotcha.Okay cool.” I start to walk out of the room.He grabs my arm and pulls me back to face him.“I don’t think you quite get it, Becc.Chasity knows now,” he says.He sighs then puts his hands on his hips.Chasity? Being.a problem? I laugh.“Chasity is not a problem, Kade.She won’t tell anyone.”“You have to make her swear.”“Why, are you embarrassed that you’re living with me?” I give him a cocky smile.“Living with you? Anyone would be embarrassed,” He says as he gives me a smile back.Then I walk out of the room.I walk downstairs and find Chasity getting cookie dough out of the freezer and putting them on cookie sheets.“Hungry?”“For your cookies? Always.”“You know they aren’t ‘my’ cookies, right? It’s store-bought cookie dough.”“What’d Kade say?” She ignores my cookie subject.I think she can tell I’m trying to get her to not ask what Kade and I talked about.It didn’t work very well.“He asked me to ask you to not tell anyone that he lives with me,” I say.“Why not?”“He doesn’t want people to know,” I say.“Why not?”“It’s complicated.Ask him yourself,” I say kind of bitchy.Kade aggravates me.Any guy in general, though, aggravates me.Chapter 5: Healing -->Two weeks have gone by, and here I am loading up the car, getting ready to go on a twenty- two-hour drive with Kade, my mom, and my dad.This is going to be interesting.I get into the back seat of the car and slide into my normal spot.Kade slides in behind me and closes the door.I don’t think I can do this.Twenty-two hours with him? And my mom? And my dad? Nope.This is not going to work.“Honey didn’t you hear daddy?” My mom opens the back seat of the car and looks at me.“Hear what?”“You and Kade are going to have to drive in Kade’s truck; we don’t have enough room in Dad’s truck for both of you and all of our bags.He’s already filling Kade’s truck with bags and everything we need, but he’s leaving room in the front seat for you.” What the hell? They want Kade and me to drive alone, for twenty-two hours? Yeahhh.funny story though.he drives me crazy.“Oh, okay cool.So we’ll just follow you guys all the way to Idaho?” For the nerves I’m feeling right now, that sentence came out pretty darn good.Hopefully I seem relaxed.I get out of my dad’s truck and walk over to Kade’s.We bought him the truck for his seventeenth birthday four months ago.He loves his truck.It’s everything he asked for – blue, 4-wheel drive, and nice and intimidating.I open the shiny blue door and hop in the passenger seat.His truck is really nice with a good stereo and IPod player.The black leather seats are comfortable and have seat warmers if your butt is cold.Kade slides into the driver’s seat, looks at me, then puts the keys in the ignition.“Want to plug your IPod into the stereo system?” Kade points to the stereo with one hand while keeping the other hand on the steering wheel.We just got out of the front gate of our community and it feels like hours have already passed.You can practically feel the awkwardness lingering in the air.I can just hear him telling himself to say something to break the silence.The front gate opens a little too slowly that I get impatient.I don’t respond to him.I just reach for the white cord that connects my IPod to the car and play the playlist I made for the drive.I hope he’s not picky about music, considering I made this playlist for my enjoyment only.I was not aware I was going to play it for both Kade and me.“Hunter Hayes.Nice,” he says as he bops his head to the music.Hunter Hayes.Gosh.I love the man to freaking death.He’s gorgeous and can sing beautifully.His music warms my heart and makes my head feel all fuzzy.“So are you excited for senior year?” Did he just ask me a question? I was not aware we are going to be talking on this trip.I’m not one for talking in the car.I just like looking out the window and watching the cars pass in silence.“Yes, but no,” I say.I stare out the side window hoping he’ll get the message.The sky is perfectly blue with the bright yellow sun shining down on Kade’s truck.Gosh it’s so gorgeous.I love where I live.“Explain?” Obviously, he didn’t get the message.“Well, I’m sad it’s our last year at Dana, but I’m excited to start the next chapter in my life.I guess I’m scared, too,” I say.Like always.I’m scared.I’m always scared, and it’s getting really tiring.“Of what?” He asks.“I don’t know.Losing my best friend? Not staying in touch with her? Not meeting new friends at college? College being too hard? There are plenty of things to be scared of.Not seeing my parents every day? I mean, trust me, my parents bug the crap out of me sometimes, but I’m going to hate not seeing them every day.” This is the first time I look at him since he started the car.“You’ll call your parents every day.And trust me, not even an earthquake can keep you and Chasity apart.You guys will text 24/7 and Skype every night.”“I know, but what if she finds another best friend?”“You know, she may find another best friend at the college she goes to, but that does not mean you will not also be her best friend.” He looks at me and my breath hitches.I look away from his deep green eyes and out the window trying to keep my breath steady.I look ahead and see my mom waving from the passenger seat of my dad’s truck.I wave back and put on a fake smile.The fact is, I’m suffocating under questions and emotions.“And my parents are going to be sad that I’m gone.Why are they pushing me so much to go to college if all they’re going to be is sad when I do?” He just looks at me with no response.Like he’s trying to figure out where that question came from.“You’re parents are going to be happy for you.That happiness will cover over the sadness.They’ll be proud more than anything, Becc.” There’s “Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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